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The giant axe that this golden light turned into was as big as ten thousand zhang. The volley smashed down the earth god peak, hong long long, the entire earth god peak was under this giant axe, shaking again and again.

Divine Palace 3 The kings of the witch Divine Palace, there is no match at all. This king of Jinjue called the king of business, naturally, it will not be so gentle, directly with his huge power, condense a giant axe, pointing directly strikes on this earth god peak.


The entire Earth God Peak vibrated again and again.

In an instant, the Array above is mostly broken.

Although there are countless arrays arranged on the Earth God Peak, most of the arrays are at best for the Witch King, and the strength of the King of Jinjue can no longer be regarded by the ordinary Witch King.

The King of Jin Jue made an all-out effort and a giant axe strikes passed, and most of the Array on the Earth God Peak was shattered, and even most of the power went to the Earth God Peak.

I saw the palaces above the Earth God Peak, shaking again and again, and many palaces had many cracks, obviously unable to withstand the power of King Jinjue.

“Damn! King of Jinjue, you are a trash, you have been defeated, and now you dare to attack my earth god mountain?”

Suddenly angry roar passed out from this earth god peak.

I saw one after another silhouette, flying out of the earth god peak, the leading silhouette is also the tallest silhouette among them, there is a silhouette of 1000 zhang high, standing there volley, like a big mountain.

Judging from the aura contained in this silhouette, the identity of this person does not require any guessing. This is the king of business and land, one of the kings of Divine Palace 3.

Behind the King of Commercial Land, there are many witch god sons, most of them are the witch god sons of Bloodline, the witch god of earth. They have always followed this king of commercial land, and there are more than 30 of them.

Among these witch god sons, many are not even the witch god sons of the earth witch god Bloodline. These witch god sons from other witch god Bloodline have now chosen to follow the king of business and earth to fight against Chu Fengmian.

Judging from the fact that Chu Fengmian surrendered the King of Jinjue, and surrendered to those witch gods outside the Vulcan Forest, Chu Fengmian’s desire to unify the Divine Palace of the witches is undoubtedly revealed.

Those witch gods who dared not succumb to others, now choose to unite with the king of business and land to fight against Chu Fengmian together.

The sacred sons of the witch clan standing behind the king of business soil are only a little weaker than the king of business soil, and they are all famous powerhouses within the witch Divine Palace.

Now in order to fight against Chu Fengmian, they also took the initiative to stand on the side of the King of Commercial Land.

“It seems to be prepared.”

Chu Fengmian saw no change in his face when he saw a group of kings of business and land, said indifferently.

“Since they are all gathered together, I will not each and everyone look for it.”

“Boy, you are Chu Fengmian? You want to unify the Divine Palace and make Divine Palace never peaceful?”

The gaze of the King of Shangtu stared at Chu Fengmian, coldly said.

“You know, this is something that no one can do.”

“Really? Others can’t do it. For me, it’s with no difficulty.”

Chu Fengmian smiled and opened the mouth and said when he heard the words of the king of business.

“With you witch god sons, even if you join forces, what can you do? I can’t stop me. Now I acknowledge allegiance, but I have served me for 1000 years, but if I choose to resist, then there is no choice. There is room.”

So Chu Fengmian opened the mouth and said.

But the threat in his words is something everyone can hear.

Chu Fengmian is not a good person. The matter of beheading the Thunder Lord and the others has long been spread throughout the Divine Palace of the witch, the god of the witch clan.

Chu Fengmian doesn’t care about anything.

For Chu Fengmian, these witch gods are only divided into two categories, which are useful for Chu Fengmian and useless for Chu Fengmian.

Most of the witch god children who are unwilling to acknowledge allegiance are useless for Chu Fengmian, and for useless people, Chu Fengmian will not show mercy.

There are already enough Witch Clan gods under his command, and it doesn’t matter if they take refuge in him or not.

“Choose, acknowledge allegiance or die.”

Chu Fengmian calmly opened the mouth and said.

Hearing what Chu Fengmian said, the eyes of many witch goddesses standing beside the king of business land showed some hesitation.

Many of them don’t want to die, especially Chu Fengmian’s conditions are not too difficult to accept.

Effective for 1000 years, for these wizard god children, it is not too long.

But if you fail to resist Chu Fengmian, you will fall. Many of them don’t want to resist.

“I, I am willing to acknowledge allegiance.”

A god of the earth, when he heard Chu Fengmian’s words, opened the mouth and said in a low voice, he wanted to leave the crowd.

“Fighting, courting death?”

Hearing the words of the son of the earth, the king of business and earth showed a bit of cold killing intent in his eyes. He suddenly slapped his hand and gathered his strength to strikes the son of the earth.

Almost at the same time, Chu Fengmian also started.

His speed is faster. At the moment before the power of the king of Shangtu strikes the son of the earth, Chu Fengmian’s invisible force has already enveloped the son of the earth, bringing Shangtu The power of the king directly forced away.

“Since you are someone who wants to take refuge in me, no one can kill you.”

Chu Fengmian calmly opened the mouth and said.

“Is anyone else willing to acknowledge allegiance?”

Hearing these words, there are many witch god sons of the king of business and land, and their hearts are moved.

Especially just now, Chu Fengmian and the King of Shangtu almost had a match, but it was solved but Chu Fengmian won a big victory.

This made many of the wizard gods who had already shaken their hearts, now they even plan to take refuge in Chu Fengmian.

“Damn! Boy, if you want to unify Divine Palace, pass me first! I want to see, what is your ability!”

The king of business land roared, body moved, and rushed straight at Chu Fengmian in the air.

He also saw that if this stalemate continues, his witch god son will turn to Chu Fengmian more. Many of his witch god sons have long since taken refuge in him, and they have lost their original arrogance.

Refuge in Chu Fengmian, for them, it’s just a change of refuge, which is nothing.

Now Chu Fengmian is in great power, and their defection is inevitable.

Since there is no stalemate, the king of business and land can only choose to do it quickly. As long as Chu Fengmian is defeated or forced back, today’s affairs can be temporarily resolved.

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