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“This is the inside of Divine Palace?”

The moment Chu Fengmian stepped into the Divine Palace, Heaven and Earth changed.

In the blink of an eye, he came to a strange space, as if inside a huge palace.

At a glance, there was a gray mist all around, distorting the surrounding scene.

This gray mist, even Chu Fengmian’s Spiritual Consciousness, can’t pass through, he can only look around with naked eyes carefully.

What Chu Fengmian could see at a glance was desolation.

Unusually desolate.

The interior of the Divine Palace seems to be different from what Chu Fengmian had imagined.

It’s true that Chu Fengmian imagined it before. It was just what he thought about at will, without any basis. Now it is different and normal. After all, there has never been a witch god child who can leave while entering the witch Divine Palace.

People’s guesses about the interior of Wu Divine Palace are all imagination.

“It seems that the inside of the Divine Palace is more like a separate world, I am afraid it is not a small place.”

Chu Fengmian muttered silently. After confirming that there was no danger around him, he closed his eyes and felt the breath around him.

Suddenly, Chu Fengmian’s eyes showed a bit of surprise.

Law Power!

In this Divine Palace, Chu Fengmian instantly felt a kind of surging and pure Law Power.

As soon as Chu Fengmian stepped into the Wu Divine Palace, he felt that the surrounding Law Power was changing.

The Law Power here is even more pure than the one in the witch gods.

It seems that Divine Palace is the center of the entire ancient territory.

This kind of Law Power made Chu Fengmian slightly feel that he has a feeling of further control of Law Power.

If in this Divine Palace, comprehend Dao of Laws.

I’m afraid it will be several times, even dozens of times faster than in the wizard gods.

With this essence of Law Power, Chu Fengmian has some plans to sit directly on the ground and comprehend it.

His current power almost stood at the Peak of the Witch King realm.

Even if you want to go further, it is already extremely difficult. Even more how to impact the Immortal Emperor’s realm, what Chu Fengmian lacks most now is the understanding of Dao of Laws.

Dao of Laws is also the key to victory and defeat for the strong immortals. The deeper Dao of Laws’ attainments, the more World Strength can be mobilized.

It can be said that if Chu Fengmian can retreat within the Divine Palace in Wu for a period of time, come to comprehend Dao of Laws, the strength of Chu Fengmian will be advanced by leaps and bounds.

But for the current Chu Fengmian, he can’t waste time on this.

The witch god inheritance in the witch Divine Palace is what Chu Fengmian must contend for.

This is also an agreement between Chu Fengmian and the Black Witch Emperor.

“Every witch god child who enters the witch Divine Palace seems to appear in a different place, which means that even if the witch god child is united, it has no meaning.”

Chu Fengmian said to himself.

By his side, the red moon was no longer visible.

Although Chu Fengmian and Hongyue entered the Wu Divine Palace together just now, Hongyue didn’t know where they went.

Obviously, she should have also entered the Divine Palace, but went to a different place.

As long as it is the moment when entering the Divine Palace, Law of Space changes a little bit, and wherever everyone enters, there will be nothing common with each other.

The Wu Divine Palace obviously does not want to unite the Wu clan gods who enter it.

Therefore, all the gods of the witch clan who entered the Divine Palace should be scattered in different places.

This is a good thing for Chu Fengmian.

Although he is teaming with Hongyue, Hongyue’s strength is far inferior to Jin Fanjing, Konglin and the others.

When Chu Fengmian fought against Jin Fanjing and the others, Hongyue was not very helpful to Chu Fengmian.

But on the contrary, if the three of Jin Fanjing, Konglin, and Heijinwang join forces, it is enough to cause Chu Fengmian a great deal of trouble.

Now that he entered the Wu Divine Palace and everyone was separated, it was a good thing for Chu Fengmian.

Fighting alone, he has enough confidence to defeat any wizard god.

Whether it’s Jin Fanjing, Konglin, or Black Ember King, if Chu Fengmian can meet them alone and defeat them, with no difficulty, he may even kill them directly.

Of course, this is only Chu Fengmian’s own guess, and he is not absolutely sure.

After all, Jin Fanjing, Konglin, and Heijian King, all of them were the god sons of the Witch Clan. Behind them, they all have the background of the Witch Emperor. They must have many unused trump cards in their hands.

Chu Fengmian’s strength has all exploded, and he is still not sure about killing them, but Chu Fengmian is confident in defeating them.

“The witch god inheritance is within the witch Divine Palace. Now that I have entered the witch Divine Palace, I should be able to be more sure where the thing that attracts me is.”

Chu Fengmian’s mind moved, suddenly calmed down, feeling carefully.

Just outside the Divine Palace in Wu, Chu Fengmian felt a force that was attracting Chu Fengmian.

When I was outside Divine Palace, this feeling was a little weak.

But now that I entered the Divine Palace of Wu, this feeling was much clearer. In a flash, Chu Fengmian confirmed a direction.


Entering the Wu Divine Palace, Chu Fengmian knew nothing about everything in the Wu Divine Palace.

Rather than turning around like a headless fly, it is better to directly rely on feeling to find the place that attracts Chu Fengmian.

The place that can attract Chu Fengmian’s bloodline to the witch god, even if it is not the witch god inheritance, is definitely a great opportunity for Chu Fengmian.

He body moved and just walked forward.

Suddenly, Chu Fengmian’s figure stopped.

His gaze suddenly looked towards the front, said solemnly.

“Get out.”


Chu Fengmian’s voice reverberated in the surroundings for a long time.

After a while, a voice suddenly sounded.

“Oh? The witch god child who entered this time seems to have some ability, and he can see through my figure.”

Right in front of Chu Fengmian, the space gradually distorted.

In this distorted space, a silhouette slowly appeared. This is a young man, holding a long saber in his hand. The moment he stands here, his figure seems to be in line with the surrounding space. , It is already fuse together.

At the same time, on this young man’s body, there was a faint witch God’s Force floating out of it.

“Sorcerer Bloodline? The god son of the Sorcerer of Sorrow?”

Feeling this witch God’s Force, Chu Fengmian’s eyes narrowed.

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