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The moment Luoshen looked towards Chu Fengmian, there was a feeling of jealousy in his heart, jealousy.

As one of the four gods in the north, until now is the existence beyond countless geniuses, the Three Great Saint Territories, and even the so-called geniuses in the Nine Domains, the so-called monster, in front of him, Not even suitable for shoes.

Even the Immortal Emperor didn’t care. His only goal was the dominance level of aloof and remote.

He doesn’t even care about the Immortal Emperor, even more how is the Immortal Witch King who is the same realm as him.

But when I met Chu Fengmian this time, not only was he weaker than Chu Fengmian in terms of strength, he was forced into an extremely dangerous situation by Chu Fengmian, and he even had to join forces with the three Kong Wudi.

Now even the chances on his body are not as good as Chu Fengmian.

He has received countless extraordinary opportunities. It can be said that Luoshen will take out those opportunities from his body, which can make many geniuses, even the fairy Imperial Capital go crazy.

But after seeing Chu Fengmian’s four major innate Divine Beast Bloodline, Bloodline of the fire wizard, the sword of Taichu, and now it has the Foundation Tree Divine Tree, fuse together with Chu Fengmian’s fleshy body, he got the so-called ones The chances are all blasted into slag, not worth mentioning.

This made Luo Shenjiang jealous of a person for the first time.

“I am the true existence of the same realm invincible. I will get the inheritance of the witch god, and I will become the new witch god! I will become the first master of the witch clan and the strongest in the world. Impossible will be defeated, impossible! All are My stepping stone, even you, will destroy those who are my enemies!”

Luo Shenjiang roared loudly, his tone contained a bit of madness, the power of one after another supreme Martial Dao rose from his body, and every Martial Dao was almost the Immortal Emperor Martial Dao level. .

In an instant, the power of the 5 Great Martial Dao burst out from Luoshen General.

Counting the “Road of Extinction”, “Netherworld Nirvana” and “Nine Transcendent Profound Realms” that Luo Shenjiang had burst out before.

Luoshenjiang actually mastered 8 supreme Martial Dao, and these Martial Dao randomly mastered one, and in the future, there is hope of impacting Immortal Emperor Realm, all of them are Immortal Emperor Martial Dao level.

But now Luoshen General actually mastered 8 Dao at the same time.

“How many chances did this person get to master the mysterious 8 Martial Dao?”

A hint of surprise flashed in Chu Fengmian’s eyes, but when he looked towards Luoshenjiang’s 5 Martial Dao, the power of the 1 Martial Dao completely exploded. When he struck him, Chu Fengmian’s face did not show any fear, but a sneer. .

“There are so many Martial Dao in my hands, so what can I do? All break for me! I will surpass all Martial Dao in the heavens!”

Chu Fengmian was holding the Taichu sword, and instantly from the Divine Tree, continuous power poured into Chu Fengmian’s body.

Under the blessing of the power of Divine Tree, the power of Chu Fengmian is growing almost infinitely.

At the same time, on the top of Chu Fengmian’s head, the Sword Dao ancient book also flew out. This represents Chu Fengmian Sword Dao’s Sword Dao ancient book. All the recorded sword techniques and the Sword Intent contained in it are all integrated into his current book. In the early days of sword edge.

“Yijian! Open the sky!”

Chu Fengmian used the Sword Dao ancient book to create the strongest sword and slashed down.

At this time, it is the strongest blow that Chu Fengmian has displayed, the blessing of the power of Divine Tree, the blessing of the 4 great innate Divine Beast Bloodline, the Bloodline of the Fire Sorcerer God, and the Ether Beginning Sword burst out.

Hong long!

The open sky sword fell down, tearing Splitting Heaven ground.

The countless arrays in the Divine Palace of the Witch were all shattering, and they were unable to withstand the power of the Sword of the Beginning.

The 5 great Martial Dao powers that Luoshen Jiang displayed on his body, just ascended, encountered the beheading of the Kaitian sword, in an instant, it was broken.

The power of these five Martial Dao is not worth mentioning in front of Kaitian Yijian.

It was completely broken in an instant, and at the same time the power of Kaitianyijian was poured into Luoshen General’s body.

Luoshenjiang’s whole person was shrouded by the power of the Kaitian sword, one after another supreme sword power, tore his body, cut off his vitality, his clothes were broken, and all of his power was there. Fast passing by.

“Four innate Divine Beast power! Suppression! Swallowing secret technique! Completely swallowed! Ancient emperor seizes the art of war! Deprived!”

Chu Fengmian took advantage of this opportunity to again focus on the Gate of Extinction.

Now the strength of Luo Shenjiang is completely suppressed by Chu Fengmian, powerless to defend himself, and the strength control of the Gate of Extinction has reached the lowest point.

Chu Fengmian immediately seized the opportunity. The four innate Divine Beast Bloodline, the ancient emperor’s power to seize the art of war, struck down at the same time, and only saw the gate of Extinction, which belonged to the brand left by the Luoshen, completely swallowed by Heaven Devouring Force .

This Gate of Extinction was practiced by Luoshen General for millions of years, and the brand in it was almost integrated with Gate of Extinction, but now I encountered the secret technique of Swallowing Heaven, which was also devoured thoroughly. From then on The Gate of Extinction has nothing to do with Luoshen General.


After obliterating the brand of Luoshen General in the Gate of Extinction, Chu Fengmian also made an instant shot. With the power of the four innate Divine Beasts, it turned into a brand and entered the Gate of Extinction.

The Gate of Extinction was originally an Extreme Dao Immortal Weapon cast by Swallowing Heaven Beast blood essence. Now that I saw the Heaven Devouring Force, instead of resisting, it took the initiative to accommodate the power of Chu Fengmian and penetrated into it. In the depths of this door of extinction, it turned into an indelible brand.

This brand is much stronger than the brand that Luoshen will sacrifice for millions of years, and it is indelible. Unless it is the resurrection of Swallowing Heaven Beast, no one can take away this door of destruction.

The Gate of Extinction also fell into Chu Fengmian’s hands, and Chu Fengmian retracted the Gate of Extinction.

His gaze looked towards Luoshenjiang’s direction, calmly opened the mouth and said.

“Your support is completely gone.”

“Really? Chu Fengmian, do you really think you can beat me?”

Under the beheading of Kaitian Yijian, Luoshenjiang actually still has the strength, even forcibly opened a gap, withstands Kaitian Yijian without dying, his power has completely surpassed the level of the immortal. .

Chu Fengmian couldn’t even imagine how this Luoshen would possess such strength.

Even if Chu Fengmian’s strongest sword was used, he could not completely kill the Luoshen general.

However, Chu Fengmian also felt that the current Luoshen General had already reached the point where the oil lamp had dried up.

The 8 Martial Dao in his possession were now ruthlessly crushed by Chu Fengmian, and he was able to withstand this opening sword, which was his last strength.

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