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When this huge sword shadow came down, it was blocked by the layers of Law of Space in the star cave.

This Immortal Emperor made a move, but straddling millions and millions li, I don’t know how many spaces were broken, and forcibly penetrated into the star hole, which meant that the star hole was torn open.

If it were not for the resistance of Xingdong Law Power, this huge sword shadow could kill Chu Fengmian directly on the spot in an instant.

Even the law of the star hole couldn’t resist the full force of such an Immortal Emperor. The star hole was broken through layers of space, and a huge gap was torn open.

A real Immortal Emperor shot, with World Destroying Might!

If this huge sword shadow falls into the starry sky of Foreign Domain, it might be enough to destroy dozens of planets instantly.

You must know the Law of Space in this star hole, but it is not much stronger than the Law of Space in the Foreign Domain starry sky, and it cannot withstand this huge sword shadow.

Fortunately, now that the law of the star hole resists, Chu Fengmian can still fight for some breathing time.

Chu Fengmian fled all the way to the depths of the star cave, but the huge sword shadow was just behind Chu Fengmian, chasing after him.

Everything was destroyed where the huge sword shadow passed.

In the entire world, it seems that there is no existence that can block the huge sword shadow.

“Damn, how could it be so powerful!”

Chu Fengmian urged the power of the ancestor Heavenly Dragon to the extreme. The speed of his escape light can surpass 10,000,000 li in an instant, but he still cannot escape the shadow of this huge sword.

This huge sword shadow has been shrouded above Chu Fengmian’s head, and it is still approaching.

This huge sword shadow, but this Immortal Emperor crossed millions and millions li’s attack. Although it was his body shot, I don’t know how much space it crossed. The power is already less than one in ten, but it is still not an existence that Chu Fengmian can contend. .

Even the current star cave could not stop this huge sword shadow.

Hong long long !

The space in the star cave began to collapse.

The strikes of this huge sword shadow caused the star hole beside Chu Fengmian to begin to change, countless space cracks appeared, and even bursts of storms began to appear.

Star Cave Storm!

Chu Fengmian saw this disgusting storm, and the complexion greatly changed. This star-hole storm is not only comparable to the space storm outside.

Once a creature is involved in the star cave storm, it may be directly involved in the star cave core, where is the core of the collision of the two universes.

The so-called star hole is actually still a safe place in the collision of two universes, or even a place of collision, but in other places.

Once you are involved in the star cave storm, you may be involved in those places. Even the immortal saint and the immortal venerable may fall on the spot.

Even an Immortal Saint, Immortal Venerable, is impossible to contend with the power of the two universes.

Chu Fengmian didn’t expect that this Immortal Emperor’s sudden move would actually cause a star cave storm. This storm swept everything. Chu Fengmian instantly felt a huge pulling force to pull Chu Fengmian into it.

Originally, Chu Fengmian was chasing by the huge sword shadow behind him, trying his best to urge Escape, but now he encountered this space storm again, he was definitely dead.

At a critical moment of 10000 minutes, Chu Fengmian’s mind quickly turned. Suddenly Chu Fengmian made a decision. His figure suddenly moved and flew directly in the direction of the star cave storm.

When he escapes, Chu Fengmian will be chased by this huge sword shadow sooner or later. When the time comes Chu Fengmian is bound to die.

While entering the star cave storm, although it is extremely dangerous, there is a glimmer of survival. When entering the star cave storm, where to get involved, it is all random.

There are also some martial artist Demon God who entered into the star cave storm and returned safely. Although this probability is only 1/10000th, there is no other choice.

Entering the star cave storm is Chu Fengmian’s only choice now.

Otherwise, Chu Fengmian would die under the sword of this Immortal Emperor, and then Chu Fengmian would definitely fall.

Chu Fengmian’s escape light flew rapidly towards the star cave storm, and at the same time, Chu Fengmian injected all his power into the immortal body, guarding this Chu Fengmian’s body with all his strength.


Chu Fengmian’s body was drawn into it by the star cave storm. In an instant, Chu Fengmian felt his body to be torn apart.

The power of this star cave storm alone will tear Chu Fengmian apart, but Chu Fengmian guards this immortal body, and at the same time urges the power of Divine Tree, blessing it among 129,600 immortal crystals.

Pieces of immortal crystals are constantly being shredded and reshaped.

I don’t know how long it took, and even Chu Fengmian’s consciousness began to blur.

The 129,600 immortal crystals on his body have been broken 1000 times, 10000 times, and reshaped again and again, which exhausted Chu Fengmian’s last little power.

What Chu Fengmian can do now is to guard this body with the last bit of strength.

For a long time.

At the moment Chu Fengmian’s consciousness was about to fall into a coma, Chu Fengmian finally saw a trace of rays of light. Chu Fengmian used the last bit of power to urge this escape light into that rays of light, and finally lost I lost consciousness and fainted.

In the star cave storm, Chu Fengmian was suffering from the force of the storm all the time, so Chu Fengmian didn’t know how long it took. He drifted along with the star cave storm, and didn’t know where he would eventually go. Where is it.

“If I can survive, I must kill the Zero Sword Young Master and the Immortal Emperor. I must kill them!”

Before Chu Fengmian went into a coma, he had only this idea in his mind.

He fell into such a miserable situation because of these two people.

Thinking about it, Chu Fengmian lost consciousness.

I don’t know how long I was in a coma.

Chu Fengmian’s consciousness slowly regained consciousness.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he found that he was in a huge house, which was nearly 100 times bigger than the Nine Domains house, which was 2, 300 metres high.

At the same time, the bed on which Chu Fengmian lay is 2 300 metres long and wide, which is as huge as a square.

Not only the bed, but in the entire house, everything, chairs, and tables are 100 times larger than those of Nine Domains.

For an instant, Chu Fengmian seemed to be a little skeptical, it was as if he shrank.

But Chu Fengmian carefully observed it, but found that it was not that Chu Fengmian had shrunk, but that these things were so huge. The legs of the table were all cut down and made directly from the trees of several hundred meters.

“Where is this place?”

Chu Fengmian’s head was a little confused. He wanted to get up, but found that his body was extremely weak, almost unable to move at all.

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