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A witch warrior, in the witch tribe, is regarded as a character, and the status is much higher than that of the ordinary witch tribe.

Like that Wumo, they are all just prepared witch warriors, and they are considered to have some status in the Kun Wu tribe. Now Chu Fengmian’s strength should be much stronger than that of Wumo.

After all, Chu Fengmian’s strength has completely restored the Immortal Monarch level. In addition to his combat experience, Chu Fengmian is far better than Wu Mo. Even if he is playing against Wu Mo same realm, Chu Fengmian is confident, within three moves. Beat him.

Combat experience, but must be accumulated in the battle of Life and Death.

Chu Fengmian has risen all the way. I don’t know how many Life and Death battles he has experienced. Even he personally fought an Immortal Emperor. This accumulation is not something that Chu Fengmian this realm martial artist can experience.

“With such strength restored, it’s time to go around.”

Chu Fengmian whispered to himself.

He has been staying in this wood house for the past few days, and now he has finally recovered 1% of his strength. Chu Fengmian should also go around and find some other Immortal Medicines by the way.

The benefits of Middle Grade Immortal Pill, Chu Fengmian has already experienced from Wu Gu Dan, which is much stronger than Low Grade Immortal Pill.

Now Chu Fengmian’s injury, the effect of Low Grade Immortal Pill, is already negligible. He still needs more Middle Grade Immortal Pill to completely recover from his injury.

The higher the grade Immortal Pill, once the effect of continuous swallowing, the weaker it is. This Immortal Pill is precisely the extreme of it.

Once Wu Gu Dan swallows the second piece, it will only have less than 2% medicine efficacy. This medicine efficacy does not make much sense to Chu Fengmian.

So Chu Fengmian also put away the remaining 2 Wugou Pills and made another plan.

To fully restore his strength, Chu Fengmian has to look for other Middle Grade Immortal Medicine and refine other Immortal Pills.

Immortal Medicine on Middle Grade Immortal Medicine has instincts enough to hide themselves. People who have not learned the way of medicine, even if they encounter it, are difficult to find.

Wu Mo was lucky to be able to pick this unsullied flower.

Among the Immortal Medicine that Wu Mo brought to Chu Fengmian in the past few days, there was only this Middle Grade Immortal Medicine.

The fertility of the land to the north is obviously impossible only this Middle Grade Immortal Medicine, and there is only one possibility, that is, the other Middle Grade Immortal Medicines are hidden, and Wu Mo and the others can’t find it.

This can only be done by Chu Fengmian himself.

Chu Fengmian looked towards outside the window, it was almost dusk, Wuma also returned as usual, holding a cloth bag in his hand, he opened the door and came into the house, and he saw Chu Fengmian at a glance , Suddenly flashed a bit of surprise in his eyes.

“Brother Chu, are you recovering?”

In Wu Mo’s voice, everyone was surprised to the extreme.

The breath of Chu Fengmian’s body now is completely different from before. If Chu Fengmian was still extremely weak and dying before, the breath of Chu Fengmian’s body now makes him feel that there is such a huge pressure. .

Can bring this kind of pressure, now Chu Fengmian’s strength is definitely not under him.

You should know that Chu Fengmian just woke up a few days ago and was dying, but Chu Fengmian recovered in such a fast time. He couldn’t imagine this speed.

“Recovered some.”

Chu Fengmian calmly opened the mouth and said.

As soon as these words came out, Wu Mo’s face was shocked again.

The meaning of Chu Fengmian’s words is that his injury has only partially recovered, and has not yet fully recovered.

But Wu Mo could feel that Chu Fengmian’s strength was no longer under him, and even brought him such a huge pressure. Chu Fengmian’s strength was even stronger than him.

This is only part of Chu Fengmian’s strength.

Even Wu Mo now understands that the Chu Fengmian he saved is by no means an ordinary wizard clan. The witch pharmacist who understands Dao of Alchemy is already very surprising.

Now Chu Fengmian’s true strength is at least a witch warrior, and even Chu Fengmian’s age is worse than his at worst.

Such characters, even in the history of the Kunwu tribe, have never appeared before, and only those geniuses who can exist among the large-scale Wu tribes.

“Those purple vein pills, you only took a small part?”

Chu Fengmian didn’t care that Wu Mo was still in shock, but he looked at Wu Mo and asked.

The power on Wu Mo seemed to be stronger than yesterday. Chu Fengmian also knew that this was the effect of Zimai Pill.

Purple Maidan, although it is only a Low Grade Immortal Pill, it has excellent effects for people like Wu Mo who have never refined medicinal pill.

Wu Mo’s strength has been stuck in the fairy king Peak for a long time.

The Purple Vein Pills Chu Fengmian gave to Wu Mo can help Wu Mo to step into the realm of Immortal Monarch and become a true wizard warrior.

But today, although Wu Mo’s strength is stronger, it hasn’t completely broken through.

Based on Chu Fengmian’s understanding of the path of medicine, naturally impossible is that the Zimai Pill he gave is less, only possibly Wu Mo, not at all swallowing all the Zimai Pill.

Hearing Chu Fengmian’s words, Wu Mo’s face immediately became tense, and it took a while before he opened the mouth and said.

“I distributed the Purple Maiden Pill to several other kinsmen, Brother Chu, this…”

“It’s okay, I gave you the Zimai Pill. It doesn’t matter who you are willing to give it to.”

Chu Fengmian laughed and interrupted Wu Mo.

Chu Fengmian also understands Wu Mo’s character very clearly. He doesn’t care much about his own interests, otherwise he would not give that many Immortal Medicine for nothing.

Chu Fengmian gave Wu Mo that many Zimai Pills, and he immediately distributed some of the Zimai Pills to several other witches.

This kind of character is almost impossible to find among martial artists.

People do not kill themselves for themselves. Among martial artists, for a little bit of benefit, abandoning their wives and children, and brothers and sisters, are everywhere.

It seems that among the Wu Clan, there is also the existence of Wu Mo, which also surprised Chu Fengmian.

With such a character, if Wu Mo was a human being, he would have been calculated to die long ago.

But as a friend, Chu Fengmian likes this character.

“This medicinal pill is here for you. You can refining now.”

Looking at Wu Mo, Chu Fengmian suddenly moved his palm, and a pure white medicinal pill flew towards Wu Mo. It was an Immaculate Pill.

Chu Fengmian could only swallow one of these Wushu Pills, and Chu Fengmian kept the remaining 2 useless. It would be better to give Wuma a one to help him.

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