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Luoshen will be condescending and looked towards Chu Fengmian. In his eyes, Chu Fengmian is already in his palm.

But when his words came out.

In the mountain and sea battlefield, Emperor Kong Wu, Jin Jue Wu Imperial Capital changed their expressions, and asked coldly.

“Luo Shen, you must remember the promise!”

“Promise? Just rely on you two trash, now dare to prescribe 2 words in front of me?”

Luo Shenjiang suddenly coldly shouted, and with a wave of his big hand, a supreme witch God’s Force condensed in the palm of his hand, turning into a fist wind, and rushing towards the strikes in the mountain and sea battlefield.

The God’s Force that Luoshen will display does not belong to the power of any witch god, but is the aggregation of the ten great witch divine forces. It can be said that it is powerful, but it is stronger than the power of any witch god Bloodline.

In the body of the witch god, it has swallowed the flesh and blood of 100 witch god children. The perfect body of condense can be said to be the most perfect body among all the witch gods.

His fist wind actually directly broke the barrier of the mountain and sea battlefield, and the mountain and sea beads trembled again and again, and could no longer maintain the mountain and sea battlefield.

The Kong Wudi, Jin Jue Wudi, who was originally trapped in the battlefield of mountains and seas, flew out directly, but at this moment, the Luoshen general’s fist wind was blasted down from the air.

“General Luoshen, you really have no credibility, but you think we will really help you because of a promise from you, ridiculous? Your body of the wizard god is ours!”

Seeing Luoshenjiang suddenly turned his face, Kong Wudi’s face was not surprised, but he seemed to have expected it a long time ago. There was a sullen smile on his mouth, and suddenly his heart moved.

I saw that from the body of Luoshen General, one after another ancient inscription, the witch character, emerged, and this witch character enveloped the body of Luoshen General.

Whether it is General Luoshen or Emperor Kong Wudi, they are all people with extremely complicated minds. They cooperated, and no one came with the intention of real cooperation. Luoshen will turn his face, but Kong Wudi had already prepared.

When they shaped the body of the witch god for the Luoshen general, they had already left their own means in the body of the witch god.

“Sorcerer secret technique! Deprivation!”

Emperor Kong Wu, Emperor Jin Jue screamed at the same time, and saw that in the one after another ancient inscription beside Luoshen General, there were dazzling rays of light, and suddenly extracted from the body of Luoshen General Wu God’s Force.

Take a salary at the bottom of the kettle!

The empty witch emperor, Jin Jue witch emperor, at first when helping the Luoshen general, they all used the idea of ​​hitting the body of the Luoshen general.

This one after another witch character, condensed in the body of the witch god, instantly urged, to extract all the witch God’s Force in the body of the god of the witch god, and use it for them.

With the power of the one after another witch character completely exploding, the body of the witch god of Luoshen general showed signs of breaking.

But at this time, Luo Shenjiang was sneaked, and he suddenly grabbed it with his big hand, and Luo Shenjiang grabbed all the witch characters of one after another into the palm of his hand.

Then in the unbelievable gaze of Emperor Kong Wu, Emperor Jin Jue, this one after another word of witch was forcibly crushed in Luoshen General’s palm.

“Do you think I didn’t notice your hands and feet?”

Luo Shenjiang said with a cold smile on the corner of his mouth.

“You think that with this little hand and foot, you can snatch my body of the witch god? It’s ridiculous, once my body of the witch god is condensed, it will be perfect. This little method of yours is totally meaningless.”

“Although you two are just incarnations now, but these two incarnations also contain a lot of your blood essence power. I will kill these two incarnations first, and use the blood essence power in them for me to use! All the witches will become the nourishment, and I will become the strongest among the witches!”

Luo Shen laughed heartily, body flashed, and rushed in the direction of Emperor Kong Wu, Emperor Jin Jue.

No one can see the speed of escape.

Even though it is the empty witch emperor who owns the empty witch god Bloodline, he can’t see the Luoshen general’s escape light now. In the blink of an eye, the Luoshen general appeared in front of the empty witch emperor and Jin Jue witch emperor, facing these 2 The witch emperor, he just strikes away.

Hong long long !

The witch God’s Force surrounding the two witch emperors incarnation were all shattered under this fist. The fleshy body was torn apart in the air, and finally shattered in the volley, leaving only 2 groups of blood essence. Floating in the air.

This Luoshen general might of a single fist directly blows up the incarnation of the two witch emperors Kong Wudi and Jinjue Wudi.

After condensing the body of the witch god, his strength has soared more than ten times.

The witch emperor incarnation is not worth mentioning in front of him.

Even more terrifying is that the realm of Luoshen General is still only the realm of the Immortal Witch King. Once he steps into the realm of the Immortal Emperor within the realm, he will be truly invincible, plus the realm of the Witch God The invincible body of the body, no one is impossible to be his opponent.

Because of this, Luoshen will now bombard the empty witch emperor, Jin Jue witch emperor, when these two incarnations, he has no scruples, and soon even the body of the empty witch emperor and Jin Jue witch emperor will be in front of him. Not worth mentioning.

He now condense the body of the witch god, and the inheritance left by the ten great witch gods in the Divine Palace of the witch will also become his possession.

When the time comes, Luoshen will control the Divine Palace of the witch, and get the inheritance of the ten great witch gods. What is the empty witch emperor, Jin Jue witch emperor, when the time comes to fear revenge, but it is not the Luoshen It’s Kong Wudi and the others.


Above the sky.

Emperor Kong Wu, Emperor Jin Jue Wu’s fleshy body was directly shattered, leaving only 2 groups of blood essence, floating in the air.

These two groups of blood essence are the blood essence that they have specially injected into Jin Fanjing and Kong Lin before. They hide the blood essence on Jin Fanjing and Kong Lin before they can escape the restriction of the Divine Palace. Enter the Divine Palace of Wu with incarnation.

This group of blood essence alone contains close to 20% of their body’s power. Once it is lost in the Divine Palace, it will be a great loss to their body.

this time 3 The Great Wudi, how long it took without understood to arrange it, and how much it cost, to sneak into the Divine Palace with incarnation, but now all of this has fallen short.

If these two groups of blood essence were still lost in the Wu Divine Palace, then the loss in it would be unbearable even for them as the Wu Emperor.

In the blink of an eye, these two groups of blood essence turned into a ray of light, directly fleeing into the distance.

But Luo Shenjiang’s speed is not much faster than these 2 groups of blood essence.

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