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But just from this half of the jade talisman, one can clearly feel the surging power contained in it.

“This is the jade talisman of the giant elephant family?”

Chu Fengmian’s mind moved and he watched carefully.

At the moment when the jade talisman was typed, all the hieroglyphs on it suddenly flashed, and then at the next moment, a burst of light suddenly burst out.

This light circle completely encased the 3 people of Master Zero Axe, and at this time.

The three Masters of Zero Axe are already close to the Colossal Elephant Temple. According to the previous, at this time, the Array above the Colossal Elephant Temple should explode and strike their three people.

However, under the cover of this aperture, the Array above the Colossal Elephant Temple did not exist, without any trace of explosive power.

“What is in that aperture? Can resist the Array above the Colossal Temple? How can there be this thing?”

Until this time, many witches suddenly reacted, and the complexion greatly changed.

The bones of the idols are in the giant elephant temple. It can be said that at this time, who can seize the first opportunity to enter the temple of the giant elephants is the person who has the best chance to obtain the bones of the idols.

All the powerhouses present are accumulating this power, preparing to wait until the giant elephant temple is completely born, the moment the Array shrouded above is completely dissipated, they will fight together to fight for the bones of the gods.

But now, some people use this aperture to seize the opportunity, and even want to rush into the colossal temple before everyone.

This could not be tolerated by all the Witch clan powerhouses present.

“Don’t want to go in!”


In an instant, the powerful dozens of the Witch clan all shot together, chasing Young Axe and the others, but when they were about to catch up, the Array above the giant elephant temple was agitated.

They, without the blessing of this iris, will be struck by the power of the colossal temple as soon as they approach the colossal temple.

The power of Array turned into one after another thunder, dropping from the sky, and all the powerful wizards who tried to get close to the three masters of Zero Axe were forced out by this thunder.

Now the Array above the giant elephant temple seems to have become a protective umbrella for the three men of Zero Axe.

“A group of stupid witches want to compete with us, they are dreaming!”

When Mr. Spear saw this, his face also showed a bit of mockery.

It’s just that he didn’t notice it, not far behind them, at the edge of the aperture, an illusory silhouette followed them.

This silhouette is naturally Chu Fengmian. With the help of this aperture, he also avoided the strikes of the Array of the Colossus Temple, quietly following the three people, preparing to enter the Colosseum Temple.

“Owning this jade talisman is indeed a natural advantage. If it weren’t for me, I’m afraid that the bones of the idol at this time might really fall into the hands of these three people. It’s a pity.”

Chu Fengmian’s eyes showed a bit of coldness.

Since the bone of the idol has been taken by Chu Fengmian, naturally there is no reason for it to fall into the hands of other people.

His figure was hidden tightly by Space Power, and he followed behind the three Master Zeroaxe, preparing to follow them all the way into the Colossal Elephant Temple.

But just when this aperture has reached the position of the altar of the giant elephant temple.


I saw a huge silhouette, suddenly straddling countless spaces, and chasing towards the three Master Zeroaxe.

This silhouette rushed directly into the scope of the giant elephant temple, allowing the thunder that the array above the giant elephant temple to transform into strikes again and again, all with a silhouette, the same as a press forward.

This one after another thunder, as if facing a silhouette, couldn’t stop it at all.

“This kind of power is Immortal Venerable! The Witch King has started it!”

Chu Fengmian saw this silhouette rushing towards him in a rampage, and he immediately understood that this kind of power is definitely the Witch King’s hands.

The Array above the giant elephant temple is inaccessible to any Immortal Monarch.

And the only existence that can rush into the Array above the Colossal Venerable Realm is the Witch King of the Immortal Venerable Realm world.

For all the witch races, they are all impossible to let the three young masters of the zero axe, and just like this, go to the giant elephant temple today.

If they were allowed to enter the giant elephant temple, it would be even more difficult to stop them.

No one knows what exactly is in the Colossal Elephant Temple. Once the bone of the idol falls into the hands of the three Master Zeroaxes, all of their preparations for so many days will be wasted.

So even the Witch King, at this time, he didn’t care about saving energy, and he rushed over with all his strength. This silhouette is 700-800 meters high.

He came to the front of the aperture, where it was blocked, like a big mountain, even Chu Fengmian’s figure waiting for the Witch Clan now looked extremely small in front of this Witch King.

“It’s the Southern Desolate King!”

“Quickly guard jade talisman! 10000000 can’t let jade talisman be taken away!”

“As long as he is guarding this jade talisman, he must quit, even if it is the Southern Desolate King, it is impossible to contend this Array for a long time!”

Young Axe and the others hurriedly shouted.

“This is the Southern Desolate King?”

At the same time, Chu Fengmian’s gaze fell on the huge witch clan in front of him. The Southern Desolate King was the entire Southern Desolate, the only witch king.

It can be said that the entire Southern Desolate belongs to the territory of the Southern Desolate King. Among this Southern Desolate, the Southern Desolate King’s supreme supreme exists.

Therefore, the first Wu clan who entered the space of the giant elephant, the thread of aura that Chu Fengmian encountered in the Southern Desolate forest, is also the Southern Desolate king.

But this is the first time Chu Fengmian has seen the Witch King with his own eyes.

This kind of power is indeed completely different from the witch warrior of Immortal Saint Realm, and his every move is full of majesty.

Immortal Emperor is not the most powerful existence.

Among all influence, the strong on the surface are actually Xianzun.

And the real Immortal Emperor, most of them have been hidden early, go to comprehend to dominate the Great Dao, unless there is a terrifying major event, otherwise no one dares to disturb the Immortal Emperor.

The Southern Desolate king suddenly rushed into the vicinity of the Colossal Elephant Temple. His target was the jade talisman of the three Master Zeroaxes.

This jade talisman has the ability to restrain the array above the giant elephant temple.

Whoever gets this jade talisman is equivalent to having the first opportunity to compete for the bone of the idol.

Therefore, the Southern Desolate King rushed over, and directly stretched out his big hand, and suddenly grabbed the jade talisman.

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