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“sou! sou! ”

In the process of collecting, Chu Fengmian also obtained several Immortal Grade left by the giant elephant family.

Chu Fengmian selected a giant axe from it and bestowed it with a witch stone.

Wu Shi has a brute force, such a giant axe, it is exactly the brute force of Wu Shi, can be called the most suitable Immortal Grade for him.

For this Wu Shi is also grateful again and again, the expressions all looked towards Chu Fengmian are respected a lot.

Their three people, in this giant elephant city, repeatedly broke the Array of the door to collect the treasure.

After roughly determined that there was not much danger in this giant elephant city, Chu Fengmian simply let Wu Shi and Wu Hao move freely.

Chu Fengmian urged Spiritual Consciousness to detect the nearby places where Spiritual Force fluctuates, and then asked Wu Shi Wu Hao to go, break the Array in the door, and collect the treasure in it.

These Arrays are already dilapidated, with less than one strength. Although Wu Shi Wu Hao does not have the convenient method of Chu Fengmian’s secret technique, but with their power, it is not difficult to break the Array.

At most, it is slower than Chu Fengmian, but if you act separately, the speed is much faster than that of Chu Fengmian alone.

An hour’s time passed.

With 3 people in Chu Fengmian, they collected treasures from more than 30 houses and obtained a large number of medicinal pill, cultivation technique, Immortal Grade, etc.

Among these treasures, the medicinal pill of Dao of Body Refinement was obtained by Chu Fengmian, swallowed directly, and merged into 129,600 immortal crystals.

As for the remaining temporarily useless ones, they were thrown into the space ring by Chu Fengmian.

Ready to wait until Chu Fengmian leaves the giant elephant space, find a place, and then take a careful inventory.

“The houses around here are almost completely emptied…”

After breaking the Array of houses of the family and collecting all the treasures in it, Chu Fengmian urged Spiritual Consciousness to explore the surrounding area and found that there were not many places where the Spiritual Force fluctuates.

The houses nearby were all inspected by Chu Fengmian.

Next, if Chu Fengmian wants to collect it again, he must go to other places in Colosseum.

“It looks like the giant elephant city, but there is not much danger.”

Chu Fengmian’s current area is still on the edge of Colosseum.

Facing a Mysterious Land like the Giant Elephant City, Chu Fengmian was still immediately cautious and did not dare to rush into it.

But after several inspections, the Colosseum City should not be considered too dangerous. Chu Fengmian also considered it and set off to the interior of the Colosseum City.

The closer you get to the inner core area of ​​Colosseum City, the strong people of the Colosseum clan used to live in it.

The treasures they left behind should be much better than those on the outer edge.

“Go to the depths of the Colosseum.”

Chu Fengmian used the jade talisman to sound transmission to Wu Shi Wu Hao. The two of them quickly returned to Chu Fengmian’s side. The three set out again and walked towards the interior of the Colossal Elephant City.

At the same time, Chu Fengmian also urged Spiritual Consciousness to explore the surroundings.

This one is to detect danger, and the second one is to see where there are Spiritual Force fluctuations, so as to collect the treasure.

“Lots of Spiritual Force fluctuations!”

The more he entered the interior of the Colosseum City, Chu Fengmian discovered that the Spiritual Force fluctuations here were more dense, and there was a Spiritual Force fluctuation among almost 2 or 3 houses.

Obviously, the number of houses that store this Array is much higher than that of the outer edge.

However, the stronger the Array, the stronger the power, and the stronger the ability to resist the erosion of the years.

Like Exalted Sword Sect, it has also gone through the years of millions and millions of years, but the Array in it, the power retained now, can also contend against the powerful immortal.

Even with the current strength of Chu Fengmian, rushing to rush into the Exalted Sword Sect ruins may not be beneficial.

Of course, the Array of Exalted Sword Sect has been reinforced by more than one Immortal Emperor, and its power is naturally extraordinary.

The Array in this giant elephant city is not so exaggerated, and now it is barely maintained. As for the enemy’s ability, it can almost be ignored.

“En? What place is this?”

Chu Fengmian’s Spiritual Consciousness, after exploring all the way, suddenly one of the areas attracted Chu Fengmian’s attention.

The Spiritual Force fluctuations in this area are much stronger than those in other areas, almost 100 times that of other areas.

Such an abnormality immediately attracted Chu Fengmian’s attention.

“Such Spiritual Force fluctuates, this must be an important place in Colosseum!”

Chu Fengmian’s eyes lit up.

The Body Forging Pill drugs, cultivation technique, Immortal Grade alone are not enough to satisfy Chu Fengmian.

What Chu Fengmian wants is the real Supreme Treasure, treasure among the giant elephants.

The cultivation technique Immortal Grade obtained by Chu Fengmian is actually just an ordinary thing of the giant elephant family, which can’t be considered what treasure.

The real treasure must be elsewhere.

“Looking at the past!”

Chu Fengmian’s mind moved, and his escape light suddenly flew towards the direction of the Spiritual Force fluctuation.

After passing through the houses, a huge square suddenly fell into Chu Fengmian’s drill.

This square, almost boundless, looks almost like a continent.

After all, with the huge body of the giant elephants, the square that can accommodate them is naturally extremely huge.

However, what attracted Chu Fengmian’s attention most was a high tower in the center of the square.

This high tower, which is several hundred kilometers high, rises straight into the sky, towering into the clouds, and is carved with ancient characters from the giant elephant family.

Chu Fengmian noticed that the Spiritual Force fluctuations were emitted from this high tower.

“This should be the Trial Pagoda of the giant elephant clan. Almost all such Trial Pagoda and Desolate Ancient clan have them, and our Wu clan also owns them.”

Standing on the Chu Fengmian side, Wu Hao saw this giant tower, took a look, and said aloud.

“This kind of Trial Pagoda generally has many treasures stored in it, and once there is a clansman, you can get the treasures after passing the test.”

“Trial Pagoda.”

Chu Fengmian looked towards this giant tower and indeed saw many familiar places.

Although Chu Fengmian has never seen the Trial Pagoda of the Witch Clan, he has seen something similar. Among the Cave Mansion of 9 Mysterious Immortal, the Martial Dao Pagoda that Chu Fengmian has seen is actually this kind of Trial Pagoda. .

It’s just the Martial Dao tower, which was refined by 9 Mysterious Immortal.

In this kind of Trial Pagoda, the many levels are arranged, and the treasures stored in it can be obtained by passing the levels.

Listening to Wu Hao’s meaning, almost all Desolate Ancient races have this kind of Trial Pagoda, but the name has nothing common with each other, and there are also among the Wu races.

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