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This is the King of Frost. As one of the Divine Palace 3 kings of the witch, he is a strong transcendent position in the hearts of many witch gods, but now he is subdued like this by Chu Fengmian, even with a little resistance. No, like a puppet.

“Then human martial artist, what is his identity and what origin?”

Chu Fengmian didn’t care about the thoughts of the witch gods, he looked towards the Frost King and asked.

He wanted to figure out what the identity of this human martial artist was.

It was just the answer from the King of Frost that caused Chu Fengmian to be taken aback.

The identity of the human martial artist seems to be that even the King of Frost doesn’t know much.

“I don’t know the origin of this person. I only know that his name is Luoshenjiang. As for the others, I don’t know.”

The Frost King opened his mouth to replied.

If it weren’t for the King of Frost who had been planted by Chu Fengmian with the All Heavens Life and Death seal, and it was impossible to lie, Chu Fengmian would suspect that the King of Frost had deliberately concealed it.

But the seal of All Heavens Life and Death has penetrated into the body of the Frost King and controlled her, and now the Frost King can even lie.

Luoshen general?

Chu Fengmian has never heard of this name.

“Star Profound, do you know this person?”

Chu Fengmian is also asking Star Profound, but the result is the same.

Star Profound does not know the origin of this name.

After hearing this name, the king of business land and the surrounding wizard gods all shook the head one after another, indicating that they had never heard of this name.

This makes Chu Fengmian frowned.

Obviously, although he is the human martial artist understood, the name is Luoshenjiang, but he seems not at all useful.

From this name alone, it is impossible to infer the identity of this person, and for Chu Fengmian, it is also impossible to judge the origin of this human martial artist, as well as who the strong behind him is.

“Except for the name, you don’t know other things? Have you never entered the temple?”

Chu Fengmian asked the King of Frost.


The King of Frost shook the head.

“On weekdays, Luoshen will take the initiative to contact me. I have no way to contact him, and I have never entered the temple.”

Judging from the words of the Frost King, it seems that although the Frost King has taken refuge in this Luoshen general, in fact, it does not seem to be trusted at all by the Luoshen general, and he has not even entered the temple.

One question 3 I don’t know.

This also made Chu Fengmian’s mood not very good.

“But it seems that there are great secrets hidden in the temple, otherwise, the Luoshen will also be impossible to let the Frost King step into it.”

Chu Fengmian couldn’t help thinking in his heart.

He can only infer something from the words of the Frost King.

Chu Fengmian immediately asked a few more questions.

The Frost King also answered obediently, but her answer didn’t have much value.

The Luoshen general, not at all, reveals how much of the King of Frost.

What the Frost King knows now is only some less important things, only a little bit of really meaningful information.

One of them is the witch Divine Palace brand, which was actually created by the Luoshen General, who once dissolved the witch Divine Palace brand for the Frost King.

From this point of view, even if the Divine Palace brand was not created by the Luoshen General, the current Luoshen General also has a method to control the Divine Palace brand.

This has been trapping the shackles of the witch divine son in the witch Divine Palace, not from the witch Divine Palace, but from the Luoshen general. Chu Fengmian knew this.

“I just don’t know how the Luoshen general controlled the power in the witch Divine Palace, like the great array of the witch Divine Palace, and now this witch Divine Palace brand…”

Chu Fengmian muttered to himself, and he also felt that the fog of Divine Palace was gradually being lifted away.

The key figure in this, the core of everything, is pointing towards Luoshen General.

As long as Chu Fengmian can suppress the Luoshen general, all this will be in full bloom.

“Why are you betraying the Witch Clan?”

Chu Fengmian asked the last question.

That is the King of Frost, why betray the Witch Clan.

The Wu people are extremely united. Just now, even though Chu Fengmian was fighting fiercely with the king of merchants, when he encountered the human martial artist, the two of them would abandon their previous suspicions and join forces against the human martial artist.

There is no doubt about the unity within the Witch clan. With the addition of the Witch Bloodline, this is the most powerful Bloodline in the Desolate Ancient 100 clan.

Why is there such a powerful Bloodline Strength? Naturally, few witches are willing to betray.

even more how The Frost King was originally one of the Witch Divine Palace 3 kings. Whether it was her strength or her status, she was already at the top of the Witch Divine Palace.

In this way, she should have no reason for betrayal.

“Freedom, and greater power, Luoshen will promise me that if I can help him control the Divine Palace, I will have power comparable to the Divine Palace.”

The King of Frost heard Chu Fengmian’s inquiry and replied coldly.


This is a good explanation.

Luoshen will control the power of Divine Palace old Silver Coin.

He helped the King of Frost dissolve the witch Divine Palace brand, which actually gave her freedom.

But the second one is power, especially the power comparable to the wizard god.

“The power comparable to the witch god, he can give you, how is it possible, Lord of Frost, you are not crazy, do you believe that?”

The king of business and land nearby is impossible to bear opened the mouth and said.

Witch Divine Palace 3 kings, all old acquaintances, were one of the first Witch gods who entered the Witch Divine Palace.

Although they were fighting each other, they all knew each other very well. Now that the King of Frost heard what the King of Frost said, the Kings of Commercial Land felt that the King of Frost was crazy, and he believed that.

The top ten shaman gods are the apex of the shaman clan.

Even in the Desolate Ancient era, in the era of powerhouse as clouds, the top ten shaman gods are all Peak powerhouses, and no one dares to provoke the ten shaman gods.

Even in later generations, the ten great witch gods have fallen, but their power has always existed to protect this witch race.

After Desolate Ancient is broken, I don’t know how many millions and millions years. Now in the northern realm, the Wu clan can still occupy a realm of land, and no one dares to provoke it.

In today’s era, those Immortal Emperors, in terms of power, are also far from the original level of the top ten witch gods, and the power of the ten witch gods has already surpassed the Immortal Emperor.

Now the Frost King actually believed that the Luoshen General could give her power comparable to the Sorcerer God.

The King of Frost is of course impossible fool.

She is one of the witch Divine Palace 3 kings, a strong man at the apex of countless witch gods. If she is a fool, most of the witch gods can commit suicide.

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