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But Chu Fengmian’s speed was faster than him. His body flickered, and the speed was so fast that everyone could not see Chu Fengmian’s silhouette. In an instant, Chu Fengmian came to the front of Wu Mie. , A palm of fiercely strikes down.

“Give me the town!”


Wu Mie was completely unprepared. The power on his body was easily crushed by Chu Fengmian’s palm, and blood spurted wildly. The power of his body was firmly suppressed by Chu Fengmian.

“All Heavens Life and Death Seal!”

With a move of Chu Fengmian’s fingertips, it turned into a black Spiritual Force and struck Wu Mie.

Wu Mie struggled madly, but all his struggles had no meaning in front of Chu Fengmian. He could only watch the black Spiritual Force penetrate into his body, right on Wu Mie’s forehead. It turns into a mark like a wheel.

After doing all this, Chu Fengmian released the Spiritual Force that suppressed Wu Mie.

But I saw that there was just a pair of baring fangs and brandishing claws, intending to kill Chu Fengmian’s Wu Mie, but now his face was full of respect, and he knelt in front of Chu Fengmian.

“pay respects to Master.”

No matter if there is this boundless hatred intent in his eyes, his body is involuntarily, unable to resist Chu Fengmian.

This is the overbearing of All Heavens Life and Death.

Moreover, this seal of All Heavens Life and Death has also been transformed by Chu Fengmian, and in addition, it has joined the God’s Force belonging to Chu Fengmian.

Level 9 divine blood, originally the highest bloodline among the witches, possesses the power to suppress all witches.

Now Chu Fengmian blessed the wizard God’s Force into the All Heavens Life and Death seal, which greatly enhanced the restraint power of the All Heavens Life and Death seal on the wizards.

Even Wuxi, who is a strong immortal saint, has no ability to resist after suffering the power of this move All Heavens Life and Death, and can only be at the mercy of Chu Fengmian.

Looking at Wu Mie, Xiao Dou Wang, Wu Shi and the others who were kneeling on the ground, there was a look of fear in his eyes.

This is a witch warrior, a strong immortal saint, but now in front of Chu Fengmian, such an impossible to withstand a single blow, especially the last black Spiritual Force, penetrated into the body of Wu Mie After the middle and later, Wu Mie seemed to be unable to control his body anymore, and could only follow Chu Fengmian’s orders.

This feeling of being at the mercy of others is simply worse than death for a powerful Wu clan.

Xiao Dou Wang, Wu Shi, now in the heart is also extremely grateful, they can be regarded as aware of the current affairs, the initiative is to acknowledge allegiance to Chu Fengmian.

Otherwise, maybe they will also be marked by the black mark of the middle and lower, becoming puppets who can only be manipulated.

“Let’s talk about it, the people in the Black Witch Hall, why would they attack us.”

Chu Fengmian looked towards Na Wu Mie, and asked aloud.

The Black Witch Hall can be regarded as one of the most powerful forces of the Witch Clan. Although it is not the oldest force, it was definitely the most powerful force at the time.

Because the creator of the Black Witch Hall, the Black Witch Emperor, is the youngest Witch Emperor among the Witch Clan.

Many of the ancient witch emperors among the witch tribes are elusive, and they rarely appear in the world for 1000 tens of thousands of years. Therefore, for those witch gods who are too old, there are many people among the witch tribe who suspect that they Does it still exist in the world.

But the Black Witch Emperor is different. The rise of the Black Witch Emperor, but 10,000 years ago, and even many powerful Witch clan powerhouses that exist today, have witnessed the birth of the Black Witch Emperor.

And a few hundred years ago, the Dark Witch Emperor was born.

The Black Witch Emperor can be regarded as the easiest one to see among the entire Witch Clan, and it can also be regarded as the one with the greatest influence.

The Black Witch Hall built by him is developing rapidly, because no one dares to fight the Black Witch Hall, and the Black Witch Hall is almost equivalent to the Black Witch Emperor.

This also created the detached status of the Black Witch Hall in the northern realm.

Chu Fengmian had also heard of the Black Witch Hall, but he was also a little surprised why the people in the Black Witch Hall would actually attack him.

“It was the young master who ordered it.”

Replied like a machine.

“Young Master? Who do you say is Young Master?”

Chu Fengmian frowned, asked.

If Wu Mie had a greedy mind on his own, that would be a good solution, but now, it seems that a bigger young master is involved.

“Our young master, named Baige, is the young master of the Baidian tribe.”

Wu Mie replied.

“Bai Ge? Actually the young master of the White Palace tribe? This is a trouble.”

Hearing Wu Mie’s words, Xiao Dou Wang’s face changed again and again.

“The White House Tribe was once a small tribe in the Central Domain, but he once helped the Black Witch Emperor when he was young. Later, after the Black Witch Emperor became a generation of Witch Emperor, he also rewarded a lot of benefits, allowing the White House Tribe to join In the Black Witch Hall, the status is extremely high.”

“Now the Baidian tribe can be regarded as a big tribe of the Central Domain, and Baige is the only son of the leader of the Baidian tribe. It is actually him. This is troublesome.”

The White Palace tribe, although not as terrifying as an entire black witch hall, is finally one of the largest witch tribes.

Wu Mie is also a member of the White Palace tribe.

Now Chu Fengmian has surrendered Wu Mie, but the equivalent to is an enemy with the Baidian tribe. This time, trouble is not small.

“White Pavilion? The young master of a tribe, I thought it was a who thing, this is not a trouble, anyway, this giant elephant city is in a separate space, who is dead, outside will not know who it is made.”

Chu Fengmian’s tone was disapproving, and a few killing intent flashes in his eyes.

“My lord is going to kill Bai Ge?”

Upon hearing this, Xiao Dou Wang, Wu Hao, and Wu Shi were all shocked.

The people who provoked the Baidian tribe, according to their thoughts, all rushed to escape and hide in a remote place.

But now Chu Fengmian actually wanted to take the initiative to kill.

“Dare to spy on me, naturally you have to bear the consequences.”

Chu Fengmian coldly smiled.

“You wait here, Wu Mie, follow me.”

In an instant, Chu Fengmian’s body shape was disappearing without a trace.

“Why is it so slow to extinguish that waste?”

Not far away, the entire group of the Baidian tribe was hiding behind a house, observing the situation on Chu Fengmian’s side.

Among them, the young Wu Clan, the young master of the White Palace tribe, Bai Ge, looked impatient.

“Among those people, after all, there are still several witch warriors. It is not surprising that the speed of witch extinction is slow.”

Standing at the side of the White Pavilion, a witch warrior hurriedly opened the mouth and said.

“Hmph, if you want me to see Wujie is still a trash, what about the witch warlord? What is the skill of the little Southern Desolate indigenous witch warlord? The witch god Martial Dao can’t learn a lot, I see his witch god Martial Dao, I learned it for nothing.”

Another witch, coldly said, with disdain in his tone.

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