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“This door of destruction has already given birth to spirituality. Although it has not yet become an Artifact Spirit, it cannot be obliterated.”

Chu Fengmian could also feel the changes in the gate of destruction, and he also said to himself in his heart.

Originally, Chu Fengmian wanted to seize this gate of destruction, just for the Swallowing Heaven Beast blood essence contained in the gate of destruction, he planned to directly swallow the Swallowing Heaven Beast blood essence in it, turning it into his own power, adding to his Swallowing the The power of Heavens Bloodline.

But now the door of the omnipotence has been born spirituality, if you deprive the Swallowing Heaven Beast blood essence in the door of the omnipotence, it will be equivalent to obliterate this spirituality.

This thread of spirituality is hard-won, and after a while, it can be transformed into an Artifact Spirit.

Although for most martial artists, they get an Immortal Grade, many times they will directly obliterate the Artifact Spirit in it. After all, in this case, the Immortal Grade will not have any resistance, and it does not take time to subdue.

But Chu Fengmian didn’t intend to do this. Chu Fengmian would not kill someone with his lacking hatred and enmity. This spirituality is also a creature.

“Forget it, follow me from now on and help me suppress my body.”

Chu Fengmian thought for a moment and said to himself.

This Gate of Extinction seemed to have understood Chu Fengmian’s words, it turned into a stream of light, penetrated into Chu Fengmian’s body, and suppressed Chu Fengmian’s body.

With an Extreme Dao Immortal Weapon suppressing body, the tenacious degree of Chu Fengmian fleshy body is enough to double.

Chu Fengmian’s fleshy body is originally the invincible fleshy body in the same realm, with the blessing of the 4 great congenital Divine Beasts, and the 9 true destinies of the witch family, plus the eternal Divine Body, the true body of the witch god.

Now Chu Fengmian’s fleshy body alone can make all the Immortal Witch Kings desperate. Even if they work hard, they can’t hurt Chu Fengmian any more.

Of course, Chu Fengmian will not only use fleshy body to fight hard. The tyrannical strength of fleshy body is only Chu Fengmian’s last hole card.

“Now, what hole cards do you have?”

Withdrawing the Gate of Extinction, Chu Fengmian looked towards Luoshen General, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

“No matter how much you calculate, you will fall here today. This witch Divine Palace, after all, belongs to me. Your body of the witch god shouldn’t belong to you, so come back!”


When he was speaking, Chu Fengmian’s body suddenly moved. On the sword edge in his hand, there was an endless Sword Intent, a sword glow, and once again pointed at the Luoshen general to kill him. This sword glow contained intense inflammation. , Hurricane, Xuanshui 3 powers.

The first sword emperor’s 3 great sword techniques are displayed at the same time, and the 3 swords come out all at once, pointing at the Luoshen general to beheaded.

Chu Fengmian won’t give this Luoshen general any chance. This man’s calculations are too deep. He controls Divine Palace million years. Chu Fengmian doesn’t know whether he has any other cards.

even more how Behind Luoshen general, there is still a deep and unmeasurable strong man. To kill Luoshen general, Chu Fengmian must act decisively and not give him the slightest chance.

3 The power of the sword, volleyed on the Luoshen general.

“I am the wizard god!”

Luoshenjiang roared loudly. His body suddenly grew bigger, swelled dozens of times, several hundred times, and turned into a giant with a height of 100 li, standing there, one after another God’s Force, surrounded Beside Luoshen General, an invincible armor was formed.

The most powerful defense of the Wu Clan is their fleshy body. The armor shaped by God’s Force is no less inferior than the Extreme Dao Immortal Weapon.

But under Chu Fengmian’s 3 swords, this armor had no meaning. The 3 sword light slashed down and directly pierced into the Luoshen general’s armor.

Ka-cha !

The moment these 3 swords pierced into it, countless cracks appeared on the armor, which broke suddenly at the next moment.

Now Chu Fengmian’s sword light is not something Luoshen will be able to resist.

Even if he used the power of the witch god’s body, he couldn’t protect his body.


The armor was shattered, and the Luoshen general all came out with mouth spurt blood. His defense was so impossible to withstand a single blow in front of Chu Fengmian.

Luo Shenjiang’s eyes were so wide that he seemed to be unable to accept this reality.

“I will not be defeated! In Divine Palace, I am invincible, God’s Force, blessed by me! I am the eleventh wizard god of the wizard clan! I am invincible!”

Luoshen will even roar for a long time, and the blood essence sprayed from his mouth suddenly burns and turns into the God’s Force one after another, soaring into the sky. For a while, the power of silence in the Divine Palace seems to be To be awakened.

“Not good, this Luoshen is going to wake up the Divine Palace! Now the Divine Palace is still in a silent state, with less than ten powers, but once the Divine Palace is awakened, this person will control it. With the power of Divine Palace, that’s it!”

Seeing this scene, the King of Commercial Land shouted loudly.

He also knew many secrets of the Divine Palace, and knew that the Divine Palace was actually still in a silent state.

And now Luoshen general’s move is actually to awaken the Divine Palace.

“Wake up Divine Palace, you can’t do it!”

Hearing the words of the King of Commercial Land, Chu Fengmian’s eyes were also cold. Now the power of Divine Palace is so terrifying, and this is just a quiet state. Once it is awakened, the strength of Luoshen will not know how much it will improve.

The killing intent flickered in his eyes, the body flashed, and turned into a retreat, rushing towards Luoshenjiang.

Beside Chu Fengmian, there has been a supreme sword power shrouded all the time. His retreat light looks like a sword light, slashing towards the Luoshen general.

“Witch God!”

Luoshen will see Chu Fengmian rushing over, loudly roared, and once again mobilize the power of Divine Palace, from the sky, the power of one after another Array suddenly descends, right next to Luoshen, turning into one after another The Array.

In an instant, a total of 100 Arrays appeared around the Luoshen General, guarding the Luoshen General’s body.

“No one can stop me! Break for me!”

Chu Fengmian coldly shouted. Facing the obstacles of the Divine Palace Array, his escape light did not stop. He held a sword edge and press forward. No one could stop him. The sword light flashed again and again, and he suddenly resisted Chu Fengmian. One after another Array, are all broken.

One, two, ten, 2.

No matter how many Arrays, resisting Chu Fengmian’s front, they can’t really resist Chu Fengmian’s figure.

The speed at which Luoshen will call the witch Divine Palace Array is not even as fast as Chu Fengmian beheaded.

Within 3 breaths, Luoshen will destroy all the 100 arrays in front of him under the Chu Fengmian sword edge.

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