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This silhouette is extremely illusory and faint. You can see this silhouette. It seems to be a ten thousand zhang giant beast, which is much larger than Kun Peng’s body.

At the same time, there was an extremely majestic voice, dropping from the sky, like thunder.

At the moment when a silhouette appeared, a force shrouded a moment. This force seemed to have the might of sweeping everything, called invincible force, and invincible.

As if this one silhouette is an invincible existence.

The moment he felt this power, Kun Peng’s silhouette trembled violently, and the gaze he looked towards that silhouette showed an expression of extreme fear.

“Bai Zu! It’s Bai Zu!”

Kun Peng exclaimed in surprise.

Chu Fengmian on the other side also had an extremely solemn expression.

He didn’t know the origin of this Bai Zu, but from this power, Chu Fengmian clearly distinguished the identity of this silhouette.

Immortal Emperor.

This Patriarch was actually an Immortal Emperor, an incarnation of the Immortal Emperor.

Only the power of an Immortal Emperor can travel through the layers of the giant elephant temple and arrive here.

In the star cave, Chu Fengmian had seen the power of the Immortal Emperor, so he was no stranger to the power of the Immortal Emperor.

The strength of the white ancestor in front of him is no less than that of the soldier Immortal Emperor, and he is definitely an Immortal Emperor.

The moment he felt the power of the Immortal Emperor, Chu Fengmian was shocked. He didn’t expect that he planned to kill these sheep and would attract an Immortal Emperor.

You must know that this Immortal Emperor illusory shadow is not the Immortal Emperor incarnation that emerged from the jade talisman, but an incarnation that an Immortal Emperor transmits across space and power.

It can be said that this Immortal Emperor seems to have been observing the every move of these sheep, and then an incarnation will come out at this critical moment.

These sheep are actually also a genius that Immortal Emperor fancy.

However, Chu Fengmian carefully thought about the various mysterious and various opportunities in the sheep, but he was not surprised.

It is strange that geniuses like Zhuyang exist without the attention of the strong, but they didn’t expect this time Chu Fengmian actually provokes an Immortal Emperor.

Chu Fengmian wanted to kill the sheep, naturally, he was on the opposite side of the Immortal Emperor who was standing behind the sheep.

“Kun Peng, even the person I like, you dare to move? It seems that you are impatient to live! die for me!”

That Bai Zu’s gaze was locked on Kun Peng’s body. From his eyes, there was a bit of anger. Suddenly, with a wave of his hand, Bai Zu suddenly turned into a huge palm as large as ten thousand zhang, which suddenly enveloped him. under.

This palm enveloped him and crushed the wind blade that Kun Peng had shot easily. At the same time, the huge palm directly grabbed Kun Peng.

“No! No! Master save me!”

Kun Peng yelled in panic.

At the moment when he was enveloped by this huge palm, Kun Peng felt that his strength was firmly suppressed.

The suppression of this kind of force made him unable to do even a little resistance.

“Kill in front of me?”

Since Kun Peng is an acknowledgement allegiance to Chu Fengmian, Chu Fengmian will naturally not sit back and watch Kun Peng being bombarded by Bai Zu.

He body moved and suddenly came to Kun Peng’s face. From the palm of his hand, a sword light flickered, and suddenly a sword light slashed at the palm of the white ancestor.

“A little Wu Clan, also wants to stop me Bai Zu?”

The voice of Bai Zu’s disdain came from the sky, he didn’t care about Chu Fengmian’s sword light, he still struck down with his palms.

This palm force counts strikes, and seems to be enough to crush everything in the world.

Chu Fengmian’s sword light, beheaded to the past, actually could not stop the strikes in the palm of this ancestor Bai.

“With my current strength, even an Immortal Emperor’s incarnation is far from being able to compete?”

When Chu Fengmian saw this scene, he realized the power of Immortal Emperor.

The white ancestor in front of him, but just an incarnation of the Immortal Emperor, had such a powerful force.

Today, Chu Fengmian’s power is even stronger than many immortals, but he can’t deal with the incarnation of the white ancestor.

The gap between Immortal Emperor and Xianzun is even greater than the gap between any other realm.

But now Chu Fengmian’s power can’t resist this Bai Zu, but it doesn’t mean that Chu Fengmian has no means with this Bai Zu today.

Chu Fengmian’s power is not enough, but now Chu Fengmian still has a big source of strength, the power of the bone of the gods.

“The power of idols, explode for me!”

Suddenly, Chu Fengmian urged this power to control the bone of the idol.

After Chu Fengmian merged into the blood of the white elephant, the bone of the idol was no longer repelling Chu Fengmian, and the power in it was mobilized at will by Chu Fengmian.

With Chu Fengmian’s control, from the bone of the idol, a blood glow rose up into the sky.

This blood glow is no longer as gentle as the previous strength, but a violent to the extreme power, extremely pure strength, turned into this blood glow, fiercely strikes on the palm of Patriarch Bai.

Hong long long !

The blood glow exploded from the bones of the idols. It was extremely powerful. With a single blow, the palm of Pai Ancestor’s hand was instantly exploded. At the same time, the blood glow’s power was even more striking. Above the illusory shadow.

I saw the illusory shadow of the white ancestor, all on the verge of collapse, becoming thinner.

The power erupted from the bone of the idol actually almost killed the white ancestor incarnation.

This also made Chu Fengmian clearly feel how powerful is the bone of the idol.

The power of that blood glow just broke out completely, enough to bombard and kill ten immortals.

“The power of the bones of the idols, damn it, even the blood of the white elephants was taken away by others, all sheep, you are such a waste!”

After suffering a blow from the bone of the idol, Patriarch Bai’s expression was extremely embarrassed, and he suddenly looked towards Zhu Yang cursed.

Seeing that the power of the bones of the gods was controlled by Chu Fengmian, he naturally guessed that the blood of the white elephants on the sheep must have been taken away by Chu Fengmian.

The blood of the white elephant is the key to controlling the bones of the gods.

It can be said that anyone who wants to control the power of the bones of the gods must cooperate with the blood of the white elephants.

But now the blood of the white elephant has fallen into the hands of Chu Fengmian, and it has been refining by Chu Fengmian, which means that he has no possibility of fighting for the bone of the idol.

Hearing Bai Zu’s curse, Zhu Yang didn’t dare to refute anything, knelt there, shiver coldly.

“Disappointing waste! Go!”

Seeing this scene, Bai Zu yelled again and suddenly shot, no longer attacking Chu Fengmian, but suddenly grabbed Zhu Yang, grabbing Zhu Yang in the palm of his hand, and at the same time a space tunnel opened. It seems that he intends to take away the sheep.

“Want to go? The bones of idols! Kill me!”

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