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The Empty Witch Tower and the Golden Witch Pavilion are both the largest strengths in the Northern Territory, but they are now united together.

But the old man at the side of Jinjue Wudi and Kong Wudi was a Wudi that Chu Fengmian didn’t know.

After agreeing to the cooperation of Wu Lin Pavilion, Chu Fengmian not only obtained the information of several other witch gods, but also the information of the witch emperors in the ancient territory.

This Kong Wudi, Jin Jue Wudi, and Chu Fengmian all recognized them at first glance.

But only this last witch emperor, even in the materials of Wu Lin Pavilion, there is no record.

This strange witch emperor is an old man, but the moment he looked towards him, it looked like a youngster. His appearance seemed to change every moment.

Even the aura on his body is constantly changing.

Even Chu Fengmian couldn’t see through this old man.

But in this old man, Chu Fengmian felt an unusual power.


In this old man, time seems to be constantly changing, shrouded in Power of Time.

“The Wizard of Time!”

In Chu Fengmian’s mind, he immediately thought of the Wizard of Time, one of the top ten wizard gods.

Power of Time is one of the most mysterious and difficult to understand power in the world.

Even the Immortal Emperor can hardly touch the scope of time. Only some natural beasts have the ability to control Power of Time.

Among the ten witch gods of the witch tribe, the witch god of time is also the most mysterious one, and no one has even known his real face.

Every time the Wizard of Time appeared, his appearance was different, sometimes young and sometimes old.

The witch clan of Bloodline, the witch god of time, is also the most mysterious existence in the north, and almost no one knows where they are.

But the old witch emperor in front of him, Chu Fengmian can judge his identity from the Power of Time flowing from him, the witch emperor of Bloodline, the witch god of time.

“It’s the Emperor Witch! He is still alive?”

The red moon next to her, when she saw the old man, her eyes widened and said incredibly.

“Didn’t Shi Wudi fall before 1000000 sooner or later? Why is he still alive?”

“The witch emperor of the time, but a witch emperor accomplished 1000 10,000 years ago, it is said that as early as 100 10,000 years ago, his life essence has been exhausted, he has fallen, and he is not dead?”

Compared with Chu Fengmian, Hongyue recognized the Wudi at this time.

“Oh? This is Little Brat of Wulinge? 9 Li, it seems that you must be on the side of the Black Witch Emperor?”

The gaze of Emperor Wudi suddenly looked towards Hongyue, and then the corner of his mouth showed a little said with a sneer.

“You are just like the Dark Witch Emperor. You are crazy together. At this time, you don’t know the current affairs. It seems that you are going to court death yourself.”

“Hmph, this Emperor doesn’t believe in the alarmist words of the Black Witch Emperor, but even more disdain to stand with you who violate the rules.”

Beside the Black Witch Emperor, a tall silhouette appeared, it was 9 Li Witch Emperor.

“The ancestor.”

Red Moon saw the appearance of Emperor Li Wu, and hurriedly opened the mouth and said respectfully.

“9 Li Wudi, is the Wudi behind Wulin Pavilion?”

Chu Fengmian knew for a long time that there must be a witch emperor behind Wu Lin Pavilion.

Otherwise, Wuling Pavilion would also be impossible to develop into a huge monster like the northern one.

Chu Fengmian also looked towards 9 Li Witch Emperor. Judging from the breath of 9 Li Witch Emperor, Chu Fengmian knew that he should be the Witch Emperor who had been explored in the Dark Gods.

In front of him, Emperor Shi Wu, Emperor Kong Wu, Emperor Jin Jue, apparently joined hands.

However, the Black Witch Emperor on the other side was not alone, 9 Li Witch Emperor, now standing beside the Black Witch Emperor.

“The inheritance of the Witch Divine Palace seems to be not only the battle for the gods of the Witch clan, but also the all influence of the Witch clan, and the witch emperors are fighting against each other.”

Chu Fengmian’s mind moved. In the ancient territory, there were only two witch emperors, and now there are five who have appeared.

In the ancient territory, not every witch emperor is willing to show his face. There are also some witch emperors. They have no obsession. Their only goal is to dominate Great Dao at the comprehend supreme.

So even if it’s a big thing, it can’t alarm them.

In addition to the Black Witch Emperor, the Empty Witch Emperor, the Time Witch Emperor, the 9 Li Witch Emperor, and the Jin Jue Witch Emperor, there are also 2 powerful consciousnesses, looking towards the Witch Divine Palace.

This should be the other witch emperor who was alarmed.

The two witch emperors didn’t seem to plan to intervene in the fight between the two sides, but just watched them.

At this time, the birth of Divine Palace, a witch, fully alarmed 7 witch emperors.

This can be said to be the most ancient territory hundreds of thousands in the past.

Chu Fengmian did not dare to act without authorization, but stood beside the Black Witch Emperor.

Although his current strength can fight the Immortal Emperor incarnation, these witch emperors in front of him are not incarnations, but the real witch emperor.

Against any of them, Chu Fengmian has no chance of winning.

Hongyue also hid on 9 Li Wudi to avoid being affected.

“Human breath!”

9 Li Wudi appeared, his eyes fell on Shi Wudi, coldly said.

“In order to survive, you actually mixed up with humans, Emperor Shi Wu, it seems that you are really depraved!”

“The times are changing, and the old rules should also be changed.”

Kong Wudi stepped out and said with a sneer.

“9 Li, I thought you were a wise man, but didn’t expect to be like the black emperor, stubborn.”

“Empire Kong Wu, do you want a battle?”

9 Li Wudi’s eyes were extremely cold.

“World War I? 9 Li, today’s highlight is not us.”

Emperor Jin Jue said with a smile.

“I advise you to keep some strength, otherwise, when the catastrophe arrives, I am afraid you will not be able to survive for a few days.

Hearing this, 9 Li Wudi wanted to say something.

Hong long long !

Suddenly bursts of rumbling sound, suddenly resounded.

Everyone’s eyes suddenly turned, looking towards the direction of Divine Palace.

I saw the quaint door of Divine Palace slowly opened.

The gate of Wu Divine Palace seems to have been silent for hundreds of thousands of years, opening extremely slowly.

With the opening of the gate of the Divine Palace, one after another ancient God’s Force radiated from it, sweeping in the direction of everyone.

“It’s God’s Force, retire!”

Seeing this ancient witch God’s Force swept across, whether it was 9 Li Wudi, Kong Wudi and the others, they all retreated without hesitation.

The God’s Force of Divine Palace, only the gods with Bloodline can resist.

This is why Divine Palace and even Imperial Capital cannot enter it.

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