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After learning about the power of Domination, Chu Fengmian was not nervous, but a little more relaxed in his heart.

At least today’s exchanges also solved many doubts in Chu Fengmian’s mind.

Dominating in Chu Fengmian’s heart is no longer the kind of existence that mysterious can’t touch.

Power is not terrifying, the most terrifying is unknown power.

“Very well, you deserve to be the discipline of Lord of Sword Dao, but you’d better be careful. Although you may not attract the attention of those beings right now, once your identity is exposed, you will suffer a disaster. Even if you stay in the ancient territory at that time, it may not be safe.”

Star Profound reminded.

“If you want to fight against them, at least you have to achieve Immortal Emperor to have this ability.”

“I know.”

Chu Fengmian nodded.

The Immortal Emperor is also a threshold. Below the Immortal Emperor are all ants.

Only when the Immortal Emperor is achieved, is it considered to have come to the true powerhouse world.

And for Chu Fengmian, the threat he has to face now is not only the group of people who besieged Lord of Sword Dao 10,000 years ago, but also the existence behind the Luoshen General.

Chu Fengmian and Luo Shenjiang are already irreconcilable.

Now even if Chu Fengmian is willing to give up, Luo Shenjiang will not give up.

Between the two of them, only one may survive.

even more how Chu Fengmian must kill the Luoshen general for the witch god inheritance. For this, there is no second choice.

Chu Fengmian asked all the information about the Luoshen that the Frost King knew.

Of course, in order to guard against the unexpected, Chu Fengmian still read the memory of the Frost King. After confirming that the Frost King was understood, Chu Fengmian killed the Frost King.

The Frost King betrayed the Witch Clan and the Witch God. Reasonable in every circumstance Chu Fengmian is also impossible to keep her alive.

And now the King of Frost is no longer meaningful to Chu Fengmian’s help.

Moreover, Chu Fengmian’s move also made the witch gods present to be nodded. Many witch gods are already willing to acknowledge allegiance to Chu Fengmian.

All the witch gods hate traitors like the Frost King the most.

There have always been disputes within the Witch clan, but when facing foreign enemies, they are willing to abandon grievances and stand together.

This is also one of the important reasons why the Witches can always occupy the northern territory and compete with the Three Great Saint Territories.

Chu Fengmian has now killed the King of Frost and won him the hearts of the people. Almost all witch god sons expressed their willingness to acknowledge allegiance to Chu Fengmian.

The rest were only a few witch god sons under the command of the king of business land.

They are now looking towards the King of Commercial Land, wanting to see the decision of the King of Commercial Land.

“You saved me once. I lost this time. I owe you. I will serve you for 1000 years.”

The King of Commercial Land looked at Chu Fengmian and suddenly opened the mouth and said.

This also means that the king of business and land is also willing to acknowledge allegiance.

In the previous battle, even if Chu Fengmian defeated him, at the same time, when the Frost King shot, Chu Fengmian also helped the Shangtu King, resisting the Frost King’s attack, and saved the Shangtu Zhi. King once.

The King of Shangtu is not the kind of grateful person who doesn’t understand, and now he has no idea of ​​continuing to fight with Chu Fengmian.

Especially the appearance of the human martial artist represents what Chu Fengmian said before, but none of them are fake. There is indeed a man behind the Divine Palace.

The most urgent task now is to find the behind-the-scenes behind the Divine Palace and return the Divine Palace to a clean one. At this time, the gods of the Wu clan must unite together.

The kings of business and land have expressed their views.

Those witch god sons who have been following him naturally did not want to resist Chu Fengmian’s ideas, and expressed their acknowledge allegiance.

From this moment, the Divine Palace is truly unified.

Although there will still be some fish that escaped the net, the real overall situation cannot be changed.

Hundreds of thousands years, the pattern that has been left over from millions of years ago has finally changed from today. The Divine Palace, the new king, is naturally Chu Fengmian.

The king of Jinjue, the king of business and soil, the two former Divine Palace 2 kings of the witch, now become the same as the left and right hands of Chu Fengmian.

After all, Chu Fengmian is not a pure witch clan. He does not know many things in the witch clan, so he has to help the king of business and land to do many things.

“I will first help you to dissolve the Divine Palace imprint on your body.”

Chu Fengmian opened the mouth and said, walked directly in front of a witch god son, used the power of the 4 great innate Divine Beast Bloodline, penetrated into his body, and immediately dissolved the witch who had swallowed his body. The Divine Palace brand.

Many of the witch gods present are not because of Chu Fengmian’s strength, but because Chu Fengmian can resolve the cause of their Divine Palace brand, so obediently they choose acknowledge allegiance.

Originally, the witch Divine Palace brand was a shackle on all the witch gods in the witch Divine Palace.

Especially now that they are still understood. This shackle is not actually put on by the Divine Palace, but by a human martial artist. This makes them eager to get rid of the brand of Divine Palace, so there is nothing. Considering that they chose the acknowledge allegiance for Chu Fengmian.

These witch Divine Palace branding is a trouble for these witch god sons, like a nightmare.

But for Chu Fengmian, it is one after another quintessential witch God’s Force. Chu Fengmian can dissolve the witch God’s Force and devour it for his own use.

After Chu Fengmian came to the Wu Divine Palace, his strength was advanced by leaps and bounds. One big reason is that Chu Fengmian swallowed a large number of the Wu Divine Palace brand, and a large number of Wu God’s Force was swallowed into itself by Chu Fengmian. Turned into his power.

Every time he dissolves the witch Divine Palace brand on a witch god child, it is also an improvement to Chu Fengmian’s strength.

3 days.

Chu Fengmian almost didn’t stop.

Only when the power of the 4 Great Congenital Divine Beast Bloodline was about to run out, Chu Fengmian took a rest for a while, and then continued to devour and dissolve the witch Divine Palace imprints on these witch gods.

3 days.

Chu Fengmian fully resolves the Divine Palace brand that has swallowed dozens of witches.

At least 80% of all the witch gods in the witch Divine Palace, the witch Divine Palace brand on them, have been swallowed by Chu Fengmian.

Dissolving the Divine Palace brand that swallowed so many witches, the benefits to Chu Fengmian are also immense. His aura is almost at least several percent stronger than it was 3 days ago.

The wizard God’s Force contained in the brand of Divine Palace is the purest wizard God’s Force, and its benefits to Chu Fengmian are enormous.

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