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“Although most of the desolate beasts are born without spiritual wisdom and only possess instincts, they are also born with such pure power.”

Chu Fengmian looked towards this python, could not help but think of it.

Regarding the brute force of the Fleshy body, even the Witch Clan can’t compare with the python.

But the python, not even among the wild beasts, the wild beast with the strongest brute force defense, has such a defense against the sky.

This defense allows the python to be invincible when facing the martial artist Demon God under the Immortal Monarch. No matter how many martial artist Demon God arrives, it can’t break his defense. .


Just as Chu Fengmian exclaimed, the python also roared. The huge body rushed towards Chu Fengmian, and immediately collided with the sword edge in Chu Fengmian’s hands.

“pèng! ”

The force of this collision made Chu Fengmian feel his hands numb for a while, and he couldn’t help but retreat.

Speaking of brute force, the power of this python is a bit stronger than that of Chu Fengmian.

However, the battle method of sword cultivator has never been a pure brute force collision.

Sword Dao is Chu Fengmian’s strongest attack method.

“Yin and Yang reversed! 3 Yang broke through the sky!”

The Ancestral Dragon Supreme Sword in Chu Fengmian’s hand suddenly condenses a power of Yin-Yang, which is transformed into a huge Yin-Yang Diagram shape behind Chu Fengmian. The violent and boundless power is condensed on the sword edge. .

With the moment Chu Fengmian took out his sword, the amount of madness contained in it poured down!

Hong long long !

The pure and extreme masculine power poured down, like a sea of ​​Pure Yang scouring down, fiercely’s strikes on the body of the python.


The pythons are all shrouded by the endless power of Pure Yang, the power of one after another Pure Yang rushes his body madly, under this scouring, the pythons are all wailing in pain, huge The body frantically swept everything around this place, tearing apart the surrounding Pure Yang sea.

I saw that in the sea of ​​Pure Yang, because of the power of the python, forcibly was punched out one after another crack.

The power of Chu Fengmian urging Yin-Yang Sword technique could not suppress this python.

“9 mysterious sword technique!”

But in an instant, Chu Fengmian spurred another sword again. Power of Stars gathered on the sword edge held by Chu Fengmian, and suddenly turned into a sword qi Star River, which strikes down.

Strikes again on the body of the python, but even under the terrifying sword qi of the sword qi Star River, the python is still almost unscathed.

The python’s defense is almost against the sky, and the sword technique that Chu Fengmian exploded has lost its meaning, and it could not break the defense of the python.

After trying a few tricks, Chu Fengmian also knew about his current strength.

Chu Fengmian’s current strength should have reached the level of the fairy sage Early-Stage, but it is still stronger than the martial artist Demon God of the fairy sage Early-Stage. Beast, Chu Fengmian’s strength is still somewhat insufficient.

Unless you use the Sword of the Beginning, or use Chu Fengmian’s strongest sword technique, otherwise an ordinary attack will not break this python’s defense.

“It seems that without using the witch god Martial Dao, it is impossible to defeat this python.”

After Chu Fengmian understood his strength in his heart, he said to himself.

Chu Fengmian entered the Southern Desolate mountain forest this time, not only to train the witch god Martial Dao, but also to try his current strength.

His strength has truly entered the realm of the immortal saint, but compared with this python, it is still slightly inferior.

However, what Chu Fengmian broke out now was not his true full strength. His trump card method had not been used yet.

“Now that I have determined my current strength, it’s time to really do it!”

Suddenly, Chu Fengmian’s eyes showed a bit of killing intent. His expression was completely different from before. This is how Chu Fengmian really got serious.

Just now, Chu Fengmian has been in a stalemate with this python, and he wants to try Chu Fengmian’s own power, to what extent he has recovered.

After confirming now, Chu Fengmian has no need to continue the stalemate.

I saw from the sword edge in Chu Fengmian’s hand, a red flame slowly condensed. This flame, only half a meter in size, compared to the current body of Chu Fengmian, which is nearly 100 meters, at a glance, it was unremarkable.

But in this half-meter flame, there is a power that can destroy everything.


Although the python did not have wisdom, he had instincts. He couldn’t perceive the terrifying power contained in this flame. He roared, and the huge body rushed towards Chu Fengmian again, intending to stop Chu Fengmian.

Seeing the python rushing over, Chu Fengmian’s expression did not change at all. The flame of sword edge in his hand suddenly burned violently, and suddenly a sword shot.


Hong long long !

The flame shot out and immediately turned into a boundless sea of ​​fire, the fire of extinguishing the world, sweeping everything.

The body of the python was involved in this boundless sea of ​​fire. In an instant, the scales on his body began to shatter. The python was struggling frantically, trying to escape from the sea of ​​fire, but the sea of ​​fire was like It’s like a huge prison.

No matter how hard the python struggled, he couldn’t escape from the sea of ​​fire, and finally after the flame went out, the body of the python was completely scorched.

This extinguishing fire destroyed the vitality of the python.

Even if the python has a strong resilience, it can’t recover now, forcibly was burned to death.

Chu Fengmian only used this move to destroy the world for the first time, and directly beheaded the python.

“really strong.”

Seeing this scene, Chu Fengmian couldn’t help muttering to himself.

This move is not actually the extinction of the sorcerer Martial Dao, but a sword technique integrated into Chu Fengmian’s Sword Dao ancient book and becoming part of the Nine Domains Sword Technique created by Chu Fengmian.

Although the essence comes from the witch god Martial Dao, in essence, it has become Chu Fengmian’s sword technique.

Chu Fengmian used this move for the first time to destroy the world and the enemy. The burst of power also made Chu Fengmian extremely satisfied.

This fleshy body defended against such a sky-defying python, and could not resist this move to destroy the world. Under this move, it fell directly on the spot.

The anaconda’s defense is stronger than that of the same realm’s martial artist Demon God, even the ominous beast Demonic Beast, etc., and it’s almost better than many martial artist Demon Gods of Middle-Stage. More powerful.

Now I still can’t resist this move to destroy the world.

In this way, Chu Fengmian’s use of this move to destroy the world is already enough to threaten the later stage of the fairy sage, and even the martial artist Demon God of the fairy sage Peak.

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