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But all this is just Chu Fengmian’s guess.

After all, controlling Heavenly Tribulation, that is what a shocking thing.

Even in the memory of Sword Emperor Guan, no one felt such a thing.

Heavenly Tribulation, but even the Immortal Emperor has to encounter a calamity. According to legend, after stepping into the Immortal Emperor level, there are still 4 great calamities. After these 4 great disasters, it is the ruler.

Heavenly Tribulation is the Heavenly Dao rule, which has never been questioned.

But didn’t expect, now in the midst of the tribulation of heaven and man, there is still a voice.

“Is this the voice of Heavenly Dao? Heavenly Dao gave birth to the will? Or did someone control Heavenly Tribulation?”

Chu Fengmian suddenly had countless ideas in his mind.

But Chu Fengmian didn’t have time to continue thinking about it. A thunder came down suddenly from the tribulation cloud.

The color of this thunder is not golden, not black, but a unique gray. This gray, Chu Fengmian has only seen one thing.

Primal Chaos!

This gray is the color of Primal Chaos.

“Primal Chaos tribulation thunder? How is it possible, how could you provoke this thing, this is not the tribulation thunder that the Immortal Emperor can trigger, how can it appear in the tribulation thunder?

Seeing the Primal Chaos-colored thunder falling in the sky, an unbelievable voice came from Chu Fengmian’s mind.

This tribulation thunder, Chu Fengmian has not seen it before, but he has seen it before. This is Primal Chaos tribulation thunder!

Only in the era of Primal Chaos where Heaven and Earth was just opened and the 100 tribes had not yet been born, the tribulation thunder, which contains the power of Primal Chaos, can be said to be one of the most powerful tribulation thunders.

The first sword emperor, once also lived through the existence of Immortal Emperor Heavenly Tribulation, the Taichu sword followed the first sword emperor, and once saw the Primal Chaos tribulation thunder.

That’s why he can recognize the origin of this Primal Chaos tribulation thunder at first glance.

He couldn’t even dream that Chu Fengmian this time Transcending Tribulation, it was just a great catastrophe, and there would be Primal Chaos tribulation thunder.

This is the tribulation thunder of how many Immortal Emperors have been killed. Even many Immortal Emperors have died under this Primal Chaos tribulation thunder, even more how is now only Chu Fengmian of Half-Step Celestial realm?

At the beginning, he couldn’t understand why this was. With his experience, he couldn’t understand this scene.

“Primal Chaos tribulation thunder! It is actually Primal Chaos tribulation thunder!”

Chu Fengmian’s face changed suddenly, and he could clearly feel the power of Primal Chaos contained in this tribulation thunder.

Chu Fengmian has swallowed the Qi of Primal Chaos, and he naturally knows the power of Primal Chaos. The power of Primal Chaos contained in this tribulation thunder is huge that Chu Fengmian has never seen before.

The power of this Primal Chaos tribulation thunder is 1000 times stronger than the Destruction Thunder.

Although it is just a Primal Chaos tribulation thunder, it can bring pressure to Chu Fengmian, but it is 100 times or 1000 times larger than that of Destruction Thunder.

Chu Fengmian’s power shuddered. This was the most dangerous time he had encountered through all the Heavenly Tribulation.

“Fortunately 10000 is just a projection, not a real Primal Chaos tribulation thunder!”

Chu Fengmian calmed down quickly. He also noticed that this Primal Chaos tribulation thunder was not a real Primal Chaos tribulation thunder, but just a projection.

It looks a little illusory.

Where should it be the Primal Chaos tribulation thunder, a projection that came down.

This projection, at best, has the power of the real Primal Chaos tribulation thunder 1/10000th. For Chu Fengmian, although it is dangerous, it is not enough to despair.

“I may not be unable to resist the power of 1/10000th!”

The fighting intent appeared in Chu Fengmian’s eyes. Chu Fengmian was already a dead person. He returned from birth this time. There is nothing that Chu Fengmian should be afraid of.

In the dangerous and dangerous, it can only inspire Chu Fengmian’s fighting intent and make Chu Fengmian stronger.

From the moment when he walked the heavens-defying road and passed through the catastrophe, Chu Fengmian didn’t think about fear.

“Too early!”

Juque Divine Sword, returning to Chu Fengmian’s body, from Chu Fengmian’s right hand, there is a brand new Spirit Sword, which is the sword of Taichu.

Facing this Primal Chaos tribulation thunder, Chu Fengmian didn’t dare to have any reservations, only to try his best.

Hong long!

The Primal Chaos tribulation thunder came down, just a one-person tribulation thunder, but when it came down, the surrounding space began to shatter, and was ruthlessly crushed by the power of this Primal Chaos tribulation thunder.

Where the Primal Chaos tribulation thunder crossed, the space was shattered.

Chu Fengmian’s eyes flashed extremely solemnly.

You must know that this is not Nine Domains, or Foreign Domain starry sky. It is a star cave, or even the end of the star cave, which is the closest place to the Three Great Saint Territories.

The Heaven and Earth Law here is almost the same as the Heaven and Earth Law of Three Great Saint Territories.

The Heaven and Earth Law of Three Great Saint Territories, only the strong of Immortal Monarch Peak are qualified to break the space, but now the Primal Chaos tribulation thunder is coming, the space is shattered.

This also means that the power of this Primal Chaos tribulation thunder has even reached the strike of Immortal Monarch Peak, or even surpassed it.

One hit and kill!

This Primal Chaos tribulation thunder is the last tribulation thunder of Heavenly Dao to Chu Fengmian this time and also the last tribulation thunder of Chu Fengmian.

When the Primal Chaos tribulation thunder came down, right above Chu Fengmian’s head, the tribulation cloud was constantly dissipating. Obviously, the Primal Chaos tribulation thunder had consumed all the power of the tribulation cloud before condensing it. .

But although it was the last one, for Chu Fengmian, it was also the most dangerous one.

Chu Fengmian has been staring at the Primal Chaos tribulation thunder, accumulating the Sword Intent on his sword edge.

At the moment when the Primal Chaos tribulation thunder came to Chu Fengmian, the sword edge in Chu Fengmian’s hands moved, and Chu Fengmian’s Sword Intent seemed to fuse together with the Taichu sword in his hand.

In Chu Fengmian’s body, the 2 1000 815 supreme sword qi all flew out and were blessed on the Taichu sword.

This is what Chu Fengmian learned from the sword emperor crown, the secret technique of controlling supreme sword qi.

All Chu Fengmian’s power is blessed on this sword.

The Sword Dao ancient book all emerged, located on the top of Chu Fengmian’s head. All the comprehensive Sword Intents in the Sword Dao ancient book burst out, condensed on this sword.

Nine Domains Sword Technique! Open the sky!

Chu Fengmian wants to bet on Life and Death with the strongest sword he created.

“Open the sky!”

Chu Fengmian furiously shouted.

The Spirit Sword in his hand slammed down and collided with this Primal Chaos tribulation thunder.

Hong long long !

Continuous explosions, frantically resounded.

At the moment when the sword and Primal Chaos tribulation thunder collided with each other, Chu Fengmian’s body could not bear such a huge force immediately, and it began to crack.

In his body, 129,600 immortal crystals, all covered with cracks, began to shatter.

In the early days, the sword could withstand the power of the Primal Chaos tribulation thunder, but Chu Fengmian’s body could not withstand it. Such a huge power was not something that Chu Fengmian could withstand.

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