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These 3 silhouettes came into this Array. The temperament on them was completely different from just now. Not only Konglin, but Jin Fanjing, the King of Black Embers, and their temperaments are completely different from before. There is a supreme majesty.

Not only Konglin, it is now occupied by Emperor Shi Wu, becoming the incarnation of Emperor Shi Wu.

Now Jin Fanjing, the Black Cinder King, is already occupied by two other witch emperors. The consciousness of Jin Fanjing and the Black Cinder King has long been broken by them. Now here are the other two witch emperors. Emperor, Shi Wu Emperor, and Jin Jue Wu Emperor.

I’m afraid who it is, will not think that these three great witch emperors will sneak into the witch Divine Palace with incarnation secretly.

The so-called Konglin, Jin Fanjing, and the Black Cinder King are just a cover, and now they have become the incarnation of the three great witch emperors.

As for the original empty forest, Jin Fanjing, and Black Cinder King, their consciousness has long been wiped out by the three witch emperors. Now the fleshy body of their three people has become the incarnation of the three witch emperors.

“I don’t know where the Black Witch Emperor found that kid. His strength growth is almost to an incredible level. I didn’t expect that he was actually capable of defeating the Luoshen general.”

Jin Fanjing, should be said to be Jin Jue Wudi now, also said in a little amazement.

Chu Fengmian’s strength before entering the Divine Palace is at most the same as Jin Fanjing, Konglin and the others. Among the wizards of the Divine Palace, there are many wizards with this strength. .

A strong person can’t be considered at all.

But in this short period of time, Chu Fengmian’s strength was advanced by leaps and bounds, reaching a level that they didn’t expect, and even defeating Luoshen general.

The three witch emperors, with the help of Jin Fanjing, Konglin, and the Black Cinder King, entered the witch Divine Palace. The original goal was not Chu Fengmian, but Luoshen.

But now Chu Fengmian’s strength is getting stronger and stronger, even defeating the Luoshen general and unifying the Divine Palace, which made their three people immediately changed their original thinking.

Their three people secretly entered the Divine Palace of the Witch, and they also had the idea of ​​capturing the inheritance of the Witch God. Now it is naturally impossible to ignore them, so they thought of cooperating with Luoshen General.

“Sora, you said that Luoshen general, will cooperate with us obediently? Hand over control of the Divine Palace?”

Suddenly the King of Black Jin, the Emperor Shi Wu, opened the mouth and said with some doubts.

He didn’t believe that Luoshen would be the kind of person who would obey the agreement obediently.

Cooperating with Luoshenjiang is tantamount to seeking skin with the tiger.

“Of course not, but I originally cooperated with him, just to deal with that boy Chu Fengmian. As long as he can kill him, a single Luoshen general can make a storm. When the time comes, kill him, not just The witch Divine Palace, the witch god inheritance, will eventually be ours.”

“Thanks to the Luoshen General, who has been weakening the power of the Divine Palace of the Wizard, the inheritance of the Wizard God is about to be born, otherwise we don’t know how long we will wait for the inheritance of the Wizard God.”

Kong Wudi sneered and opened the mouth and said.

In his tone, it seemed that Luoshenjiang had been understood for a long time.

It’s just that he hasn’t taken care of it all the time. Instead, he allowed Luoshen to be in the Divine Palace. The ultimate goal is to inherit the sorcerer.

“Witch god inheritance!”

Thinking of this, the eyes of Emperor Shi Wu, and Emperor Jin Jue were also hot.

Their strength, after reaching the witch emperor, is no longer able to make further progress, even the hundreds of thousands of years of hard work has prevented their strength from furthering.

For them, the greatest opportunity to go further is the witch god inheritance.

What they have been waiting for is this opportunity, waiting for the witch god inheritance opportunity to get the witch god inheritance.

“The Luoshen general is only one of the four northern gods. It can’t make any waves, but it is the red moon. Although we almost killed her, she still escaped. It has disappeared until now. It is a hidden danger. 4 Li , The Dark Witch Emperor, those two guys are not easy to deal with, I’m afraid they are in the hands of Red Moon, leaving behind.”

Emperor Jin Jue Wu slowly opened the mouth and said.

The game of Wu Divine Palace is actually still the game of ancient territory Emperor Wu.

The witch god inheritance, no one wants to get it.

They entered it with incarnation, 9 Li Wudi, Black Wudi, and impossible completely ignored, except for Chu Fengmian, the other person they chose was Hongyue.

“How about leaving behind, 9 Li and the Black Witch Emperor, even if there are some behind them, can it be better than our 3 Witch Emperors who come directly by incarnation?”

Kong Wudi sneered at the opened the mouth and said.

“That’s true, our incarnation is coming, even if there is something in the hands of the red moon, it is nothing.”

Shi Wudi also agreed with nodded.

“As long as you kill Chu Fengmian, everything will be settled.”

“Yes, we must seize an opportunity to kill him!”

There was also a certain dignity in Jin Jue Wudi’s eyes.

What they don’t understand most now is Chu Fengmian. Chu Fengmian’s strength has improved so fast that they far surpasses their imagination.

Even with their insights as the witch emperor, they don’t know what Chu Fengmian did so that his strength soared after entering the witch Divine Palace.

Unknown is the most terrifying.

Chu Fengmian knew nothing about everything that happened in the temple.

But faintly, Chu Fengmian had noticed a danger and was approaching.

At the level of Chu Fengmian’s strength, facing danger, there are already some signs, but I don’t know where the danger comes from.

In the inner palace.

It was the Devouring Power that burst out from the Gate of Extinction, enveloped the entire Divine Palace.

The figure of Chu Fengmian 3 was not affected at all.

The witch God’s Force emanating from Chu Fengmian’s side also enveloped the King of Jinjue and the King of Merchants in it, so that they would not be affected by this gate of destruction.

3 silhouette, has been flying towards the direction of the temple.

The temple is the core place of the Divine Palace, and it was the residence of the top ten wizard gods.

On the outer layer of the temple, there are countless banned arrays guarding this, preventing other witches from approaching.

These prohibition arrays are enough to stop most of the witch gods, even for the king of business land and the king of Jinjue, these prohibition arrays are extremely tricky.

But for Chu Fengmian, no matter how strong these prohibited arrays are, Chu Fengmian is not afraid at all. He controls the origin of the swallowing sky and has the ability to swallow the world. There is nothing he cannot swallow.

These banned arrays are now some masterless objects, but there are the powers of these ten witch gods and they are still running, but as long as Chu Fengmian does not actively trigger them, they will not attack Chu Fengmian.

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