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Chu Fengmian said that he wanted to kill the 3 King Kongliu, and his words counted.

From the very beginning, Chu Fengmian did not intend to escape directly.

An incarnation of the Chu Fengmian condense attracted all the powerful witch kings in the entire empty witch tower.

The Great Elder Wu Gen, who originally protected the Kongliu King, also went to block the “Chu Fengmian” who was planning to escape.

Suddenly, there was no more protection from the Witch King beside the three of Kongliu King.


Chu Fengmian coldly shouted, and with a wave of his big hand, the Kong Liu King, Kong Blood King, Kong Jiang King, and the 3 Witch Kings were all pinched in the palm of his hand by Chu Fengmian.

On them, as the strongest defensive heavenly witch body of the Witch clan, it has been defeated by Chu Fengmian just now. The three Witch Kings were caught in the palms of their hands by Chu Fengmian. They just wanted to resist, but they quickly burst Power suddenly came down and directly suppressed them.

It is God’s Force!

Chu Fengmian inherited the Bloodline of the God of Fire, and he can also freely mobilize the God’s Force in the wizard.

Although only a small part of the wizard God’s Force can be mobilized, it can deal with a few wizard kings, but it is completely enough.

The Witch God’s Force is the nemesis of all the Witch Clan, and all the Witch Clan now are actually behind the Witch God.

Under the suppression of Wu God’s Force, these three Wu Kings are now pinched in the palm of Chu Fengmian’s hands, but they don’t even have the ability to resist.

It can be said that it is extremely difficult to suppress a strong witch king. King Kong Liu and King Blood are also powerful men in the northern realm.

But now, in front of Chu Fengmian, who owns the witch God Bloodline and controls the witch God’s Force, he is so vulnerable.


“Let them go!”

Seeing Kongliu King, Kongblood King and the others, are now directly held by Chu Fengmian in the palm of his hand, and the other witch kings in the Empty Witch Tower have angrily roared.

They also knew that they were deceived. Just now Chu Fengmian didn’t want to escape, but the real target was the 3 Kongliu Kings.

Only now, the Kong Liu King, the Kong Blood King, and the Kong Jiang King, these three powerful Witch Kings, who were unable to fight back, were pinched by Chu Fengmian in his hands, but no one could think of them.

“Boy, let go of their three people, you don’t have to think about using them to make me refrain from shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the vases. It’s not a big deal to capture you today and die a few witch kings.”

Great Elder Wu Gen looked towards Chu Fengmian, coldly said.

He watched Chu Fengmian suppress the three Kongliu Kings, and felt that Chu Fengmian was planning to use their three people to threaten Kongwu Pagoda, so that he could retreat.

But Great Elder Wu Gen, he had already planned either the fish dies or the net splits in his heart.

Today, the strength that Chu Fengmian has shown is enough to show the value of the blood of the wizard god.

At the moment when Chu Fengmian urged Wu God’s Force, even if he was extremely far away from Chu Fengmian, the moment he felt Wu God’s Force, his heart trembled.

This kind of hierarchical suppression from Bloodline is impossible to avoid anyway.

Once it is the blood of the witch god, it can fall into his hands, even if he cannot become the eleventh witch god, he can become the overlord of the witch clan in the future.

Only he was promoted to Immortal Emperor and became the witch emperor. With the witch God’s Force in the blood of the witch god, it was enough to sweep the other witch emperors in the north, and he became the lord of the north.

Under the temptation of such a huge benefit, even if a few witch kings died today, he would still leave Chu Fengmian behind.

However, if every witch king wants to be cultivated, it also needs to consume a lot of resources. The empty witch tower can be regarded as an inheritance extremely ancient power among the witch clan, and now there is only such a dozens witch king.

It’s good to keep one.

Great Elder Wu Gen threatened Chu Fengmian coldly.

“Let go of them, we still have the possibility of negotiation. If you dare to move them a hair, from now on, you are the deadly enemy of the empty witch tower, prepare to wait for the endless pursuit of the empty witch tower!”

He believed that with the prestige of the empty witch tower, Chu Fengmian was absolutely jealous and did not dare to do it.

But before he could say anything, Chu Fengmian suddenly squeezed his hand. There were 3 Witch Kings in Chu Fengmian’s palm, and his body was shattered.

At the same time, a huge vortex appeared in Chu Fengmian’s palm, swallowing all the blood essence of the three witch kings.

“There is so much nonsense. If you kill, you will kill. I want to see, how can you keep me today?”

Chu Fengmian sneered.

At the same time, he used the secret technique of swallowing the sky to swallow all the blood essence of these three powerful wizard kings.

This is the first time Chu Fengmian has swallowed the blood essence of the Witch King.

The witch races who can become the witch king are all bloodline witch races, many of which are level 7 emperor blood. The power contained in their blood essence is also extremely large.

The blood essence of these three witch king powerhouses were all swallowed into the real life of the heaven witch.

Chu Fengmian felt that the embryonic form of the seventh witch’s fate had already begun to condense.

A drop of the blood essence of the ancestor of the white ancestors, and now the addition of the blood essence of these three witch king powerhouses, directly makes the seventh heaven witch’s life begin to condense.

As long as Chu Fengmian is killing a few witch kings, he can fully condense the witch’s life.

“There are still a few who want to die, you can come by yourself.”

Chu Fengmian’s tone was extremely plain, as if killing a few witch kings was like a casual trifle.

Hearing this tone, many empty witch tower witch kings felt cold.

They came from the empty witch tower and it can be said that they have never felt death.

In the North, as long as they are in danger, they can turn peril into safety if they show the identity of the empty witch tower.

In the Northern Territory, no one party will take the initiative to provoke the empty witch tower.

This makes them forget the feeling of death.

But today, Chu Fengmian killed King Kong Liu and the others in front of them, but it made them understand that death is so close.

Under their angry faces, there is also a bit of fear in their hearts.

They each and everyone in the north, transcendent position, no one, want to follow in the footsteps of the Kongliu King and the others.

“The witch kings of these empty witch towers are too far behind the witch kings outside. It seems that the empty witch towers are still too comfortable, each and everyone has lost the fighting spirit of the witch race.”

Chu Fengmian couldn’t help but sigh in his heart when no one dared to take the initiative to take the initiative to see those empty witch tower witch kings.

Like King Desolate, King Southern Desolate, and the Master Witch 9 of the Black Witch Hall, everyone is a fighting intent. When encountering powerful enemies, they will fight to death.

This is the real Wu Clan.

The witch kings in the empty witch tower are already timid and afraid of death. They can’t be called the real witch clan at all. No wonder their strength is so unbearable.

The strength of the Air Flow King and the Air Blood King is not even as good as that of the Southern Desolate King who has just been promoted to the Witch King. This strength is naturally impossible to withstand a single blow in front of Chu Fengmian.

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