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During the speech, Saint King waved his big hand, suddenly condensing God’s Force, and suddenly came to Chu Fengmian strikes with a palm.

The power of this palm, although not dead, was enough to severely wound Chu Fengmian.

In Chu Fengmian’s body, he mastered how to dissolve the stigma of Divine Palace.

Naturally, Saint King did not intend to kill Chu Fengmian. What he had to do was to subdue Chu Fengmian and use this method for him.

The witch god child in the witch Divine Palace, no one wants to leave the witch Divine Palace in a dream.

It can be said that whoever masters this method can dominate the witch Divine Palace and let countless witch god sons work. Saint King naturally does not intend to let this opportunity go.

Especially Chu Fengmian is just a rookie, and none of his strength has reached the Witch King Peak level.

This caused the three Saint King to move their minds all at once, and they shot directly without any scruples.

It’s not just Saint King.

The King of Wind Witch and King Leiqi next to him were also in the motionless expression room, and they shot together.

These three witch god sons worked together towards Chu Fengmian, the endless witch God’s Force was suppressed, and they planned to suppress Chu Fengmian in one blow.

“Courting death? So ignorant, it seems that I am indeed too kind to you!”

Chu Fengmian’s eyes were extremely cold.

He had no intention of forcibly surrendering these three witch god children, the conditions he gave were actually rich enough.

Just playing for Chu Fengmian for 1000 years, you can exchange for the freedom to leave Divine Palace.

This is a plan to make a steady profit for any witch god child.

It is a pity that Chu Fengmian still underestimated the greed of these witch god children. They not only want to regain their freedom, but even have the idea of ​​how to dissolve the stigma of the witch Divine Palace directly from Chu Fengmian’s hands.

These three wizards of the witch clan made their moves at the same time.

Obviously, the minds of their three people are the same.

“Since you are given a chance and you don’t want it, then all kneel down for me acknowledge allegiance! The three little wizard gods dare to do something to me and kill me!”

Chu Fengmian was coldly snorted, when his voice sounded, he suddenly struck out with a palm. The moment he struck out, it turned into a huge palm as big as ten thousand zhang, dropping from the sky.

Suddenly, he was heading towards the three strikes of the wizard gods, the power of a palm, heaven-shaking, earth-shattering.

The power of the three witch god children of Nali Saint King, almost all under the palm of Chu Fengmian, was shattered by the shock.

The God’s Force on them was completely shattered and completely destroyed by the power of this palm.

In an instant, the Saint King 3 people of this force felt a powerful and boundless force slamming over. The strength of this force easily crushed any defenses on their bodies.


In an instant, these 3 silhouettes all fell down and knelt in front of Chu Fengmian.

With a single blow, this force of Saint King 3 was easily defeated by Chu Fengmian.

The moment their three people knelt on the ground, their minds were completely blank. They did not expect that Chu Fengmian had such terrifying strength and could defeat their three people in one blow. This kind of power is the god son of the wizard in Divine Palace. Among them, only the witch Divine Palace 3 king, such an existence, can do it.

The Chu Fengmian in front of him is just a newcomer who has just entered the Divine Palace of the Witch. He actually has the strength comparable to that of the King of the Witch Divine Palace 3. How is this possible?

But in the hearts of the Saint King 3 people, it is unbelievable, but the power that suppresses them now cannot be faked.

In their bodies, a force, like a heavy mountain, suppressed them stubbornly. Even if they even burst into force, they couldn’t shake this force. When suppressed, they knelt on the ground and couldn’t even move them.


The King Kong Zhen beside him almost jumped up in shock.

He couldn’t believe his eyes.

This is just a moment.

The three Saint King, who were extremely arrogant just now, were completely defeated by Chu Fengmian, and fell directly to the ground.

He had confirmed this scene countless times before he could believe it.

Li Saint King, Leiqi King, Wind Witch King, these three wizard gods were easily suppressed and subdued by Chu Fengmian.

Li Saint King, Leiqi King, Wind Witch King, although they are not the most powerful wizard gods in the Divine Palace, they are also some old-brand wizard gods.

They can survive hundreds of thousands of years in the Divine Palace, and they have proven their strength. In the outer palace, their strength is considered to be medium and upper. There are not a few witch gods in the day, so dare to find them Troublesome.

But now their three people shot together, and in the blink of an eye, they were already suppressed by Chu Fengmian and fell to the ground.

To know that a complete suppression of a Witch King is more difficult than killing that Witch King.

Now Chu Fengmian, in an instant, directly suppressed their three people. This is obviously the strength of Chu Fengmian. It is more powerful than the 3 Saint King, or how much stronger, the strength of the two, worlds apart, is not one at all. level.

Chu Fengmian was able to be so relaxed and completely suppressed all of their three people at once.

“This kind of strength is definitely the strength of the king of Divine Palace 3! Infinite and close to the strength of the witch emperor! How could it be possible?”

In the mind of King Kong Zhen before, although he had guessed the strength of Chu Fengmian countless times, he still did not expect that Chu Fengmian’s strength could achieve this.

You know that Divine Palace 3 kings are the oldest divine sons of the Divine Palace. They have closed-door cultivation hundreds of thousands of years in the Divine Palace. They have reached a close to Law Comprehension. At the limit, it has such terrifying strength.

But the Chu Fengmian in front of him was just a newcomer who had just entered the Divine Palace, possessing such terrifying strength.

“I gave you a chance, but it is a pity that you cherish what you don’t understand, then all be slaves! All Heavens Life and Death seal! Suppress!”

While King Kongzhen was still shocked, Chu Fengmian did it again. With a little bit of his palm, a cloud of black energy flew out, and in the air, it condensed into an ancient figure, and suddenly pressed towards the force. Three Saint King flew over.

Seeing this black spirit, everyone at Saint King 3 is complexion greatly changed, they know what it is.

This kind of restriction, once it penetrates into their bodies, Life and Death will be completely controlled by Chu Fengmian.

At that time, they would be no different from slaves.

They have Bloodline, the witch god son, but they are the most dazzling genius among the witch tribe. Whoever is willing to be a slave will almost burst out with all their strength and resist.

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