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Under this one after another sword qi, the Immortal Devouring Vine is cut into several segments.

But in a flash, this fairy vine will reshape and condense back again.

The extreme of life force is reflected in the body of the vine eater.

It seems that this fairy-eater, like the existence of Eternal Undying, can’t be killed by anyone.

Even if it is an Immortal Emperor, if its power is exhausted, it will not be able to kill the Immortal Devouring Vine. Instead, it will be exhausted and plunged into an extremely dangerous situation.

But all of this is meaningless to Chu Fengmian.

The life force of this fairy vine can be called infinite, but the power of Chu Fengmian is truly infinite.

With the body of the witch god and the terrifying resilience of the eternal Divine Body, Chu Fengmian used the ordinary sword technique, and his power would be fully restored almost instantly.

He used one after another sword technique, almost without any stay, a sword, a sword slashed down, and the vines were broken again and again.

At the same time, Chu Fengmian felt that every time this immortal vine vine reshapes and condenses, his life force is actually consumed.

But because the life force of the Immortal Vine is too large, it is difficult to detect it, but it can be killed all the time, even if it is the Immortal Vine, it is impossible to recover.

Bang bang bang!

The sword light of Chu Fengmian almost never stops.

Every moment, 100 sword lights will be cut down. The power contained in each sword light is different.

Since Chu Fengmian returned from rebirth and created the Sword Dao ancient book, Nine Domains Sword Technique, he has no idea how many sword techniques he has incorporated into the Sword Dao ancient book.

Now, this immortal vine is a sandbag that can’t be beaten, and it also allows Chu Fengmian to try his sword technique.

The sword technique recorded in the ancient book of Sword Dao poured down almost at the same time, counting 100, 1000, and 10000, slashing on the body of the immortal vine.

“There are 10000 sword techniques, and there is no repetition. What kind of Sword Dao is this? How can an adult control so many sword techniques?”

The king of Shangtu, the king of Jin Jue, looked at the scene of Chu Fengmian beheading the immortal vine, all a little dumbfounded.

In particular, the sword technique performed by Chu Fengmian has 10000 at all, with almost no repetition. However, each of these sword techniques contains the power of supreme, which is obviously already comprehend by Chu Fengmian. Up.

sword technique, Martial Dao.

But all the skills are not much, but fine.

A strong immortal witch king, the number of comprehend Martial Dao is at most a dozen Dao.

Just like these witch gods, Martial Dao, the witch god who is actually familiar with comprehend, is at most a dozen. If there are too many comprehend, it may affect oneself, bite off more than one can chew.

They have never seen it before. Like Chu Fengmian now, it is a sword cultivator with 10000 sword techniques. This is almost impossible to do, and no one will choose to do it.

Chu Fengmian’s Nine Domains Sword Technique can be said to be a sword technique created by himself, which is different from any sword technique.

Only he created the Nine Domains Sword Technique. He wanted to absorb the Martial Dao from all over the world to create an invincible sword technique. Only then can he integrate so many sword techniques, so many Martial Dao, all comprehend, into the Sword Dao ancient go in the book.

Since ancient times, only Chu Fengmian has done this.

Although the sword technique he displayed is countless, in essence, there is only one sword technique that Chu Fengmian knows, that is, the Nine Domains Sword Technique.

The sword techniques recorded in the Sword Dao ancient book are now all part of the Nine Domains Sword Technique, and naturally there is no saying that bite off more than one can chew.

Bang bang bang!

One after another sword qi’s frantic bombardment lasted a full 5 minutes.

I don’t know how many times the body of the Immortal Devouring Vine has been cut off, hundreds of thousands times, or even 1000000 times.

Even Chu Fengmian is a little surprised at the life force of this fairy-eater.

Such a terrifying life force, if any human being can be reached by the Witch Clan, it is almost invincible.

Like the life force of the Witch clan, although it is already extremely powerful, if it is killed 10000 times in a row, the life force will be exhausted, and the fleshy body will be completely shattered.

But this Immortal Devouring Vine has been beheaded 1000000 times, and it can still maintain its shape.

This kind of life force is beyond Chu Fengmian’s imagination.

However, Chu Fengmian also knew that this kind of terrifying life force could only exist in creatures like the Immortal Vine.

Compared with the martial artist of the same realm, Immortal Devouring Vine is not strong enough. What he can rely on is this terrifying life force to consume other opponents alive.

But with the eternal Divine Body, Chu Fengmian has endless power.

Now it is the biggest nemesis of this immortal vine.

“The life force of this immortal vine is about to be exhausted.”

After repeated beheadings, Chu Fengmian could also perceive that the life force of the Immortal Vine was getting weaker and weaker.

Finally under a sword light.

This Immortal Devouring Vine was unable to support anymore, and his body collapsed and was completely beheaded. The huge body that could not be seen at the end was shattered like this.

The king of Shangtu, the king of Jinjue looked over.

It was as if I felt that the mountains in the temple were collapsing, and these mountains were all part of the Immortal Devouring Vine.

Now with the destruction of the Immortal Vine, it completely collapsed.

“This immortal vine life force is replaced by an ordinary Immortal Emperor, I am afraid it will be difficult to kill.”

Chu Fengmian sighed.

As soon as he moved his eyes, he saw it, and at the moment when the body of the Immortal Devouring Vine shattered, a beam of light emerged from the hollow and flew towards the sky.

“Supreme Beginning Strength!”

This rays of light is the Supreme Beginning Strength in the body of the fairy vine.

The immortal vine fell.

This stock of Supreme Beginning Strength is about to dissipate the volley.

However, at this time, Chu Fengmian suddenly waved his hand and enveloped the sky. Suddenly, the Supreme Beginning Strength was controlled by Chu Fengmian, and then Chu Fengmian’s mind moved, prompting the swallowing secret technique to come.

This strand of Supreme Beginning Strength was swallowed into the body by Chu Fengmian following the secret technique of Swallowing Heaven, and it was instantly integrated into Chu Fengmian’s own body.

Chu Fengmian survived the great catastrophe and became the Heaven and Earth Alien. His body has been transformed by Supreme Beginning Strength, and he has the ability to swallow Supreme Beginning Strength.

“The aura on your body seems to be stronger?”

The king of Shangtu, the king of Jinjue looked towards Chu Fengmian, but they felt a little puzzled. They suddenly discovered that Chu Fengmian’s aura seemed a little stronger.

But the reason, they don’t know.

Supreme Beginning Strength was not something they could come into contact with, especially the Supreme Beginning Strength contained in the Immortal Devouring Vine. There was only one strand, so thin that they could not even see it.

Only a Heaven and Earth alien like Chu Fengmian, or people who have seen Supreme Beginning Strength before, can detect it.

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