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The immortal body’s promotion to Fifth Layer level brings the benefits of Chu Fengmian, which is simply a leap in quality.

Originally contending with the Primal Chaos tribulation thunder, Chu Fengmian’s most lacking power is now completely made up for.

Chu Fengmian is holding a sword at the beginning. This time Chu Fengmian no longer needs to care about the consumption of power when he is activating the sword edge. Chu Fengmian’s power is 100 times stronger, and he uses the sword technique unscrupulously.

Chu Fengmian sword edge flashed, and suddenly dozens of sword techniques burst out.

Before the change, if Chu Fengmian burst out dozens of sword techniques at once, his Spiritual Force would be drained and exhausted.

But now Chu Fengmian uses these dozens of sword techniques, but it is extremely easy, even the moment he takes out the sword, it can stimulate the Spiritual Consciousness and sweep the surrounding space.

Dozens of sword technique strikes went down, suppressing the power of this Primal Chaos tribulation thunder.

This also allows Chu Fengmian to get away and find the surrounding space, the source of the power of the Primal Chaos tribulation thunder.

Chu Fengmian’s body flashed directly into the depths of the void. His Spiritual Consciousness was fully unfolded. Layers of space were all explored. The moment Chu Fengmian explored the upper 100 layers of space one after another, there was a sudden force. , Attracted the attention of Chu Fengmian.

This force is hidden in the gap between the two layers, and it is hard for ordinary people to detect it.

Chu Fengmian was very close before he discovered this power. His eyes were cold, and his mind suddenly moved. From the top of his head, several huge dragon claws condensed out, and suddenly grabbed it.

Hong long long !

With the moment when these dragon claws grasped the past, suddenly that power burst forth, revealing the true appearance from the hidden space, and Chu Fengmian could see that this was a space tunnel.

This space tunnel links the Primal Chaos tribulation thunder, the source of the power of the Primal Chaos tribulation thunder, is this space tunnel.

And the other end of this space tunnel extends into the Three Great Saint Territories, but because it is too far away, even if Chu Fengmian’s Spiritual Consciousness is all concentrated, it is impossible to detect the other end of this space channel, who is it. .

But this space tunnel, at least 10,000,000 li, extends from a distant place.

“Such a means.”

Chu Fengmian’s face was so gloomy, this method is beyond the scope that Chu Fengmian can deal with now.

Even an immortal saint who is stronger than Chu Fengmian, is impossible to have such a method.

The Heaven and Earth Law of Three Great Saint Territories is extremely strong. I want to open up a space channel from this remote place of 10,000,000 li of Three Great Saint Territories. This method is simply shocking.

This is at least an Immortal Venerable, or even an Invincible Immortal Emperor.

Chu Fengmian didn’t expect, he was already targeted by a strong man of this level.

However, this person was extremely cautious when he shot. It seemed that he didn’t want to reveal his identity. Otherwise, he didn’t need to use Primal Chaos tribulation thunder to bomb and kill Chu Fengmian. Instead, he shot directly. Then Chu Fengmian would be even more difficult to resist.

“Cut off this space tunnel first!”

Chu Fengmian is extremely calm, even if he knows that he has been targeted, Chu Fengmian is now making any response, it is better to solve the Primal Chaos tribulation thunder first.

Once Chu Fengmian steps into Celestial Realm, then Chu Fengmian’s strength will be advanced by leaps and bounds. At that time, Chu Fengmian can compete with true powerhouse.

The current power of Primal Chaos tribulation thunder comes from this space tunnel. If this space tunnel is cut off, the Primal Chaos tribulation thunder will also lose its source of power.


After finding this space tunnel, Chu Fengmian didn’t need to use any other means to break it directly. The sword edge in his hand flashed, fiercely cut towards this space tunnel.

This space tunnel is extremely hidden, because such space tunnels are so fragile that they are hidden deliberately.

Chu Fengmian took out his sword, and a sword qi slashed down. The tunnel in this space trembled violently.

“Kid, you damn it!”


From this spatial tunnel, an angry roar came out. This roaring voice was exactly the same as the voice Chu Fengmian heard from the Primal Chaos tribulation thunder.

The person who opened the space tunnel was indeed the person who controlled Heavenly Tribulation.

With the angry roar, more power burst out from the space tunnel, seeming to cover Chu Fengmian’s body and completely destroy Chu Fengmian.

However, Chu Fengmian was not afraid at all. His sword edge killed him again. In an instant, Chu Fengmian spurred the last 100 times of Taichu Sword.

Ka-cha !

After 100 sword edges were cut in one place at the same time, this spatial tunnel finally couldn’t bear the sword edge and broke completely.

At the moment when the tunnel in this space was broken, there was still angry roar.

“Boy, you have the ability to never step into the Three Great Saint Territories, as long as you step into the Three Great Saint Territories, it is your death date!”

This roar, before speaking, disappeared along with the spatial tunnel that was broken by sword edge, but this sentence was still heard by Chu Fengmian.


Chu Fengmian sneered at the corner of his mouth.

During these fights, Chu Fengmian could also see that the person behind this space tunnel, although extremely powerful, seemed to be restricted in what way he was unable to make a move.

Otherwise, with this person’s strength, even an attack spanning 10,000,000 li could severely wound Chu Fengmian.

But until the space tunnel shattered, he never attacked Chu Fengmian.

It’s not that he didn’t want to, but he couldn’t do it, so he could only murder a person with a borrowed knife on the sidelines, preparing to use the power of Primal Chaos Heavenly Tribulation to kill Chu Fengmian, but in the end it failed.

Since he can’t shoot, Chu Fengmian is not afraid of his strength, as long as Chu Fengmian doesn’t give him the opportunity to murder a person with a borrowed knife.

So Chu Fengmian didn’t care about this threat.

Even more how Chu Fengmian is not the kind of person threatened by human might. If he is threatened, Chu Fengmian would not dare to go to the Three Great Saint Territories, so what about the strong and the invincible?

The truly invincible powerhouse is fearless, even in the face of big threats.

“The people behind the ghost solve it, and only this Primal Chaos tribulation thunder is left.”

Chu Fengmian solved the space tunnel and cut off the source of the power of the Primal Chaos tribulation thunder. The power of the Primal Chaos tribulation thunder began to weaken.

Originally, the power of the Primal Chaos tribulation thunder should have been exhausted just now, but the space tunnel was continuously transmitting power.

Now that the space tunnel is cut, the power of the Primal Chaos tribulation thunder is no longer a threat in Chu Fengmian’s eyes.

At the moment Chu Fengmian looked towards Primal Chaos tribulation thunder, a bit of greedy rays of light flashed in his eyes.

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