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4 The power of the Divine Beast Bloodline was completely shattered under the palm of this Luoshen General.

“The Bloodline Strength you rely on, in front of me, is also impossible to withstand a single blow.”

At the moment when the four Divine Beast illusory shadows were smashed in one palm, the Luoshen General was snered and shot again, and a more powerful force was gathered from the palm of his hand and directed at Chu Fengmian strikes.

As the Luoshen will merge with the body of the Wizard God for longer and longer, the Luoshen will control the Divine Palace of the wizard more and more, and the power of the Divine Palace that he can now mobilize is also getting stronger.

The power of Luoshen General is improving almost every moment, and the boundless palm is also more and more suppressing Chu Fengmian.

Chu Fengmian’s body, under the suppression of this huge power, became more and more difficult to move. The power in his body seemed to be suppressed.

“You don’t need to resist, your little strength is not worth mentioning in front of me. Now that you give up and be suppressed obediently, you can still suffer less of the flesh and blood!”

Luo Shenjiang looked towards Chu Fengmian sneered at this opened the mouth and said.

He didn’t even use his full strength now, but deliberately let Chu Fengmian struggle.

Before, Chu Fengmian forced him into the desperate situation many times, and even destroyed the most important step of his plan. Now this suppression of Chu Fengmian is too cheap for Chu Fengmian. He wants to torture Chu Fengmian a little bit, let him When Chu Fengmian was most desperate, he suppressed Chu Fengmian.

This is almost a joke.

Chu Fengmian naturally knew about this point of the Luoshen general. The power that burst out in that boundless palm never fell completely, but stopped on the edge of Chu Fengmian’s imminent suppression, just to make Chu Fengmian counterattack again and again.

But every time Chu Fengmian counterattacked, it would also be crushed by the power erupting from this boundless palm.

“Want to completely crush my Dao Xin?”

Chu Fengmian’s eyes were a bit cold.

Luo Shenjiang’s move was not only to vent his hatred, but also to crush Chu Fengmian’s Dao Heart. The repeated blows and the shattered hope of the wind would only make people despair in the end.

And once Chu Fengmian’s Dao heart is broken, then Chu Fengmian has no room for resistance in front of him, and even he can easily control it.

A genius martial artist may be able to withstand one blow, ten blows, 100 blows, 1000 blows, but no one can bear it, and eventually it will only collapse.

But the only thing that will not collapse is Chu Fengmian.

The number of Life and Death battles that Chu Fengmian has experienced is more than that of those geniuses who grew up in the Three Great Saint Territories. I don’t know how many times it will be. Even more how Chu Fengmian has already died once. Character too.

Even death, Chu Fengmian is not afraid now, even more how is failure.

In the previous life, he had no power to bind a chicken, and watched the Sword Dao door be destroyed, a Senior Brother Senior Sister, died in front of him.

Such a blow to Chu Fengmian has been encountered, and now this defeated blow is nothing.

Despite the repeated failures of the impact, Chu Fengmian’s desire to defeat the Luoshen general has never changed. He mobilized his power and attacked the huge palm that hung over his head time and time again.

Count 100 times, count 1000 attacks.

The power of Chu Fengmian’s sword edge, not only did not weaken, but became stronger in Vietnam. This also represents Chu Fengmian’s fighting intent, becoming stronger and stronger.

“What a strong Taoist heart, this kind of invincible heart of victory, no wonder this person actually has today’s achievements.”

Luoshen looked towards Chu Fengmian, and he couldn’t help muttering in his heart. Chu Fengmian’s Taoism was indeed stronger than he expected. There were 100 failures and 1000 failures. Did not shake Chu Fengmian’s Dao heart.

This kind of invincible Taoism, even in Three Great Saint Territories, among all the geniuses he has seen, is extremely rare.

Only with such an invincible Dao Heart, has the capital to achieve invincibility.

“It seems that if you want to defeat this humanity, it is impossible to subdue this person. Such a Taoism cannot be broken. In this way, you can only control him with bans. Unfortunately, this will not allow him. Comprehend Martial Dao for me, but I can get the opportunity from him, and the harvest this time is already great enough! Nothing is perfect, even my body of the shaman is flawed, which is inevitable.”

Luoshen looked towards Chu Fengmian with a flash of determination.

He originally had the thought of subduing Chu Fengmian and comprehend Martial Dao for him, but after understood Chu Fengmian’s Dao heart, it was almost impossible to defeat, and he could only change his mind.

Since Chu Fengmian could not be allowed to surrender obediently, he chose to control Chu Fengmian with prohibition. Although in this way, Chu Fengmian would no longer be able to comprehend Martial Dao. It could only be a kind of puppet, but it was enough to make He got the chance of Chu Fengmian.

4 The Bloodline of Divine Beast and the shocking Sword Dao realized that all this will belong to him.

“Don’t struggle, today is your end! I won’t give you any chance, give me suppression!”

Luoshen looked towards Chu Fengmian and suddenly roared, and saw that the huge palm that had been shrouded on Chu Fengmian’s head finally exploded with full power.


Luoshenjiang finally used all his strength to suppress Chu Fengmian.

As soon as he shot his hand, the power of this huge palm enveloped Chu Fengmian’s body, and suddenly suppressed the Chu Fengmian’s body.

“The power of Divine Tree, bless my body!”

Chu Fengmian was already prepared for a long time. From behind him, a huge Divine Tree illusory shadow suddenly emerged, covering Chu Fengmian’s body.

This Divine Tree illusory shadow is even close to solidity, blending with Chu Fengmian’s body.

This Divine Tree is already integrated with Chu Fengmian’s body to resist Luoshen’s suppression and power down.

Hong long long !

2 forces collided in the air.

The huge boundless palm, the moment it blasted down, was almost invincible and unstoppable. Divine Tree illusory shadow, all under this huge force, began to show countless cracks.

But at this time, in Chu Fengmian’s body, the power of the 2 regiments of blood essence is burning blazingly. It is the same as the empty witch emperor and Jin Jue witch emperor that Chu Fengmian had taken from the Luoshen general before. The blood essence, the blood essence of the two of them, is now being frantically refined in Chu Fengmian’s body.

These two groups of blood essence are Chu Fengmian’s last chance to face Luoshenjiang.

I saw that from these two groups of blood essence, the continuously refined blood energy power was integrated into the deepest part of Chu Fengmian, and gradually gathered into an ancient inscription.

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