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“In this witch coin, there seems to be a ray of witch god power?”

Chu Fengmian carefully observed the witch coin in his hand, and suddenly understood the source of this influence on the bloodline of the witch clan.

Wu God’s Force.

In this witch coin, there is a hint of witch God’s Force.

If this kind of witch coin is brought by a patriarch period, the witch God’s Force in it can also promote the bloodline of the witch bloodline with unnoticeable influence.

Of course, if you want to be promoted to the bloodline of the witch clan, this witch coin alone is still far from being able to achieve this. At least dozens, 100, and long-term wear for 100 years and 1000 years can achieve this.

However, even if the Bloodline cannot be promoted completely, the bloodline of the witch clan can become a little purer. For the witch clan, it is already a great opportunity.

The source of power of the witches comes from their witch god Bloodline. It can be said that the quality of the witch god Bloodline represents their future achievements.

For the Wu clan, the most opportunity is the opportunity to improve their Bloodline.

Therefore, this witch coin is a treasure of extremely high value to the witch tribe, and it is no wonder that this witch coin is used as a currency of the witch tribe.

However, the influence of this witch coin on the bloodline of the witch clan is up to the 7th emperor blood level at most. In the high-level bloodline of the witch clan, this small witch coin can not be affected.

As for Chu Fengmian Level 9 divine blood, the power in this witch coin is even more useless.

But for most of the witches, this is an extremely valuable treasure. In the transaction of the witches, the value of a witch coin is also extremely high.

Chu Fengmian looked at the stall next to him. One of the witches only spent one witch coin in exchange for dozens of Immortal Medicines.

And these Immortal Medicines are all Middle Grade Immortal Medicine, not Low Grade Immortal Medicine.

There are many Low Grade Immortal Medicines, and they are not eligible to exchange for a witch coin. Among the transactions in this market, most of the transactions are between one or two witch coins.

In addition to being promoted to Bloodline, this witch coin has a second function.

“The witch God’s Force contained in this witch coin is weak, but it seems that there is a mysterious Martial Dao in it?”

Chu Fengmian realized that the power contained in this witch coin actually had a power close to the witch god Martial Dao.

It seems that many witch gods, Martial Dao, are recorded in witch coins, but the weak power contained in a witch coin is not enough to make Chu Fengmian comprehend the witch god Martial Dao recorded in it.

If a large number of witch coins can be obtained, Chu Fengmian is confident that he can comprehend the witch god Martial Dao recorded in the witch coins.

Coming to Central Domain, in addition to cooperating with the empty witch tower, Chu Fengmian has his own plans. The most important thing is to collect more witch god Martial Dao.

Martial Dao, the witch god, integrated into the Sword Dao ancient book, has improved Chu Fengmian’s strength is already obvious.

If you can get more Martial Dao, and integrate it into the Sword Dao ancient book, Chu Fengmian’s strength can go further.

But Martial Dao, the witch god, is not so easy to get it.

In particular, what Chu Fengmian needs is Martial Dao, the sorcerer of the fire god inheritance.

If it is the golden witch god, the dark witch god and so on, the witch god Martial Dao, and the golden witch pavilion, the black witch hall, have some inheritance.

If you want to find Martial Dao, the witch god of these two witch gods, you only need to join these two forces and you can do it easily.

But the Bloodline of the Fire Sorcerer God has long since fallen, even in the Central Domain, there are not many Fire Sorcerer God inheritance powers.

Under such circumstances, to find Martial Dao, the witch god of fire inheritance, is no different from to find a needle in a haystack.

This left Chu Fengmian with no good solution for a while, but seeing this witch coin now made Chu Fengmian think of another solution.

As long as a large amount of witch coins can be collected, Chu Fengmian can comprehend the witch god Martial Dao directly from it, saving a lot of trouble in searching.

However, it is not easy to collect a large number of witch coins. From the transaction just now, Chu Fengmian can see that the witch coins are precious.

“King Kong, how can I get a lot of witch coins?”

Chu Fengmian suddenly asked the King Kong next to him.

“Oh? You want it? I have about a dozen of them here. If you need it, I can give it to you.”

Hearing Chu Fengmian’s words, King Kong’s expression was a little strange.

Witch coins, although it is a treasure for most of the Witch Clan, but for them like Witch Kings, it is of little use.

The witches who can become the witch king will not be too bad on the Bloodline, at least the bloodline of the witches above level 6.

For the Witch King, the improvement effect of the bloodline on the Witch Coin is already negligible, so for the Witch King, the transaction between them is more of a one-piece exchange.

As for witch coins, just carry some that’s all with you, rarely when they are useful.

Chu Fengmian was actually interested in witch coins, which made King Kong a little surprised.

After all, among the Witch clan, the impression of Witch Coins is used to improve the Bloodline.

As for Chu Fengmian, he actually planned to comprehend Martial Dao out of the little power contained in the witch coin. It was a crazy move that no one had ever done.

It is extremely difficult to master God’s Force. Even more how is to completely comprehend it. This is even more a fantasy story.

But Chu Fengmian has Level 9 divine blood, and he himself contains God’s Force. Therefore, Chu Fengmian can see more of the power in the witch coin. From this witch coin, Chu Fengmian all comprehend a Tap the traces of Martial Dao.

King Kong couldn’t guess all of this. It’s not enough witch coins and this thing is of little use to him. Since Chu Fengmian wanted it, he was not stingy.

In his capacity, a dozen witch coins can’t be considered.

“A dozen?”

Chu Fengmian frowned.

A dozen witch coins are far below Chu Fengmian’s requirements.

Chu Fengmian has calculated that it takes at least 1000 witch coins before he can comprehend a part of the witch god Martial Dao from the witch coins.

A dozen witch coins are too few for Chu Fengmian.

“You need a lot of witch coins?”

Looking at Chu Fengmian’s expression, King Kong said strangely.

King Kong originally thought that Chu Fengmian was just curious about witch coins. After all, there are many mysterious in witch coins. In fact, even their witch kings cannot completely comprehend them.

There are also some witch kings who want to comprehend the mystery of witch coins.

But at most it is only comprehend playing, not at all, how serious, and looking at Chu Fengmian’s appearance, he seems to need a lot of witch coins, which makes King Kong Kong somewhat didn’t expect.

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