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“Now that the Divine Beast Secret Vault has not yet been born, but no one has moved that’s all. The birth of the Colossus Temple will make people believe that the Divine Beast Secret Vault really exists.”

Kun Peng opened the mouth and said.


Chu Fengmian looked at the bone of the idol in his hand. This shape was indeed a key.

What made Chu Fengmian feel even more suspicious, this key has always hidden a power, which is extremely hidden.

If it weren’t for Chu Fengmian’s control of Supreme Beginning Strength, this strength would never be felt.

Chu Fengmian also tried to swallow this force, but he couldn’t do it. It seemed to be hidden deep in the bones of the idol, and would only be released when it was mobilized.

“In this case, this giant elephant temple should be more than just such a few immortals coming to compete.”

Chu Fengmian said with some confusion.

Since the bone of the idol is related to the key to the secret hiding of Divine Beast, it should be more than a few immortals who came to fight for it.

Perhaps the secret collection of a congenital Divine Beast cannot motivate an Immortal Emperor, but the secret collection of Divine Beast left by 6 congenital Divine Beasts is definitely a treasure that the Imperial Capital would be crazy about.

And now, although there are many strong players competing for the bone of the gods, compared to the value of the Divine Beast secret storage, it appears to be a lot less.

“After all, Divine Beast is secretly hidden, and it is still an illusory legend.”

Upon hearing Chu Fengmian’s question, Kun Peng explained with a smile.

“Moreover, when the Divine Beast Secret Vault will be opened is still unknown. Only when all the keys left by the 6 innate Divine Beasts appear, the Divine Beast Secret Vault will truly emerge.”

“The last time Soaring Snake was opened, it was already hundreds of thousands of years ago.”

Kun Peng said that, Chu Fengmian also understood what he meant.

Divine Beast secretly hides, even if there are many treasures in the rumors, precious, unopened, everything is empty talk.

To open the secret store of Divine Beast, you need all the keys left by the rumored 6 congenital Divine Beast to appear.

The Soaring Snake secret store opened, and now the opening of the Colossus Temple has taken hundreds of thousands of years.

Calculating this way, it seems that all the 6 keys secreted by Divine Beast will be unlocked, and it will take 700,000-800,000 years, or even millions of years.

Even for an Immortal Emperor, million years is a very long period of time. Immortal Emperors who can survive millions of years, without exception, are all Bloodline’s powerful existence.

Even most of the Immortal Emperors could not survive millions of years.

For an illusory, a treasure that will only be opened after millions of years, naturally few Immortal Emperors are willing to fight for it.

Therefore, from the perspective of the entire Three Great Saint Territories, the key to the secret storage of Divine Beast is more like a chicken rib. Although it is related to the secret storage of Divine Beast in this rumor, true powerhouse is unwilling to make a deal for such an illusory thing.

Like the soldier Immortal Emperor, although he also wanted to get the bone of the idol, he didn’t at all do it himself, just let his subordinates do it.

Obviously, this idol bone is not worthy of the Immortal Emperor, an Immortal Emperor, to do it himself.

Most of the people who came to snatch the bones of the gods at this time were some gods.

As for the original value of the Idol Bone, there are very few people in the world who can truly control the Supreme Beginning Strength.

Only those who have survived the great catastrophe and achieved Heaven and Earth aliens can control the Supreme Beginning Strength.

Such people, even in historical records, are very few.

And if they can’t control the Supreme Beginning Strength, the bone of the idol can only exert a small part of its power in their hands, and can’t really control the power of the idol.

In this way, for them, the value of the bones of the gods will be greatly reduced.

These two points add up, and it also leads to those who are really willing to fight for the bone of the idol, not at all that many in the imagination.

The empty witch tower should have given up on the bone of the idol, and will actively choose to join hands with Chu Fengmian to help Chu Fengmian seize the bone of the idol.

If this idol bone is really so popular, Kongwu Pagoda is also impossible to join hands with Chu Fengmian and even help Chu Fengmian seize the idol bone.

“It’s a bargain.”

Chu Fengmian’s face showed a bit of joy.

The bones of idols may seem like chicken ribs to others, but to Chu Fengmian, who controls the Supreme Beginning Strength and can devour the power of idols, it is a priceless thing.

Even the value of an Extreme Dao Immortal Weapon is not as great as the bone of the idol, which brings Chu Fengmian uplift.

“The idols are secretly hidden, if there is an opportunity, I want to go in and have a look, but for now, I’ll leave here first.”

The opening of the secret storage of idols is not a matter of a short while. There are 6 keys in total. Only 2 of them have appeared now. I don’t know when they will appear for the remaining 4.

Since the bones of the idols have been obtained, Chu Fengmian has no need to stay here.

His body moved immediately flew away from the Five Elements continent, and his silhouette rushed into the demon, and a power of idol radiated from Chu Fengmian’s body.

The surrounding demons, at the moment they felt the power of the idol contained in Chu Fengmian’s body, they all avoided one after another and all hid.

Of course, with the current strength of Chu Fengmian, even if he did not release the power of the idols, these demons could no longer stop Chu Fengmian.

After obtaining the bones of the idols and condensing the true fate of the 6th Heavenly Witch, Chu Fengmian’s strength has reached an incredible level.

The Witch God’s wings behind Chu Fengmian flapped, and his figure passed through countless demons and came to the sky above the Five Elements continent.

The sky above the Five Elements continent.

The fighting has stopped.

In the air, there was a strong smell of blood.

Before outside, there had been fierce battles.

The other immortal desolate beast seemed to have already left, and the other desolate beasts were all dead and wounded. Outside, only the Wu clan remained.

After all, this is the North Territory, and in the North Territory, the Wu Clan is the only Ruler.

Even the desolate beast clan, in the northern realm, can’t compare with the witch clan.

“Someone is out.”

King Jin Mie, King Southern Desolate, Lord of the Black Witch Hall, King Sky and the others were all outside, staring at the direction of the Five Elements continent.

Although they could not cross the Five Elements continent, they could vaguely feel the power fluctuations coming from the Five Elements continent. Just now, the power fluctuations disappeared.

This also proves that on the Five Elements continent, the winner is already divided.

The demon floating above the Five Elements continent suddenly separated.

From it, two silhouettes flew out of it.

“It’s him?”

“He’s not dead?”

Seeing Chu Fengmian flying out of the Five Elements continent, the eyes of King Jin Mie and the others were a little surprised.

Originally, seeing Kun Peng rushing into the Five Elements continent, in their eyes, Chu Fengmian was already a dead person.

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