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Those who can cultivation in the upper secret room of the empty witch tower are all powerful witch kings in the empty witch tower.

Although speaking of the number of witches, the empty witch tower is much less than the black witch city, and even less than one-tenth of the black witch city.

But there are more powerful witch kings in the empty witch tower than the powerful witch kings in the black witch city.

There are more than 20 people.

Inside the empty witch tower, there are a total of more than 2 witches, among which there are more than 100 witch kings.

No wonder Kong Witch Tower can become one of the Northern Super Influence on the same level as the Black Witch Hall.

These more than 20 witch kings alone are enough to establish the status of the empty witch tower.

King Kong took Chu Fengmian to the top of the Kong Witch Pagoda. This is no longer a secret room, but a huge palace. This is the core of the entire Kong Witch Pagoda, the great hall of the Kong Witch Pagoda.

King Kong took the lead in entering it, and Chu Fengmian also observed the palace in front of him and stepped into it.

“King Kong and Chu Fengmian, come in together.”

At the moment Chu Fengmian stepped into the great hall, an ancient voice was transmitted from the great hall.

The voice was like an old man, but when you listened carefully, it was like a child’s voice, and it was like the weird voice of a middle-aged man.

The moment Chu Fengmian heard this sound, Chu Fengmian’s eyes condensed, and at the same time he entered the palace, and at a glance he saw the palace, densely packed and arranged these countless thrones.

Above a dozen of the thrones, there are tall witch races. These witch races are almost all powerful witch kings, and most of the strength of the empty witch tower is gathered here.

At the moment Chu Fengmian entered the great hall, one after another looked at Chu Fengmian.

Among these gazes, there are curiosity, greed, fierce, and friendly gazes.

Even Chu Fengmian could hear them talking.

“This is the owner of the rumored Level 9 divine blood? It doesn’t seem to be special.”

“Level 9 divine blood, the blood of the wizard god, is actually in the hands of such a Little Brat?”

“The Bloodline of the Fire Sorcerer God has long since fallen. How could such a Little Brat suddenly appear.”

“Hmph, in my opinion, there is no need to be so polite with this Little Brat. It is said that this Little Brat is just an immortal saint. What is an immortal saint? Is it worth our empty witch tower to fight so hard? Just let him hand over the blood of the wizard god .”

“The blood of the witch god is very involved and cannot be grabbed.”

“Then let him be obedient. We can let him do what he does. To be so polite to such a Little Brat, I don’t know what Great Elder is thinking.”

a The voice of the Witch King’s conversation reached Chu Fengmian’s ears.

When these Witch Kings were talking, they did not hide at all. Even many Witch Kings did not put Chu Fengmian in their eyes and talked wantonly.

This caused King Kong’s face to change slightly.

In this great hall, many witch kings’ attitudes towards Chu Fengmian have nothing common with each other.

“There is a bad person.”

Chu Fengmian’s heart is coldly snorted.

But he had guessed it a long time ago, and apparently didn’t make any response.

Chu Fengmian didn’t care about these conversations. His eyes slowly looked towards the top of all thrones. This is a huge throne, which is more majestic than other thrones.

Above this throne, there was an old man sitting, and the weird voice before was the old man’s voice.

The appearance of this old man seemed extremely old, but the strength in his body was extremely strong, and the aura on his body was also mysterious to the extreme.

Chu Fengmian couldn’t see through this old man’s true drops for a while, mysterious and unpredictable to the extreme.

This is the Great Elder of the Empty Witch Tower, Witch Gen.

On the way to the empty witch tower, Chu Fengmian had already asked the empty king a lot about the empty witch tower, and he also knew some of the strong ones in the empty witch tower.

Behind the empty witch tower is an extremely witch emperor, empty witch emperor.

However, like most of the Immortal Emperor powerhouses, the Kong Wudi hasn’t passed away for a long time. He appeared occasionally and also appeared as incarnation.

The person who really controls the Empty Witch Tower is the Great Elder Witch Gen.

Among all the powerful Witch Kings present, the only one whose name Chu Fengmian could not see through was this Witch King.

“Great Elder, I have brought the man back. At the time of Southern Desolate, I made an agreement with him to take the bone of the idol for him.”

The Sky King looked towards Great Elder Wu Gen on the highest throne and said aloud.

“The little friend has also agreed to cooperate with us in the empty witch tower.”

“Yes, I already have an agreement with King Kong. As a cooperation, as long as it is within my ability, I can help Kongwu Tower and do something.”

Chu Fengmian also said aloud.

“It’s ridiculous, a little fairy sage, dare to talk about cooperation with my empty witch tower?”

Great Elder Wu Gen hadn’t spoken yet, and an empty witch tower witch king next to him suddenly laughed, Chu Fengmian with disdain in his eyes.

This is a Witch King named Kongliu King.

“Cooperation? What kind of cooperation, a little fairy sage, is also worthy to cooperate with our Kongwu Tower?”

Kong Liu Wang looked at Chu Fengmian, opened the mouth and said with a sneer.

“Boy, it’s your honor to let you work for the Empty Witch Tower. Now you can be obedient, and don’t have to think about that many.”

“Really? Effective? King Kong, this is different from what you said.”

When Chu Fengmian heard King Kong Liu’s words, his eyes were a little cold, but he ignored King Kong Liu, and instead opened the mouth and said to King Kong Liu.

“Little friends…”

King Kong just wanted to speak, but King Kong Liu was quicker and interrupted King Kong, coldly said.

“Boy, do you think you have Level 9 divine blood, even if you are a character? A little fairy sage, originally did not even have the qualifications to enter the ancient territory, let you enter the ancient territory, it is already for you A gift, now let you work for the empty witch tower, you dare to talk so much nonsense?”

King Kongliu said, his eyes looked towards King Kongkong coldly said.

“King Kong, fortunately, you are also a Witch King, and you actually sit on an equal footing with such a Little Brat? Have you agreed to his request? What a shame for us!”

“Didn’t expect, in the empty witch tower, there are such mad people?”

Suddenly, Chu Fengmian opened the mouth and said coldly.

“It seems that cooperating with Kongwu Tower must be considered. Cooperating with such a person who doesn’t know how to lose heart, it may cause trouble.”

“Crazy? Boy, you each and everyone, Xiaoxiaoxiansheng, your tone is not small, dare to ridicule the Witch King? Get some chance, I don’t know how many catties and how many taels?”

Listening to Chu Fengmian’s words, King Kong Liu’s eyes changed sharply.

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