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“Never mind that many, and suppress the King of Frost! Anyway, she must have seen the so-called god general, whether this god will be a human martial artist in the fire god forest, wait until I check her memory, The truth is revealed!”

Chu Fengmian explored, and did not intend to continue wasting time, but concentrated his power on suppressing the Frost King.

I saw that the breath of the Frost King was getting weaker and weaker, and the power in her body was completely suppressed.

No matter how much the Frost King wanted to resist, she couldn’t break the God’s Force on her body.

As the breath of the Frost King was getting weaker and weaker, Chu Fengmian dared not relax anymore. If anyone wanted to save the Frost King at this time, now is definitely the best opportunity.


Suddenly, just above the sky, a crack suddenly tore the sky, and a silhouette suddenly appeared from it.

“Sure enough, someone came!”

Chu Fengmian has always kept the Spiritual Consciousness, observing the space all around, and at the moment when he feels the space fluctuation, his gaze suddenly looks over, just to see this silhouette.

This was an extremely young man, and his body contained pure immortal strength.

It was the human martial artist that Chu Fengmian saw in the Vulcan Forest.

It’s just that the human martial artist Chu Fengmian saw at the time was actually just his incarnation.

But now this silhouette is his real body.

“Sure enough, he!”

The moment Chu Fengmian saw this young martial artist appeared, he confirmed his guess.

In the Divine Palace of the Witch, the only person who might influence the King of Frost and betray the Witch Clan is this human martial artist.

Putting it that way, this is the person who is the god general in the mouth of the Frost King?

God will.

This is an extremely strange title.

Even Chu Fengmian has read countless ancient books and has never heard of such a title. The identity of this human martial artist is mysterious to the extreme.

Even if Chu Fengmian had played against him, he didn’t know the origin of this person.

It’s just that the appearance of this human martial artist has made Chu Fengmian confirm that his betrayal with the King of Frost has something to do with it, and the various mutations in the Divine Palace are inseparable from this person. relationship.


While Chu Fengmian was still thinking, the young martial artist immediately started his hand when he appeared. He waved his hand and suddenly one after another immortal strength condensed in his palm, turning into a big hand of immortal strength. Suddenly grabbed it downward.

The goal of this immortal strength is the King of Frost, who wants to take the King of Frost away.

The moment I saw this young martial artist, the face of the King of Frost was full of joy, as if seeing the straw, the power in her body also broke out completely, and all the power broke out in this brief moment, strikes this Chu Fengmian suppressed God’s Force, the witch on her body.

The King of Frost also fought thoroughly in this brief moment, bursting out all his power, planning to meet inside and outside, and escape from Chu Fengmian’s hands.

“I want to save people?”

Chu Fengmian sneered.

At the same time that the human martial artist started, Chu Fengmian also did the same. He had already expected that someone would come to save the Frost King, so he was prepared.

“Supreme sword array! Supreme sword power!”

His mind moved, and suddenly he was beside the Frost King. One after another golden sword light flew out. These sword lights suddenly appeared silently and seemed to have been hidden by the Frost King long ago.

2 1000 990 supreme sword qi, all flew out, and turned into a supreme sword array by the side of the Frost King. The sword power of one after another was suppressed, and the power that the Frost King just broke The suppression went on once.

At the same time, Chu Fengmian’s body also rushed towards the human martial artist.

The identity of this human martial artist is mysterious. If he can be caught, Chu Fengmian may use this person to solve all the mysteries in the Divine Palace.

Chu Fengmian had the intention to enter the temple and seize this person when he was understood and was hiding in the temple, but he didn’t expect this time because of the King of Frost, he actually came out of the temple.

The last time Chu Fengmian didn’t keep his incarnation, he met him again this time, Chu Fengmian would not give up this opportunity.


The sword edge in Chu Fengmian’s hand flashed, and a sword glow rose into the sky, colliding with the immortal strength hand in the air, and saw that immortal strength hand was cut off by the volley, and the immortal strength turned into fingers. It was cut neatly.


The human martial artist, the moment he saw the Chu Fengmian sword light, expressions all was a flicker, and he seemed to be surprised by the power of Chu Fengmian sword light.

When Chu Fengmian was in the Vulcan Forest before, Chu Fengmian didn’t have time to use the Sword of Supreme Beginning, and his incarnation escaped.

At this time, it is Chu Fengmian’s true strength.

The human martial artist’s gaze fell on Chu Fengmian, and he thought about it. At the next moment, he seemed to have made a decision. In the palm of his hand, a machete suddenly appeared, similar to Wu Hook.

Starting with a scimitar, it was slashed in an instant.

The saber intent of this human martial artist is beyond Chu Fengmian’s imagination. The moment Chu Fengmian saw the space around him, he was forcibly split apart.

“At the peak, this person’s saber intent has already reached the point where it is at the peak, even those Immortal Emperors who are good at using knives, on the saber intent, I am afraid it is only this person’s level!”

When the saber fell down, Chu Fengmian could see the true strength of this human martial artist.

Strong, strong.

His power is already at the level of the King of Frost and the King of Jinjue.

But his most powerful thing is not his strength, but his saber intent. His saber intent is strong enough to raise his strength to a higher level.

The strength of a human martial artist was so powerful that Chu Fengmian was a little surprised.

You must know that the king of Jinjue and the king of Shangtu are powerful, but they all come from the power of the witch god Bloodline, and the witch clan is inherently powerful.

A human martial artist with high aptitude can only be promoted from the lowest Bone Tempering Realm.

But as soon as the Wu Clan was born, he almost possessed the human martial artist realm within the realm, which was almost the strength of the emperor realm. Once he was an adult, he would at least be a Celestial Realm.

The strongest human martial artist is their Martial Dao, human Martial Dao, there are more than 1000 kinds of 10000, each kind of Martial Dao is extremely powerful, plus the inheritance of the Dao of Alchemy. , So that human beings became the most prosperous tribe of Three Great Saint Territories.

In terms of power, the human martial artist of the same realm is almost the weakest, far inferior to the witches, the Demon God.

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