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A witch king actually treated Chu Fengmian so politely.

This is something that even Chu Fengmian himself did not expect.

“The old man is named Kong King, and he is the seventh tower master of the Kong Witch Pagoda. This time he invited the little friends to come to discuss something.”

However, before Chu Fengmian asked, the old witch king spoke directly.

Hearing this, Chu Fengmian didn’t have any surprises in his heart. People in the empty witch tower would naturally not help Chu Fengmian for no reason.

This time this time King Kong, since he plans to meet Chu Fengmian, he naturally has his purpose.

As for the identity of the old man, Chu Fengmian didn’t know what the seventh tower master of the empty witch tower was.

He now knows a little about the witches of Southern Desolate, and for the witches of Central Domain, he knows at most how many super influences dominate the witches.

But naturally, I don’t know anything about the structure.

“Please tell me what’s the matter.”

As a Witch King, King Kong was so polite to Chu Fengmian and gave enough face. Naturally, Chu Fengmian would not be too indifferent.

However, it is not because of this kind of good intentions that he would completely believe in King Kong.

In front of huge monsters such as Kongwu Tower, Chu Fengmian’s strength is nothing at all, so he must be careful.

“Little friend, this time, it came from the bone of this idol.”

King Kong didn’t say it directly, but sold a pass, and asked Chu Fengmian.

“The people who come here, who didn’t come for the bones of idols?”

When Chu Fengmian heard the words of King Kong, he calmly opened the mouth and said.

Whoever came to the giant elephant temple this time did not come for the treasure of the giant elephant clan, the bone of the elephant?

The Black Witch Hall, the Golden Witch Pavilion, the powerhouses of the Desolate Beast clan, etc., all came for the bone of the idol.

Chu Fengmian can’t believe that the people of the empty king came to hang out.

After listening to Chu Fengmian’s words, King Kong didn’t get annoyed, but still said with a smile on his face.

“If you say, this time my empty witch tower decided to join hands with my little friend to capture the bone of the idol, how?”

Sora King’s face is full of somewhat mysterious expressions.

“After capturing the bones of the idols, the bones of the idols can belong to the little friends, but after this, we have a busy time in the empty witch tower and need the help of the little friends.”

At this time, King Kong was not talking any nonsense.

It directly stated the purpose of his trip.

“Joining hands? Need my help?”

When Chu Fengmian heard King Kong’s words, there was no joy on his face, but some jealousy appeared in his eyes.

The conditions of the King Kong are like a pie in the sky. This condition is too generous. King Kong assists Chu Fengmian to seize the bones of the idol. After the event is completed, he only needs Chu Fengmian to help one. busy?

A bone of an idol, if the empty witch tower is willing to give it to any Immortal Emperor, I am afraid that one Immortal Emperor can help.

Is there anything that I need to use the bones of idols to find a little fairy like Chu Fengmian for help?

Chu Fengmian is not the kind of person whose interests are enchanted. After hearing this condition in his heart, he felt something was wrong.

“Help? With the power of the empty witch tower, why do I need a little fairy sage to help?”

However, Chu Fengmian still did not completely refuse, but continued to open the mouth and said.

He was also a little curious. This empty witch tower first took the initiative to help, and then he was willing to join forces with Chu Fengmian to help Chu Fengmian seize the bones of the idol, just for help.

What the hell is this busy?

“My empty witch tower, although the power is strong, this thing is indeed not something we can do, otherwise, the old will not be a thousand miles away, come and find a little friend.”

The empty king looked towards Chu Fengmian opened the mouth and said.

Hearing this, Chu Fengmian’s face changed slightly.

The meaning in this sentence is as if the king of the sky is coming this time, not for the bones of the idol.

It made a special trip to find Chu Fengmian, coming from Central Domain 1000.

But before that, Chu Fengmian hadn’t even met the people of Kongwu Tower. Why would Kongwu Tower know about Chu Fengmian, and even came to Southern Desolate to find Chu Fengmian.

Just as Chu Fengmian was thinking, suddenly Chu Fengmian’s mind heard the voice of King Kong Kong.

This is a kind of sound transmission secret technique, which sounds silently from Chu Fengmian’s mind.

“I am empty witch tower, but I need the Bloodline Strength of my little friend to help me with one thing. This is not a difficult task for my little friend.”


After hearing this, Chu Fengmian instantly understood that King Kong came to look for the reason for Chu Fengmian.

Indeed, in Chu Fengmian’s body, only one point can make Kongwu Pagoda treat him so politely, and even need his help, that is what only Chu Fengmian Level 9 divine blood can do.

The empty witch tower seems to want to use Chu Fengmian’s Level 9 divine blood to do something.

Chu Fengmian thinks that his Level 9 divine blood is a good secret, but he didn’t expect that he was still a person from the empty witch tower.

Level 9 divine blood is exposed, and Chu Fengmian is in the north, so it can be said that there is danger everywhere.

Almost all influence, as long as the powerful Wu clan who has a prying eyes on Level 9 divine blood will be Chu Fengmian’s enemy, which makes Chu Fengmian suddenly a little nervous.

However, Chu Fengmian glanced at the domain master of the Black Witch Hall, the Southern Desolate King, the Golden Witch Pavilion Witch King and the others. They didn’t respond at all, which made Chu Fengmian feel a little relieved.

It seems that only the empty witch tower knows about Level 9 divine blood.

The other powerhouses of the Wu Clan still don’t know that Chu Fengmian has Level 9 divine blood.

With all the puzzles solved, Chu Fengmian now has to consider whether to join forces with King Kong Kong.

As for how the Kongwu Tower knows that Chu Fengmian has Level 9 divine blood, it is no longer what Chu Fengmian needs to care about. After all, even if it is due to understood, it has no meaning for Chu Fengmian now.

It would be better to put all your energy in your eyes.

Once Level 9 divine blood is exposed, Chu Fengmian will be in an extremely dangerous situation, which makes Chu Fengmian’s desire for power even more intense.


Only after having enough power, Chu Fengmian did not worry about Level 9 divine blood exposure.

And the fastest way to gain strength is the bone of the idol in front of you.

“Okay, I will join forces with you, but this time, you must help me to take the bones of the idols. If I can’t get the bones of the idols, this will not count.”

Chu Fengmian eyes flashed, suddenly looked towards King Kong and said.

Strength is everything.

If you miss this time, you will encounter such an opportunity like the Bone of Deity, but you don’t know when it will be the next time.

For Chu Fengmian, he doesn’t have that many time to waste. Chu Fengmian must get the bone of the idol.

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