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In this desperate situation, Kun Peng still has such a hole card.

Chu Fengmian didn’t even think of this.

Now, under the power of this sacrifice, Kun Peng’s injuries are rapidly recovering, and his strength is rising steadily. This is something that Chu Fengmian absolutely does not want to see.

“You must stop him!”

When Chu Fengmian moved his mind, he controlled the surrounding space, intending to block off that space channel to prevent the power of Swallowing Heaven Beast from coming.

But the space controlled by Chu Fengmian hadn’t had time to get close to the space channel, and was crushed on the spot by violent power.

Even though Swallowing Heaven Beast has fallen, the power he left behind is still not something that Chu Fengmian can contend.

Wanting to seal off that space is absolutely impossible.

That being the case, I can only do something on Kun Peng.

“Sword out!”

Chu Fengmian gave a long whistle, and from his left hand, Ancestral Dragon Supreme Sword, also emerged, both swords came out, and at the same time, behind Chu Fengmian, the earth-shattering Sword Intent was accumulating this.

“The time for the secret technique of boiling blood is approaching!”

At the same time, Chu Fengmian suddenly felt a feeling of being exhausted.

The secret technique of boiling blood is activated once, and lasts at most one minute. Now the time of the secret technique of boiling blood is about to come.

Once there is no power blessing with the secret technique of boiling blood, Chu Fengmian wants to fight against Kun Peng, it is basically impossible to do.

“Victory is here!”

Now Chu Fengmian has only one momentary machine left. In this brief moment, Chu Fengmian did not hesitate at all. The two swords merged and the Sword Intent was shaking, all merged into the two swords.

From the top of Chu Fengmian’s head, the Sword Dao ancient book emerged. The pages of the Sword Dao ancient book all showed one after another Sword Intent.

All the Sword Intents are integrated into Chu Fengmian’s double swords.

“Nine Domains! Open heaven!”

Chu Fengmian gave a long whistle.

This a long whistle contains all the power of Chu Fengmian, the two swords merged and suddenly fell down.

Open the sky with a sword!

The sword technique created by Chu Fengmian is also Chu Fengmian’s most powerful sword.

All the power is integrated into the double swords, all pouring down, and the strikes come out. This sword edge has the potential of splitting heaven and earth apart, directed at Kun Peng in the secret technique of swallowing the sky. Away.

Heaven and Earth all kinds, under this sword, only annihilation is left!

This might of a single sword penetrated into the secret technique of Swallowing Heaven, and suddenly exploded, and the Sword Intent swept everything. Each of these Sword Intents has the potential to split heaven and earth apart.

Kun Peng in the secret technique of Swallowing Sky clearly felt the horror of Chu Fengmian’s sword. The complexion greatly changed, almost integrating all the power he just accumulated into the wings. Expand, resist the power of this open sky sword.


Just in an instant where the opening of the sky was slashed on the wings of Kun Peng, the wings of Kun Peng exploded in an instant, and were slashed on the spot, turning into a blood mist.


Kun Peng screamed.

This pair of wings can be said to be the source of his most powerful strength, but now they are all blown up under the sword of Kaitian.

For Kun Peng, this kind of injury is simply tens of thousands of years unable to recover.

But now, he has no choice.

The blood essence with broken wings was swallowed by the surrounding secret technique, turned into incomparable essence, and poured into Chu Fengmian’s body.

The power contained in the blood essence of Kun Peng’s wings is incredibly powerful.

Although it was only part of the blood essence in Kun Peng’s wings, it was swallowed into Chu Fengmian’s body with the secret technique of Swallowing Heaven. In an instant, Chu Fengmian felt that he condensed the blood essence needed for the sixth immortal inscription. , Actually enough.

Before Chu Fengmian killed the god wild bull, he only got 20% of the blood essence needed for the sixth immortal inscription.

But now part of the blood essence in Kun Peng’s wings directly meets the blood essence that Chu Fengmian needs to condense the sixth immortal inscription.

This part of the blood essence is worthy of the blood essence of the 4 gods and wild cows.

This Kun Peng was originally a fairy goddess, even more how he was the Bloodline of Divine Beast Kun Peng, and Bloodline Strength was much stronger than his wild beasts.

So Chu Fengmian only got a part of the blood essence contained in the Kun Peng wings, which is enough to condense the sixth immortal inscription!


Chu Fengmian didn’t hesitate, and chose to condense the sixth immortal inscription at once.

Now in this battle, it is extremely important for Chu Fengmian to increase his strength a little bit.

even more how condense The sixth immortal inscription, Chu Fengmian’s strength, I’m afraid it will increase by a level.

In Chu Fengmian’s body, the blood essence power accumulated until now all emerged, turned into a simple inscription, and appeared behind Chu Fengmian.

Chu Fengmian’s body, all under the agglomeration of the sixth immortal inscription, began to change. Suddenly, the wings behind him were changing, and the ancient inscriptions like the immortal inscription suddenly appeared in Chu On the wings behind Fengmian.

The moment this ancient inscription was condensed on the wings, suddenly Chu Fengmian had a feeling, this is the wings of the fire wizard god, the feeling of true posture.

At the same time, at the moment when Chu Fengmian’s wings changed, the strength of Chu Fengmian’s body was also continuously increasing.

The immortal inscription, which is the true fate of the witch, is the source of power of the witch clan. The biggest gap between the bloodline of the witch clan is to condense the true fate of the witch.

The 6th Heavenly Witch’s true destiny is condensed, and the benefits brought to Chu Fengmian are actually the benefits of two wings. Condense the real Witch God’s wings!

It can be said that the wings behind Chu Fengmian before are just like the condense with the power of the witch clan.

But now the two wings behind Chu Fengmian can be called the real Wings of the Witch God.

“Although the sixth heavenly witch’s fate brings the benefits of enhancing power, but the condense of the witch god’s wings is just useful to me now!”

Chu Fengmian saw the Condense Wings of the Sorcerer God behind him, his face was delighted, the wings of the Sorcerer God did not increase his power too much, but the real meaning of the Wings of the Sorcerer God was speed, which could bring Chu Fengmian incomparable speed.


At the moment of the Condense of the Witch God’s Wings, Chu Fengmian spurred the Witch God’s Wings in an instant. The Witch God’s Wings instigated once, and the speed was not worse than the original Kun Peng’s speed.

The condensing of Witch God’s Wings has increased Chu Fengmian’s speed by a full ten times.

Chu Fengmian didn’t care about Kun Peng in the secret technique of Swallowing Sky at all, but after condense the wings of the witch god, he immediately flew towards the bone of the idol.

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