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It has been another week since Chu Fengmian left Sacred Hall.

Among the Evil Stone Tribe, under the joint governance of Wu Shi and Wu Hao, they are all in order, and the two of them are doing the things that Chu Fengmian explained.

Among them, there is no news about the search for the gathering place of Five Elements.

But on the other hand, the witch stone responsible for subduing other small tribes around it has made progress. In these 20 days, more than a dozen small tribes have been subdued by the witch stone.

The witch god Martial Dao owned by these dozens of small tribes was also offered by the witch stone.

Among these witch gods Martial Dao, Chu Fengmian found 3 of them, which belong to the witch god Martial Dao handed down from the fire witch god, and are of great use to Chu Fengmian.

After confirming that there was nothing wrong, Chu Fengmian was also happy, and continued to retreat in the Sacred Hall to the comprehend Martial Dao.

At the same time, Chu Fengmian also explained that, as long as it was on the side of the witch stone, he found the witch god Martial Dao, who had inheritance from the fire witch god, and sent it to the Sacred Hall voluntarily. Chu Fengmian did not need to leave the Sacred Hall at all.

He was in the Sacred Hall, the comprehend Martial Dao, and incorporated this one after another Martial Dao mysterious into the Sword Dao ancient book.

Time is fleeting, 2 months have passed.

Chu Fengmian has been staying in Sacred Hall for the past 2 months, coming to comprehend Martial Dao.

At the same time, on the side of the witch stone, they are also constantly fighting from the east to the west, surrendering all the surrounding small witch tribes, and income them into the evil stone tribe. All the witch god Martial Dao obtained are sent to the Sacred Hall. For Chu Fengmian comprehend.

In these 2 months, Chu Fengmian has comprehend ten Martial Dao belonging to the fire witch god.

These witch gods Martial Dao have already been incorporated into the Sword Dao ancient book by Chu Fengmian. The various mysterious ones have improved the sword technique of Chu Fengmian.

Although the power of Chu Fengmian has not changed in the past 2 months, the power of Chu Fengmian now has a general change from Heaven and Earth turning upside down 2 months ago. Up.

The integration of those witch gods Martial Dao, bringing Chu Fengmian, is not just a change in strength, but also affects the Sword Dao of Chu Fengmian.

The more Martial Dao you have merged into, the strength of Chu Fengmian is also advanced by leaps and bounds.

Just when Chu Fengmian was enjoying this feeling of rising power, his journey of retreat came to an abrupt end.

A jade talisman in Chu Fengmian’s hand suddenly flashed.

This jade talisman was left by Chu Fengmian to Wu Shi, Wu Hao’s sound transmission jade talisman. Once there is something urgent, they can also wake up Chu Fengmian through jade talisman.

If there is no major event, they will never use this jade talisman. If they use jade talisman now, something will happen.

So Chu Fengmian was about to leave. He left Sacred Hall, body moved, and suddenly entered the huge palace.

In this palace, Wu Shi, Wu Hao, and several other powerful Wu clan experts of the evil stone tribe were discussing what happened below. They stopped seeing the silhouettes that suddenly appeared on the tall throne. After the discussion, looked towards Chu Fengmian, respectfully saluting.

“Meet your lord.”

Many of them already know the identity of Chu Fengmian.

However, for the time being not so open to reveal the secret of Level 9 divine blood, so that the strong men of other evil stone tribes, like Wu Hao, call Chu Fengmian an adult.

“Wu Shi, how is your place?”

Chu Fengmian glanced at Wu Shi, and his eyes also showed some praise.

Although Wu Shi was forced by Chu Fengmian’s strength to be subdued by Chu Fengmian, he has been extremely obedient since the acknowledgement allegiance Chu Fengmian. The things that Chu Fengmian explained, he has already done everything.

In the past 2 months, Wu Shi has been working wholeheartedly for Chu Fengmian, obviously without any perfunctory, which also made Chu Fengmian nod secretly, extremely satisfied with Wu Shi.

“Reporting back to your lord, there are 110 small tribes nearby, 80 of which have been subdued by our evil stone tribe. The acknowledge allegiance is under the command of the adults.”

Seeing the praise in Chu Fengmian’s eyes, Wu Shi was also happy in his heart and hurriedly responded.

“But the remaining tribes are troublesome. They have already received the news, and now they have taken refuge in the Wuyuan tribe, the Shoushan tribe in advance.”

“In order not to beat the grass to scare the snake, so I didn’t go to attack other witch tribes. I also ask the adults to forgive me.”

Wu Shi respectfully reported.

“You did good.”

Hearing this result, Chu Fengmian’s face also showed some satisfaction.

Near the Southern Desolate mountain forest, most of the tribes are now subdued by the evil stone tribe, and all have joined the evil stone tribe. As for the remaining tribes, they are all related to Wuyuan and Shoushan. Large tribes have 2 threads and 1000 threads.

For these two large tribes, Chu Fengmian has no plans to move them yet.

“Your mission is here for the time being, the people of the two large tribes of Wuyuan and Shoushan, as long as you don’t take the initiative to provoke us, we don’t need to ignore them.”

Chu Fengmian thought for a while, opened the mouth and said.


Wu Shi replied respectfully, and stood aside.

And Chu Fengmian’s gaze fell on the other side, Wu Hao’s direction.

“You called me to leave the customs. Could it be the news that Five Elements gathers?”

Chu Fengmian looked towards Wu Hao and asked.

The jade talisman just now is the one that Chu Fengmian gave to Wu Hao. There is no urgent matter as much as 10000. It shouldn’t be Wu Hao to call Chu Fengmian out of the customs.

“I told my lord that I got some news about the place where Five Elements gathered, and the subordinates also got a more important news.”

Wu Hao looked towards Chu Fengmian, and his face showed some excitement of the impossible to bear.

“More important news?”

Chu Fengmian’s eyes flashed with surprise.

Finding a place where the Five Elements gathers is now the most important news for Chu Fengmian.

Chu Fengmian eagerly searched, Wu Hao already knew the importance of this matter, but now Wu Hao said that he actually said that he had received more important news than the place where Five Elements gathered.

This surprised Chu Fengmian, and he was also very curious about what news was this.

“Say, what news?”

Chu Fengmian couldn’t help but asked.

“My lord, do you know the bones of idols?”

Wu Hao looked towards Chu Fengmian, cautiously opened the mouth and said.

It seemed that he was afraid of being heard by others.

“Idol bones?”

Chu Fengmian frowned, looking for the word carefully, suddenly Chu Fengmian remembered that it was in an ancient book, he had heard of the name.

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