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In Wumo’s style of doing things, when he encounters a 7-color deer, he kills it directly and obtains 7-color antlers.

7 Selu, but Demonic Beast, although he can’t speak human’s words, he can understand Wu Mo’s words. Hearing Wu Mo’s words, he immediately showed a bit of hatred intent in his eyes, staring at Wu Mo firmly.

“Seven Selu is an immortal fate auspicious beast. If you kill seven Selu, it will hurt your luck.”

Upon hearing Wu Mo’s words, Chu Fengmian shook the head.

7 The color deer is handed down, it is Heaven and Earth auspicious, 7 colorful glow, enough to bring luck.

In the extremely ancient Desolate Ancient era, even many tribes worshipped the seven deer and prayed for luck.

However, compared to the luck of illusory, the value of the 7-color antlers is more attractive. Therefore, the general martial artist Demon God, when encountering the 7-color deer, most of them kill the deer on the spot and seize the antlers.

In terms of luck, illusory, but Chu Fengmian was a man in the second world, and suddenly understood that when there were many illusory in the world, it was not nonsense.

After all, without the rebirth of Chu Fengmian this life, he could not imagine that people could really live another life.

So Chu Fengmian didn’t want to kill the 7-color deer, but Chu Fengmian had to get the 7-color antlers.

The effect of the 7-color antlers is no less than that of a High Grade Immortal Medicine. It has a great recovery effect on Chu Fengmian’s injury. Since I encountered the 7-color deer, naturally there is no reason for the 7-color antlers to be let go.

“I don’t want to kill you, as long as you hand over the antlers, I can keep you alive, how about?”

Chu Fengmian thought for a while, looked towards 7 Selu, slowly opened the mouth and said.

He also knows that the 7-color deer has consciousness and knows Chu Fengmian’s words. In that case, Chu Fengmian is more willing to let the 7-color deer mainly hand over the 7-color antlers.

Of course, if the 7-sex deer cannot live or die, Chu Fengmian does not mind beheading the 7-sex deer. After all, compared to luck, strength is what Chu Fengmian needs most, and he will not lose out because of small things.

Hearing Chu Fengmian’s words, a bit of resentment appeared in the seven-colored deer’s eyes, staring at Chu Fengmian firmly. This expression almost wanted him to hand over the seven-colored antlers, which was basically impossible.

The 7-color antlers are the foundation of the 7-color deer. Although the loss of the antlers will not harm the life of the 7-color deer, it also has a great impact on his strength.

Almost equivalent to 1000 years of penance, all were given away.

The seven colored deer stared at Chu Fengmian stubbornly, with no intention of surrendering their antlers.

“Aren’t you willing to hand it over?”

Seeing the attitude of the 7-color deer, Chu Fengmian also showed a bit of coldness in his eyes. He only wanted the 7-color antlers. For the 7-color deer, Chu Fengmian was not interested.

However, since 7 Selu is not willing to voluntarily hand over the antlers, Chu Fengmian can only do it himself.

I saw that Chu Fengmian burst out from his body with a terrifying killing intent, and it immediately enveloped the body of the 7 Selu.

Wu Mo, who was on Chu Fengmian’s side, felt the killing intent on Chu Fengmian’s body, and there was a bit of chill in his heart. He had never seen the killing intent on someone’s body, unexpectedly reached such a terrifying point.

At a glance, Chu Fengmian’s killing intents have already condensed into shape, becoming a blood-red color. The killing intents are condensed. The killing intents of Chu Fengmian alone burst out. They are not the ordinary Immortal Monarch and can be resisted. Ok.

“wu wu !”

7 Selu’s expression changed drastically under the covering of this killing intent, and his whole body was shaking involuntarily, and he was a little unstable.

Chu Fengmian ignored it at all. He condensed the killing intent. Just above the head of the 7-sexed deer, he suddenly condense a big bloody hand. With a bang, the big bloody hand crashed down, just as he approached the 7-seder side. The deer groaned suddenly.

This long groan represented the 7-color deer begging for mercy.

Hearing this long moan, Chu Fengmian also slowly stopped.

Not as a last resort, Chu Fengmian is indeed unwilling to kill auspicious like 7 Selu.

However, Chu Fengmian must obtain the 7-color antlers, which is impossible to change.

“Hand over the antlers, I will let you go.”

Chu Fengmian’s icy eyes looked towards 7 Selu, and seeing Chu Fengmian’s icy color, 7 Selu’s eyes showed a bit of terror, and he hurriedly made wu wu 2 sounds, indicating obedient.

To surrender the unicorn, 7 Selu was indeed unwilling to 10000, but in front of life, he still chose the acknowledge allegiance, 7 Selu hesitated for a long time, suddenly from his front, a Space Crack slowly opened.

From this Space Crack, a 7-color color shone, and a single horn slowly flew out.

This single horn is very close to the single horn on the head of the 7-color deer, but a closer look reveals that this single horn is compared to the current single horn on the head of the 7-color deer. Slightly smaller,

Taking out the single horn, the 7-sex deer hesitated for a long time before the imperial imperial strength flew the single horn in the direction of Chu Fengmian.

“This is the Horn of Transmutation?”

Chu Fengmian saw this single horn and searched for the memory of the sword emperor crown in his mind, and soon understood the origin of this single horn.

Although the unicorn of the 7-sex deer is extremely precious, there is not only one. The 7-sex deer can experience Third Transformation when it grows up throughout its life.

For each First Transformation, a single horn will fall off. This First Transformation is the Immortal Monarch Realm.

The Second Transformation is when it reaches the Immortal Venerable Realm world.

The Third Transformation is when the Immortal Emperor Realm is reached.

However, in the memory of the sword emperor crown, I have never seen the 7 color deer of Third Transformation, and they all transformed twice in the end.

Although this transformed unicorn will lose some power, it still has the medicinal power of the remaining 80% of the unicorn, which is also a rare treasure.

Chu Fengmian still looked through the memory of the sword emperor’s crown, and only understood 7 the color deer, there is actually a horn of transformation.

After all, Chu Fengmian hasn’t really seen the 7-sex deer. Most of his understanding of the 7-sex deer is recorded in the ancient book. As for the details of the record, Chu Fengmian can’t tell.

If it weren’t for the memory of the sword emperor’s crown, Chu Fengmian would never see the origin of this unicorn.

Chu Fengmian took this one horn, and the power contained in it was indeed the power of the 7-color antler, but it was slightly weaker than the current one on the head of the 7-color deer.

“You have the horns of transformation, so you hand it in early, and you waste so much time?”

Chu Fengmian put away the horn of transformation, looked towards 7 Selu, and said silently.

Chu Fengmian thought that the 7-sex deer was still reluctant to bear the single horn on top of his head after thinking about it for a long time, but didn’t expect that the 7-sex deer could not bear even the horn of transformation, and it was considered to be extremely greedy for money.

Hearing Chu Fengmian’s words, 7 Selu stepped back nervously, hiding his unicorn well, as if he was afraid that Chu Fengmian would not admit it.

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