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This also meant that Jin Fanjing’s current strength was stronger than Jin Jue’s King.

After coming to Divine Palace in Wu, within a few days, Jin Fanjing’s strength has increased by 100 times. This improvement is not inferior to Chu Fengmian.

This made Chu Fengmian a little surprised. His strength increased so quickly, but because Chu Fengmian swallowed the brand of Divine Palace, which is not known how many witches, swallowed all the witch God’s Force and integrated it into himself.

It can be said that the equivalent to Chu Fengmian swallowed up the power of the dozens witch god child so that his strength increased so fast.

The improvement of Jin Fanjing’s strength was actually faster than Chu Fengmian, which made Chu Fengmian somewhat impossible to believe.

But all this appeared in front of Chu Fengmian.

“That person is Jin Fanjing? How could it be possible? How could his strength be?”

When King of Jin Jue saw Jin Fanjing, his eyes were full of shock.

After Jin Fanjing came to the Divine Palace of Wu, but he had taken refuge in his subordinates, and the King of Jin Jue also knew something about Jin Fanjing’s strength.

But only a few days later, Jin Fanjing’s strength has increased by 100 times. No one can believe this.

“Don’t care about that many, let’s save people first!”

Chu Fengmian suddenly said, body flashed, and flew in the direction of Jin Fanjing and Hongyue.

It doesn’t matter why Jin Fanjing’s strength suddenly increased so much. Chu Fengmian has already noticed that the strength of the red moon is almost exhausted.

The strength of Hongyue and Jin Fanjing now can be said to be as different as heaven and earth.

If it weren’t for Jin Fanjing, he didn’t seem to intend to kill Red Moon, but wanted to capture and suppress Red Moon, I’m afraid that Red Moon would have died long ago.

But in the continuous pursuit, the power of the red moon was almost reaching its limit, and it was even more difficult to escape.


Jin Fanjing body flashed and came to the face of Hongyue again. With a wave of his big hand, a golden light was condensed out. This golden light came to Hongyue’s side, and immediately turned into a piece from the air. The huge prison.

Trapped the red moon in it.

Jin Fanjing’s gaze looked towards Hongyue, faint smile’s opened the mouth and said.

“Red Moon, don’t run away. You have run away for 3 days. Your strength has already reached its limit. It doesn’t make any sense to escape. It’s better to be obediently surrender. As long as you are obedient, help us deal with 9 Li Wu If the emperor, we can not kill you, and even let you be in the Wulin Pavilion in the future.”

“Hugh think!”

Hongyue stood in the air, her body trembling a little.

Obviously her strength has already reached its limit.

It can be said that it was a sigh of relief that she persisted until now, but this is ultimately limited.

At the moment when she saw that golden light turned into a cage and trapped her in it, Hongyue’s eyes showed a touch of despair.

But in this despair, there is a certain degree of determination, which is already a certain death mind.

“Even if you die, I won’t let you deal with the ancestors.”

The red moon coldly said, the words contained the meaning of decisive death.

“Really? Death, in front of me, you can’t even want to die.”

Upon hearing the words of Red Moon, Jin Fanjing said with a big smile.

“Although this is only my incarnation, but to deal with you, it is with no difficulty, since you fail to appreciate somebody’s kindness, then I can only subdue you, and even if you are not willing, I can only deal with 9 That fellow Li!”

“Golden Witch Curse!”

While Jin Fanjing laughed, suddenly a golden divine force in his palm condensed into an ancient inscription.

This is the witch character.

The oldest witch character.

Nowadays, the characters of the witch people are different from the oldest witch characters. The characters of the witch people in the Desolate Ancient era are not a kind of writing, but in essence a kind of power.

This witch character is a supreme prohibition.

The moment I saw the condense of the witch word.

Hongyue was complexion greatly changed. When her body moved, she suddenly began to swell, and an extremely violent force tumbling over her.


Hongyue knew that once she was restrained and controlled, she would be worse off than life, and it might even affect the 9 Li Wudi.

So she would rather take Self-destruction rather than fall into Jin Fanjing’s control.

“Self-destruction? In front of me, you don’t even have the ability to self-destruction. Suppress me!”

Jin Fanjing sneered and waved his big hand. Suddenly the golden light around him shrouded in the direction of the red moon, and suddenly suppressed on the red moon’s body.

The violent power on Hongyue’s body was gradually calmed down and completely suppressed.

In the face of such disparity in power, Hongyue could not even do Self-destruction.

At this time, Hongyue’s eyes were extremely desperate.

“Give me town!

Jin Fanjing laughed heartily.

“Wait for me to surrender you first, kill Chu Fengmian that kid, and then go to deal with the black emperor, 9 Li, the two guys, from then on, the ancient territory of the witch clan will all belong to me!”

At the moment when the words sounded, the witch character in Jin Fanjing’s palm was condensed and directly pressed down towards the red moon.

“Really? Want to kill me? Jin Fanjing, I don’t know, when did your tone become so loud!”

Suddenly at this moment, a supreme sword qi, suddenly dropping from the sky.

This sword qi slashed down in the air, tearing everything apart, and the pointed strikes were on the witch character.

I saw this witch character, in front of this sword qi, it was all broken.

“Who? Who dares to stop me?”

Jin Fanjing roared.

He did not expect that at this time, someone would suddenly appear and stop him.

He has been chasing and killing Red Moon for 3 full days. During these 3 days, he has the ability to kill Red Moon countless times, but he has not done so, just to wait for the moment when Red Moon’s power is exhausted. , He was doing it to subdue the red moon.

Now the power of the red moon is exhausted, and even the ability of Self-destruction is gone.

For him, it is the best opportunity to subdue the red moon. After subduing the red moon, he can use the red moon to deal with the 9 Li Wudi.

But at this time, at the most critical moment, it was actually blocked by someone cross-handling.

This makes him not angry.

“Who is it! Get out! I will smash your corpse for 10000 paragraphs!”

Jin Fanjing’s roar, ten thousand li, can be heard clearly.

This boundless anger, even the sky will ignite, and the anger is soaring to the sky, just this.

“This, how is it possible, every move, affect Heaven and Earth, this is the level of the emperor, how can Jin Fanjing do this?”

The King of Commercial Land and King of Jin Jue were shocked when they saw this scene.

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