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Moreover, to buy this mythical king Snake Blood Crystal, there is no need to pay too much. The mythical king Snake Blood Crystal seems to be of high value, but in fact it may not be so.

For most witches, although they can also increase their strength by swallowing blood essence, the more powerful the blood essence, the more difficult it is to suppress its own power.

The blood essence was swallowed rashly, and no benefit was gained. Instead, it was backlashed by the power of the blood essence, and there were many witches who were seriously injured in the end.

The power of this mythical heavenly king Snake Blood Crystal is indeed too strong. It is far from being a witch king and can be refined. If you want to refining the power of this mythical heavenly king Snake Blood Crystal, at least a witch emperor can do it. , Have a chance.

But for a witch emperor, refining a blood crystal of the immortal venerable level is already meaningless.

So this mythical heavenly king Snake Blood Crystal, although the power contained in it is powerful, but in the Wulin Pavilion, it is a hot potato, and no one will buy it.

And because of the huge power contained in the Snake Blood Crystal, I was unwilling to sell it at a low price. This also resulted in the Snake Blood Crystal being placed in the treasure house for tens of thousands of years and it was not sold.

Now Chu Fengmian is actually interested in the mythical king Snake Blood Crystal, Hongyue’s heart can’t help but feel a little excited, but her face hasn’t changed.

After hearing Chu Fengmian’s question, Hongyue opened the mouth and said.

“This mythical heavenly king Snake Blood Crystal originally cost at least 5000 witch coins, but Young Master Chu is a distinguished guest of our Wulin Pavilion, and it also cooperates with us. If Young Master Chu wants it, only 3500 witch coins are needed.”

“3500 witch coins are too expensive.”

Chu Fengmian eyes flashed.

“This mythical heavenly king Snake Blood Crystal, although the power contained is huge, but there is no witch king in the entire northern realm. You can refining the blood essence power in this mythical heavenly king Snake Blood Crystal.”

“I am also curious about the secrets in the Snake Blood Crystal, and I want to buy a comprehend comprehend. As for the power of refining the blood essence in the Snake Blood Crystal, I can’t do it.”

“1000 witch coins, if I am willing to sell, I will buy it. 3500 witch coins are too much.”

Chu Fengmian opened the mouth and said indifferently.

It seems that Chu Fengmian is really facing the mythical king Snake Blood Crystal, but he is a little curious and wants to study.

If the price of Snake Blood Crystal is low, Chu Fengmian will buy it. If the price is too high, Chu Fengmian will not spend a big price on this useless thing.

“1000 Witch Coins…”

Hongyue’s eyes flashed and seemed to be thinking about it. After a while, she opened the mouth and said.

“Since Young Master Chu wants it, the mythical king Snake Blood Crystal will be sold to Young Master Chu for 1000 witch coins.”

This mythical heavenly king Snake Blood Crystal has been in the treasure house for a long time. Except at first, some witch emperors had some interest in the mythical heavenly king Snake Blood Crystal, but when I glanced at it, I found that I could not see the mysterious. , And they all gave up.

As for the other witch kings, they have no interest in this mythical king Snake Blood Crystal.

The mythical king Snake Blood Crystal contains this huge power, but if it can’t be refined, it doesn’t make any sense.

The blood essence power contained in the mythical king Snake Blood Crystal is not a witch king who can be refined.

Now someone finally wants to buy the Snake Blood Crystal. Although the price is very low, it is better than keeping the Snake Blood Crystal in the treasure house.

So even if it was an ultra-low price of 1000 witch coins, Hongyue still agreed.

“Well, this is 1000 Witch Coins, this mythical king Snake Blood Crystal, I will take it away.”

Chu Fengmian waved his hand, and the 1000 witch coins flew towards the red moon.

Red Moon took the witch coin, and at the same time she made a few gestures, and the prohibition on this mythical king Snake Blood Crystal disappeared completely.

The mythical king Snake Blood Crystal was also included in the space ring by Chu Fengmian.

Except for the mythical heavenly king Snake Blood Crystal, none of the other blood crystals attracted much attention from Chu Fengmian. He finally selected 2 blood crystals of the fairy beasts and spent all the remaining 1400 witch coins. Light.

Chu Fengmian needs the blood essence of Xianzun, just to condense the life of the heavenly witch, so no matter which blood essence is of that family, it does not make any difference to Chu Fengmian. He only needs to choose the blood crystal that contains the largest blood energy.

The desolate beast clan is obviously the most suitable for Chu Fengmian’s requirements, so Chu Fengmian bought 2 more blood crystals of the immortal desolate beast.

As for the remaining witch coins, Chu Fengmian has not yet comprehend Martial Dao, the witch god among them, and cannot spend it yet. Today can only end here.

“I’ll go to closed-door cultivation first, and after I have completed all the medicinal pill, I will contact you. Also, I need Wu Lin Ge to help me collect the blood essence of some powerful wild beasts. I can use Wu coins and medicinal pill. To exchange.”

Chu Fengmian looked towards Hongyue, and after a word, his figure flickered and left the treasure house.

“Go old.”

Not long after Chu Fengmian left, the silhouette of an elderly man suddenly appeared in the treasure house.

Hongyue respectfully saluted when he saw the old man’s arrival.

This old man is one of the 5 Old Ancestors in Wulinge, and only one old man who knows Pill Dao a little bit.

“I actually bought the mythical king Snake Blood Crystal.”

In order not to disturb Chu Fengmian, Xing Lao was not in the treasury. However, he heard the conversation between Chu Fengmian and Hongyue clearly through the force left from Hongyue.

This mythical king Snake Blood Crystal, it can be said that there is no possibility of refining, so it has always been a chicken rib, and it is a pity that it is tasteless to abandon it, and it is placed in the treasure house.

There is no witch king who wants to buy this mythical king Snake Blood Crystal. After all, even the price of 1000 witch coins is a sky-high price.

But Chu Fengmian bought the Snake Blood Crystal, which made Xinglao feel a little strange.

“Could it be this person who discovered the mysterious of this mythical king Snake Blood Crystal?”

Hongyue also opened the mouth and said with some doubts.

“It should be impossible. The secrets in the mythical heavenly king Snake Blood Crystal are too deep. Even Lord Wudi can’t see what the secrets are. This person is very capable and impossible. “

Xing Lao was silent for a while, opened the mouth and said.

“It should be the same as he said, he just wants to comprehend something.”

“By the way, you said this person has finished the first batch of medicinal pill, what about medicinal pill?”

Xing Lao thought for a while, but didn’t think about it. The secret of the mythical king Snake Blood Crystal, if it were so comprehend, would not lie in the treasure house.

And even more how, in such a short period of time, it is impossible to see the secret of the mythical king Snake Blood Crystal.

Xing Lao is only a little curious, his real purpose is not only for this, but for Chu Fengmian’s Pill Dao.

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