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The power of Soaring Snake is the power of the endless Dragon Vein that represents the earth.

Among the innate Divine Beast, the power of Soaring Snake, second only to fleshy body, is the ultimate brute force idol.

But if on the earth, the power of Soaring Snake, even if it is not as good as the idol, is almost the same, and the power of Soaring Snake is almost endless, even if the idol can’t defeat him.

Innate Divine Beast, the most powerful point is not their terrifying power, but the source of power they control.

The Space Power of the ancestor Heavenly Dragon, the power of the sea clan of the black whale, the Heaven Devouring Force of the Swallowing Heaven Beast, the ultimate power of the fleshy body of the idol.

If you can condense the power of Soaring Snake Bloodline, then Chu Fengmian’s strength will go further.

Soaring Snake blood essence, gathered, in Chu Fengmian’s body, gradually condensed this, wanting to condense a Soaring Snake Bloodline.

But no matter how the power of Soaring Snake blood essence converges, Soaring Snake Bloodline has never been able to condense, and there is a feeling of exhaustion.

Even in the process of forcibly condensing Soaring Snake Bloodline, the power of Soaring Snake blood essence seems to be violently consumed.

“Soaring Snake blood essence, take it back!”

At this in an instant, Chu Fengmian suddenly shot, took all the Soaring Snake blood essence back, and gave up condensing the Soaring Snake Bloodline.

Same as Chu Fengmian worried about before.

These Soaring Snake blood essence is not enough to condense Soaring Snake Bloodline, even to the limit, at most, it is the embryonic form of Condense Soaring Snake Bloodline, which is far from the real Condense Soaring Snake Bloodline.

To condense the true Soaring Snake Bloodline, Chu Fengmian must also get more Soaring Snake blood essence, even a part of Soaring Snake’s body.

“Soaring Snake Bloodline, although it can’t be condensed, but so much blood essence is enough to be an embryonic form. If I get so much Soaring Snake blood essence, I might be able to fully condense Soaring Snake Bloodline. “

Chu Fengmian thought in his heart.

He also probably understood how much blood essence is needed to condense an innate Divine Beast Bloodline.

100 drops of blood essence.

This is a dividing ridge.

As long as one can have 100 drops of the blood essence of Divine Beast, there is a chance to condense the Bloodline of Divine Beast.

Of course, such an act, but the act of walking the heavens-defying road, the sky will not tolerate it, and it will come down against the sky.

Many bloodline experts who have tried to condense the innate Divine Beast have died under the catastrophe.

And it’s not just a big catastrophe, once it is a Heaven and Earth alien, Heaven and Earth will try to get rid of him everywhere.

Like Chu Fengmian, every time he goes through Thunder Tribulation, he has to experience as much as 10000 difficulties. Compared with others, it is 10000 times, 100000000 million times more difficult. If it weren’t for Chu Fengmian’s second life, he would have had countless opportunities.

Maybe Chu Fengmian had already died under Thunder Tribulation.

But since Chu Fengmian chose this path, he won’t regret it.

Soaring Snake Bloodline, although the cohesion failed, but the gain this time is still huge, at least to Chu Fengmian, a glimmer of hope for the cohesion of Soaring Snake Bloodline.

“Soaring Snake blood essence? Where did you get such good things?”

The moment Chu Fengmian put away the Soaring Snake Bloodline, a voice suddenly rang out from Chu Fengmian’s mind.

“Star Profound? Are you awake?”

The moment he heard this voice, Chu Fengmian’s eyes showed a little excitement.

Star Profound, Artifact Spirit of Blood Slaughter Demon Sword.

In the Chu Fengmian star cave, after fighting against the Immortal Emperor, Chu Fengmian fell into a coma and fell into the north, and Star Profound lost contact with Chu Fengmian.

Before Chu Fengmian also tried to call Star Profound, but nothing was found.

Chu Fengmian is a little worried about whether Star Profound has encountered any accidents.

Star Profound, but since Chu Fengmian was weak, he has followed Chu Fengmian and grew up all the way. If something happens to him, Chu Fengmian will be extremely sad.

Hearing the voice of Star Profound, a big rock in Chu Fengmian’s heart also fell.

“In order to protect your body, I spent all my strength, injured and fell asleep. It was until recently that I absorbed a lot of Primal Chaos breath, and then I woke up. Where are you now? How can there be such a strong Primal Chaos breath.”

Before Chu Fengmian was in the star cave, fighting against the Immortal Emperor almost exhausted all of Chu Fengmian’s power. Even Star Profound, in order to protect Chu Fengmian’s body, completely exhausted his power and fell into a deep sleep.

It was so asleep, even if it was a few hundred years, it would not be possible to wake up after a few thousand years.

However, in this ancient territory, the strong Primal Chaos aura made Star Profound awake early.

Star Profound regained consciousness, looking at everything unfamiliar around him, with some confusion.

“This is, the ancient territory in the north.”

Chu Fengmian replied.

“Northern, ancient territory? Isn’t this the territory of the Witch tribe? Why did you get here?”

Star Profound thought for a while, and said with some surprise.

A long time ago, Star Profound also followed the previous Sword Demon Blood Slaughter, went to the Three Great Saint Territories, and knew many of them.

The Northern Territory, ever since Desolate Ancient was broken, has always existed on the edge of Li Hentian.

Among the Three Great Saint Territories, there are not few people who know the northern territory. The mysterious in the northern territory is just because the northern territory belongs to the sorcery.

Any human martial artist who enters it will be ruthlessly killed, but Star Profound still knows such a large area.

It’s just that he doesn’t know why Chu Fengmian came here, and it looks like it’s a good mess.

Star Profound condense came and looked towards this palace. It was just an object in this palace, without exception, there was no mortal thing.

“And your body?”

At this time, Star Profound suddenly discovered that Chu Fengmian’s body was already 1000 meters high and turned into a real witch.

“The immortal body is actually the true body of the heavenly witch among the witch tribe. I am unfathomable mystery. After I came to the north, it became like this.”

Chu Fengmian said.

After he arrived in the north, he almost didn’t have any urging by himself, and he burst into the appearance of the real witch.

The power of the north is the most suitable power for the witches. Those who have the bloodline of the witches will become the main body after entering the north.

Only in the Northern Territory, it is still a reduced version of the body, and only in the ancient territory can the real body of the Wu clan be displayed.

“Immortal body, the true body of the Witch Clan?”

Star Profound was stunned to hear it.

Even he didn’t know this secret.

If Chu Fengmian hadn鈥檛 come to the ancient territory, he wouldn鈥檛 know that the immortal body that was circulated in the Starry Sky of the Foreign Domain was actually the witch鈥檚 real body of the witch clan, and the legendary Celestial Demon Ten Directions was actually the witch鈥檚 ten. Great wizard god.

After arriving in the North, Chu Fengmian not only improved his strength, but also his vision.

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