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Level 9 divine blood?

When Chu Fengmian heard this, his face remained unchanged, but a stormy sea was set off in his heart.

The bloodline of the Wu clan, a total of Level 9, this Chu Fengmian also heard from Wu Mo.

Most of the witches are only Level 2, the Bloodline of Level 1. Such bloodlines are only the weakest mortal blood, and they are also the bloodlines of most witches.

Like the well-known figure in Level 2 Bloodline, it can be regarded as having the ability to attack witch warriors.

Wu Mo is a well-known figure in Level 2 Bloodline.

As for Level 3 Bloodline, even if it is a small genius among the Witch tribe, it is almost with no difficulty to become a Witch Warrior in the future.

From Level 4 Bloodline, the bloodline of the witch race will undergo a qualitative change, and Level 4 Bloodline is already the blood of the Royal Family.

Among the Witch Clan, the stronger the Witch Clan, the stronger the bloodline’s power will be. Level 4 Bloodline, at least the Witch Clan with the previous generation of Witch King Bloodline, may be born.

That’s why it is called Royal Clan Bloodline.

The witches of Level 4 Bloodline have a great possibility to impact the realm of the witch generals.

Fifth Level Bloodline is also Royal Clan Bloodline, and the sixth level Bloodline is even more against the sky. It has surpassed Royal Clan Bloodline and is called the Emperor Bloodline.

Generally among the northern witches, only the sons of the witch emperor can have a bloodline at level 6; the witches with a bloodline at level 6 have the chance to become a witch king in the future.

As for the 7th and 8th level Bloodline, it is the real blood of the emperor, with the ability to become a witch emperor in the future.

It can be said that the source of power of the witch race comes from their Bloodline. Each level of Bloodline can condense a different number of immortal inscriptions.

Like the witches of the first-level Bloodline, they can only condense the first immortal inscription.

The Bloodline at Level 2 can come from the Condense 2nd Immortal Inscription.

Increase with this.

The blood of the 8th level is enough to condense 8 immortal inscriptions.

Every time a condense one immortal inscription comes, the power it brings can be doubled. Chu Fengmian now condenses 4 immortal inscriptions, and he naturally understands the power of this immortal inscription.

But now, Chu Fengmian actually has Level 9 imperial blood, which means that Chu Fengmian can fully condense 9 immortal inscriptions.

Chu Fengmian couldn’t even imagine that after he fully condensed the 9 immortal inscriptions, his strength would reach a level of heaven.

Condensing 8 immortal inscriptions, but condensing 9 immortal inscriptions, is a completely different power.

It is no wonder that only Level 9 divine blood can become a witch god in the future. The multiple power gap brought by this kind of bloodline can no longer be compensated by any penance.

No wonder Chu Fengmian didn’t touch the bottleneck when he kept condensing the immortal inscriptions. His Bloodline was actually legendary Level 9 divine blood.

However, Chu Fengmian is not simply a witch, but now he has the highest bloodline of the witch.

“Bronze Heavenly Demon! Is the bronze Heavenly Demon the legendary fire witch god?”

Chu Fengmian suddenly moved his mind and couldn’t help thinking.

His Bloodline, only possibly from which bronze Heavenly Demon, Level 9 divine blood, said that only the top ten witch gods can have it.

Thinking of the attitude of the bronze Heavenly Demon, flames were burning all over his body, maybe this bronze Heavenly Demon was the fire witch god among the witches.

“The witch god of fire, the bronze Heavenly Demon, these ten witch gods, are they Celestial Demon Ten Directions?”

Chu Fengmian brows tightly frowns, the more Chu Fengmian infers, the more he feels this, confusing.

Celestial Demon Ten Directions is the Ancestor of Demon Race, and the ten witch gods are the ancestors of the witch race.

The two parties did not have any connection, but now they are strangely connected.

And many of these secrets, even with the current knowledge of Chu Fengmian, he can’t figure it out. Chu Fengmian controls the sword emperor crown, inherits many memories of Exalted Sword Sect, and knows many ancient secrets, but this matter , Chu Fengmian still doesn’t know.

But now that Chu Fengmian has the supreme Bloodline and Level 9 divine blood of the Wu clan, Chu Fengmian is enough to confirm.

Zu Shi, you can’t go wrong.

Although Chu Fengmian didn’t fully understand the Wu Clan, Chu Fengmian also knew about the storm that this incident might cause.

The new Level 9 divine blood almost represents the eleventh witch god that will be born in the future.

The witch tribe, and even the entire Three Great Saint Territories, will be shaken by this event, even if it is the all influence of the Three Great Saint Territories, they will not be willing at this time, the witch tribe will give birth to a new wizard god .

And even if the Three Great Saint Territories were among the Witch tribe alone, this incident would cause a great disturbance. Level 9 divine blood would attract the prying eyes of the powerful, Chu Fengmian couldn’t even think about it.

Although the capture of Bloodline is a taboo among the witches.

Even a tribe like the Evil Stone Tribe will not take the Bloodline of other witch tribes even though they will fight in 4 places, but will use them as slaves.

But the attraction of Level 9 Bloodline is that those who regard the shaman’s taboo as an iron law will take risks.

Chu Fengmian did not dare to take this risk.

At least before Chu Fengmian had the power to protect himself, once it was revealed that Chu Fengmian had Level 9 divine blood, it would not only be of no benefit, but would be a disaster.

Chu Fengmian never believed in other people in his life, he believed only in his own power.

And now Chu Fengmian’s power, even in the North, is considered a side powerhouse, but compared with the real giants, it is still quite different.

“This matter, you two, 2 can’t be spread out.”

Chu Fengmian looked towards Wu Mo, Wu Hao said aloud.

“Follow the orders of the Lord.”

Wu Hao, Wu Mo looked towards Chu Fengmian and said respectfully.

The two of them have already identified Chu Fengmian as the shaman god of the future, and they are extremely respectful to Chu Fengmian.

But the title of God Lord…

“You two, let’s change the name.”

Chu Fengmian said aloud.

The title of God Lord, spread out, is likely to be guessed by other people.

Although the eleventh witch god will be born among the witches, even in the eyes of all the witches, it is a fantasy story.

But Chu Fengmian had to be extremely cautious.

“Yes, adults.”

Wu Hao and Wu Mo were not fools either. Naturally, they knew that Chu Fengmian wanted to hide his identity and replied it cautiously.

After knowing that his Bloodline was Level 9 divine blood, Chu Fengmian was not overjoyed, his face still showed some anxiety.

He naturally knew how much trouble this Level 9 divine blood was.

Once it is exposed, I am afraid that what Chu Fengmian will face is the pursuit of the witch king and the witch emperor. Even among the witches, the unborn Old Antique will appear one after another.

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