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“I agree.”

Without hesitation, King Wuya spoke directly.

King Wuya also had no reason to refuse such generous conditions.

“The Witch Kings I know are mostly closed-door cultivation Witch Kings in the Dark Witch City. I don’t know many Witch Kings in other cities.”

Witch Cliff King opened the mouth and said.


Chu Fengmian nodded.

There are only a few closed-door cultivation witch kings in this black witch city. If they can collect all the strong blood essence in their hands, Chu Fengmian can use this to condense the eighth witch’s life. Up.

I told King Wuya again that he could go to Chu Fengmian’s palace at any time. As long as he bought blood essence, he would directly deliver it to Chu Fengmian.

Then Chu Fengmian turned into a escape light and left.

However, Chu Fengmian did not return to his palace at all, but went to the largest palace in the Black Witch City.

The Black Witch City is the city built by the Black Witch Hall. This largest palace naturally belongs to the Black Witch Hall.

In Chu Fengmian’s plan, in addition to letting Wuya King collect the blood essence among the other lonely witch kings, he also has the idea of ​​cooperating with the Black Wutang.

The Black Witch Hall is also one of the huge monsters in the north, and he must also have a lot of blood essence in his hands.

The strong blood essence is considered a strategic resource among the Witch tribe.

No matter which power it is, there must be accumulation.

Now Chu Fengmian has almost endless medicinal pills and witch coins. Naturally, he won’t be able to get the blood essence in the black witch hall, but Chu Fengmian must first find a contact person.

“Heavy ground in the Black Witch Hall, outsiders are forbidden to enter!”

Chu Fengmian just landed in front of the huge palace, and the two witches standing at the gate of the palace shouted loudly.

The strength of these two witch races has already reached the peak of the immortal saint. With only a few chances, there is hope of attacking the witch king.

The two of them walked out and stopped Chu Fengmian.

“I’m looking for someone.”

Chu Fengmian looked towards 2 people, opened the mouth and said.

“I’m looking for Witch 9.”

Before in Southern Desolate, the domain master of the Black Witch Hall that Chu Fengmian met should be called by this name.

“Are you a friend of Master Wu 9?”

Hearing Chu Fengmian’s words, the eyes of the 2 black witches were surprised.

At the same time, the expressions of the two of them became much more kind, opened the mouth and said.

“The status of Witch 9 seems to be in the Black Witch Hall, extremely high? It seems that he is not as simple as an ordinary Black Witch King.”

Looking at the changes of the two black witches, Chu Fengmian thought to himself.

If it’s just an ordinary witch king, it shouldn’t be worth making these two black witches so respectful.

However, the identity of Wu 9 has nothing to do with Chu Fengmian.

Chu Fengmian opened the mouth and said.

“Wu 9 is now in the ancient territory?”

“Master Wu 9 happens to be not in the ancient territory. He left and will not be back in a few days.”

One of the black witch hall witches hurriedly opened the mouth and said.

“I don’t know the name of the master? I will notify Master Wu Nine when he comes back.”

A black witch hall wizard looked towards Chu Fengmian and asked.

In their opinion, there is no ordinary person in the Wu clan who can make a good relationship with Wu 9.

even more how They can feel the extremely surging power from Chu Fengmian’s body.

Even though it is only Chu Fengmian’s normal state, it is far from stimulating the secret technique of boiling blood. When it reaches Peak, it will be much stronger than the average Witch King.

Respecting the strong is the rule of the Witch race.

“My name is Chu Fengmian, this jade talisman, when Witch 9 comes back, you can give it directly to him, through this jade talisman, you can find me directly.”

As Chu Fengmian spoke, there was an extra jade talisman in the palm of his hand and handed it to the black witch clan.

“Chu Fengmian? Are you the Chu Fengmian who made trouble in the empty witch tower?”

Hearing the name of Chu Fengmian, the 2 black witches startedled.

The name Chu Fengmian now resounds in the ancient territory, and even in the northern territory, rumors of Chu Fengmian already exist in the northern territory.

The strength of oneself, the riot in the empty witch tower, has already spread throughout the northern border.

The Sky Witch Tower is one of the most powerful forces in the Northern Territory. It can be called the overlord. No one dares to provoke the Sky Witch Tower’s majesty. However, Chu Fengmian killed it from the Sky Witch Tower. The three witch kings all retreated.

This behavior can be called a myth.

Chu Fengmian’s current reputation is even stronger than that of many famous and witch kings.

Chu Fengmian did not expect that his current reputation is so big, it seems that this should be the empty witch tower, deliberately released news.

Otherwise, the news will never spread so quickly.

Moreover, this news itself is impossible to conceal. Forces such as Wu Linge have already understood Chu Fengmian’s identity.

With the current strength of Chu Fengmian, he is not afraid of revealing his identity. As long as it is not a witch emperor himself, even if it is the revenge of the empty witch tower, Chu Fengmian is not afraid.

“It’s me, when Witch 9 comes back, remember to hand jade talisman to him.”

After Chu Fengmian finished speaking, he was body flashed and left directly.

“He is Chu Fengmian, he doesn’t seem to be as fierce as the rumors.”

When Chu Fengmian left, the two black witches, still looking towards Chu Fengmian’s back, whispered.

“Speak down, we didn’t provoke such a great character. It is said that this person is very young and may even hit the witch emperor’s realm in the future. If you provoke such a great character, you don’t know how to die.”

Another Wu Clan said nervously.

“But how did he meet Master Wu 9 back?”

“I don’t know, this person is said to have also appeared suddenly. Maybe there was such a strong person long ago, but we don’t know it.”

Among the Witch Clan, there were also some strong men who suddenly emerged, and there were even some ancient Witch Emperors who had fallen under the rumors.

There are not a few strong Witch clan hidden in the entire Northern Territory, and one suddenly appears, which is not worthy of surprise.

Therefore, Chu Fengmian was born out of the sky. In the eyes of many witches in the ancient territory, he was a hidden powerhouse. He was born suddenly, but Chu Fengmian made too much noise and made a big noise in the empty witch tower. .

At this moment, Chu Fengmian’s name resounded throughout the northern territory.

“Didn’t expect my current reputation is so big, but fortunately, with such a reputation, cooperating with the Black Witch Hall will save a lot of trouble.”

Chu Fengmian thought in his mind while flying.

If you want to cooperate with forces like the Black Witch Hall, you must show enough strength.

And now Chu Fengmian’s reputation is the best proof of his strength.

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