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Chu Fengmian this time not only exploded all the Bloodline Strength contained in the body, but also exploded all the strength contained in the bone of the idol.

Although the idol has fallen millions and millions of years, there is still a force left by him in the bones of the idol.

In the colossal temple before, Chu Fengmian relied on the power left in the bones of this idol to bombard the incarnation of the white ancestor and turn peril into safety.

The bombardment of the incarnation of the white ancestor also consumed the power of one third of the bones of the gods. As for the remaining 2/3 of the power, Chu Fengmian has never used it, but regarded it as one of Chu Fengmian’s biggest cards. .

The power that exists in the bones of the gods, only one third of them, is already enough to defeat the Baizu incarnation, and the remaining power, Chu Fengmian has been accumulating this, and has no use.

Today is the best time to use it.

The King of Commercial Land is about to run out of power. He concentrated all his power on this divine glow, completely stake all on one throw.

Whether it can withstand the strikes of this divine glow is the real winner of this battle.

Chu Fengmian also took out the bones of the idols that had been accumulated forever, and all the power burst out and blessed on Chu Fengmian’s body.

The continuously power of idols poured into Chu Fengmian’s body.

The sheer power of this force could almost break any witch king alive.

You should know that only the one third power in the bones of the idols already has the power to kill an Immortal Emperor incarnation, and the remaining 2/3 of the power is now all poured into Chu Fengmian’s body Among.

If Chu Fengmian had not condensed the body of the wizard god, the eternal Divine Body, with a body that is infinite and close to the wizard god, he would not be able to contain such a huge power.

Huge power is concentrated on Chu Fengmian.

This force was unprecedentedly huge. Chu Fengmian burst out his full power without any reservations. Even the power of the bone of the gods burst out and blessed him.

With a move of the sword edge in his hand, he suddenly slashed out with a sword, just above the sky, colliding with the divine glow that erupted from the mountains and sea beads.

Hong long long !

In an instant, the force in this is not known how many collisions.

“break for me !”

Chu Fengmian’s sword light and press forward are irresistible. He stepped out in one step, and almost injected all his strength into the sword edge.

I saw Chu Fengmian’s sword light, at the moment it penetrated into the divine glow, it was actually forcibly dividing the divine glow into two and piercing it into it.

At the same time, the power contained in the sword light played by Chu Fengmian was rapidly consuming.

2 The strength is getting weaker and weaker, as if no one can help others.

The collisions of power again and again are also consuming these two forces.

“King of Frost, don’t do it yet, when will you wait!”

Suddenly the King of Commercial Land roared.

The countless witch gods’ faces suddenly changed.


“The King of Frost?”

“The King of Frost, have you joined forces with the King of Commercial Land?”

No one thought that at this moment when the forces collided most intensely, the King of Business and Land would actually have a helper.

Chu Fengmian and the king of Shangtu have reached a point where the oil lamp has dried up, and no one has much power.

At this time, if there is a strong man to intervene, it will completely change the situation.

Countless witch gods heard the voice of the king of business and couldn’t help looking around all around, and finally saw a silhouette gradually emerging from the sky.

Suddenly, a silhouette emerged from the sky. This was the appearance of a woman, dressed in white. At first glance, she looked like a human girl.

If it hadn’t been for this woman to feel the kind of witch God’s Force that only belonged to the god of the witch clan, Chu Fengmian couldn’t be sure that this was the rumored King of Frost.

Divine Palace 3 One of the kings of the Frost King, is actually a woman.

The Frost King appeared and stood in the air. She glanced at the King of Commercial Land and then at Chu Fengmian’s direction. A cold smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

“Didn’t expect this time, but I picked up a big deal.”

“Shan Haizhu, this Supreme Treasure is actually in your hands. It seems that I was almost deceived by you. It’s a pity that you didn’t count it. You have Shan Haizhu, and you have been forced to this point.”

“King of Frost, don’t you plan to keep the promise? You have made the oath of the witch god, do you want to break the agreement?”

Hearing the words of the King of Frost, the King of Commercial Land changed his face suddenly, loudly shouted.

From the very beginning, he united with the King of Frost, only to keep the King of Frost from playing as the final trump card.

To be on the safe side, he and the Frost King made an oath of the witch god.

Swear by the witch god.

This is the supreme oath for any witch race and cannot be broken.

But now the performance of the King of Frost made the King of Commercial Land feel something wrong in his heart, and he hurriedly reminded him.

“Sorcerer’s oath, I will naturally abide by it.”

When the Frost King heard this, a sneer smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

A lance suddenly appeared in her hand, condensed from frost, which was as big as thousands zhang, and suddenly pierced towards Chu Fengmian.

Seeing this scene, the King of Commercial Land finally revealed a somewhat relaxed expression, but then his expression suddenly changed again.

He saw that the Frost King condensed more than one lance, but two. The target of the other lance was not Chu Fengmian, but him.

The King of Frost appeared suddenly, and he actually worked on Chu Fengmian and the King of Commercial Land.

“what happened?”

“In this battle, should the King of Frost sit back and become the fisherman who sweeps the benefits?”

“No, didn’t the King of Frost make an oath with the King of the Sorcerer God? How dare she do anything to the King of Sorcerer Land? Isn’t she afraid of the backlash of the Sorcerer’s Oath?

Suddenly, the Wu Clan god son could not help shouting.

The Witch God’s Oath, but for all the Witch Clan, it is the supreme vow, which cannot be broken, even if it is not the Witch Imperial Capital.

Unless you are not the Witch clan, you have given up the identity of the Witch clan, and you have given up everything about the Witch clan before you can break it, but this is basically impossible.

The source of the power of the Witch is the Bloodline Strength of the Witch. If the power of the Witch is lost, the Bloodline of the Witch will fall on the spot. There is no second result.

For all the witches, the witch god oath is a death oath that can never be broken.

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