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The King of Jin Jue came this time, originally wanting to retaliate and teach Chu Fengmian a lesson.

However, he absolutely did not expect that he had heard such a shocking secret from Chu Fengmian’s mouth.

This secret is much more important than revenge on Chu Fengmian.

So that the King of Jin Jue appeared, and he was not ready to act on Chu Fengmian.

“Naturally it is true. Even if I lie to you, what is the point of this kind of thing?”

Chu Fengmian heard the words of the King of Jin Jue and opened the mouth and said at will.

What Chu Fengmian said just now was actually for the King of Jin Jue.

That martial artist is powerful and has a mysterious origin. It is not easy for Chu Fengmian to deal with him alone. If he can win over the Divine Palace 3 king and let them take the initiative to join hands with Chu Fengmian, it will naturally be much easier.

“Temple…human martial artist…”

King Jin Jue’s eyes flickered, and his mind seemed to be thinking about it.

Suddenly his gaze revealed a rays of light, looking towards Chu Fengmian opened the mouth and said.

“I can help you deal with that person, but I want you to have a condition. You will hand over how to dissolve the witch Divine Palace brand, and I can help you deal with that human martial artist.”

“help me?”

Chu Fengmian couldn’t help but smile a little when he heard the words of King Jin Jue.

“You still want to dissolve the Divine Palace brand, your appetite is not small.”

“What? Boy, do you think you can really keep this method? I don’t do it, the king of business and land, the king of frost, will not let you go.”

King of Jinjue coldly said.

“You still have some abilities. As long as you obediently hand over the resolving method of the witch Divine Palace brand, I can protect you. At the same time, I can help you deal with that human martial artist.”

“Really? People who dare to deal with me have never ended well. I have only one condition. I have served me for 1000 years. I can help you dissolve the Divine Palace brand on your body. This is the only condition.”

Chu Fengmian didn’t seem to hear the threat in King Jin Jue’s words, smiled and opened the mouth and said.

“A thousand years of work? Boy, it seems that you don’t know the current affairs!”

The face of King Jin Jue became colder.

“I don’t know the current affairs? I think you don’t know the current affairs. I gave you a chance. Since you don’t understand the cherishment, don’t blame me!”

Chu Fengmian suddenly coldly snorted.

He already had a lot of patience with the King of Jin Jue. Since the King of Jin Jue was still ignorant of current affairs, Chu Fengmian didn’t bother to talk nonsense.

He suddenly waved his hand, and suddenly struck down.

This palm is not like the previous temptation, but infused God’s Force into it, and suddenly burst out with a palm, turning into a huge palm of ten thousand zhang, dropping from the sky , Shrouded in the body of the king of Jinjue.

Vaguely in the palm of this palm, you can see a bit of flame burning.

Now after Chu Fengmian has comprehend the countless witch god Martial Dao in the Vulcan forest, he has completely integrated the witch god Martial Dao into himself, and any random move contains a bit of power.

“Dare to do it to me? It’s been 10000 years. You’re still the first one. It seems that I haven’t shot for too long. Some Little Brat don’t know my reputation anymore.”

“In that case, today I will use you to establish my supreme majesty, so that everyone knows why I am the king of gold, why is the overlord of Divine Palace!”

King of Jin Jue saw the palm print of dropping from the sky, his face didn’t show the slightest panic. Instead, he was laughed heartily. He spoke coldly and stepped out. A wave of God’s Force burst out of King of Jin Jue. .

The power of Jin Jue turned into a huge shadow behind Chu Fengmian. This is the shadow of a witch god, able to support both heaven and earth, standing behind the King of Jin Jue.

The palm print of dropping from the sky was completely resisted by this huge shadow as soon as he approached King Jinjue.

No amount of power can penetrate into it.

“The illusory shadow of the Golden Sorcerer! The King of Jinjue can call out the illusory shadow of the Golden Sorcerer?”

Seeing the shadow shrouded behind King Jin Jue, King Feng Hao and King Yan Witch were all surprised.

This silhouette is the illusory shadow of the golden witch god. Although the golden witch god has fallen, the power of the golden witch god is immortal and has always existed here. The ancient territory is the aggregation of the divine force of the ten great witches.

According to legend, among the witches, some of the existences that brought the witch god Martial Dao to the Great Accomplishment can call out the illusory shadows of the ten witch gods to help.

But this is just a rumor.

They haven’t seen any witch clan that can do this, and even many witch emperors can’t do this.

But now they actually saw the illusory shadow of the Golden Witch God from the King of Jinjue, which already represents the Martial Dao of the Golden Witch God, has reached Peak, and even received the recognition of the Golden Witch God.

Only then can the King of Jin Jue call out the illusory shadow of the Golden Witch God for his use.

“Martial Dao of Great Accomplishment!”

When Chu Fengmian saw the illusory shadow behind the King of Jin Jue, he also understood the mysterious.

The King of Jin Jue has been trapped in the Divine Palace of the Witch for countless years. In the Divine Palace of the Witch, he could not really step into the realm of the Witch Emperor, but he gave him almost unlimited time to go to the comprehend Martial Dao.

In addition to the Divine Palace of the Witch, there are many relics left by the Golden Witch God. The King of Jin Jue has been constantly comprehend among them. The years of hundreds of thousands of years have made his Witch God Martial Dao an unimaginable the height of.

Even the current ancient territory of the witch emperor, such as the black witch emperor, the time witch emperor and the others, is not as good as the current king of Jinjue in terms of the attainments of the witch god Martial Dao.

There is no shaman who can spend hundreds of thousands of years to go to the comprehend shaman Martial Dao.

For them, there are many better ways to improve their strength.

But only the witch god sons in the witch Divine Palace are a special example. They are in the witch Divine Palace, and they cannot impact the realm of the witch emperor.

So when the King of Jin Jue reached its limit, he devoted himself to the comprehend Martial Dao. The accumulation of hundreds of thousands of years also allowed his Martial Dao to reach the Great Accomplishment level.

With Martial Dao, the king of Jinjue, as long as he leaves the Divine Palace, condense his own world, and enters the witch emperor, his strength will become the strongest among the witch emperors.

The illusory shadow of the Golden Witch God is condensed and shrouded behind the King of Golden Jue.

It is almost continuously power, blessed on the King of Jinjue.

This is the real horror of Divine Palace 3 King.

Not only the difference in strength, but also the difference in Martial Dao.

Even though Chu Fengmian has gained countless gains from the Vulcan Forest, when it comes to the witch god Martial Dao, he is far inferior to the king of gold.

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