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Chu Fengmian now inherits the memory of the sword emperor crown, and also understood many things about the Nine Domains and Three Great Saint Territories.

Although it is in the Nine Domains, Immortal Saints are absolute overlords, but Chu Fengmian is the discipline of Lord of Sword Dao after all. In order to besieged Lord of Sword Dao, even Immortal Imperial Capital was dispatched for Chu Fengmian. , It is not unusual to dispatch a fairy sage.

The representative behind Seven Great Sects is the giant that controls the entire Nine Domains, with deep and unmeasurable strength.

Chu Fengmian now, dare not careless.

The best opportunity to improve your strength is to step into Celestial Realm. Once you step into Celestial Realm, the accumulation of opportunities before Chu Fengmian will completely burst out.

At that time, Chu Fengmian was the real achiever.

After passing through 7 Star Domains in succession, the scene before him suddenly became illusory.

Chu Fengmian felt that the large starry sky ahead was already between the real and the imaginary. In this, countless space turbulence and space storm were in it.

Vaguely, this starry sky is full of a huge dark circle.

In the depths of this circle, it seems to be connected to other places.

“This is the Star Cave.”

Chu Fengmian couldn’t help muttering to himself when seeing the scene in front of him.

This star hole, Chu Fengmian has only seen some depictions in the memory of the sword emperor’s crown, but now he has seen it with his own eyes, but it is more shocking than the depiction.

The huge star hole is as large as several Star Domains, and you can’t see the end at a glance. Inside the star hole, it’s pitch black, and people don’t dare to approach it.

Chu Fengmian observed the star cave in front of him, and determined that it was the star cave, which was exactly the same as the memory in the sword emperor’s crown. Only then did Chu Fengmian body moved and slowly stepped into the star cave.

Chu Fengmian’s escape light just entered the star cave, as if he had come to another space.

The star hole is a unique area created by the collision between two universes. Its laws are all different from the laws of the Foreign Domain starry sky, and are more solid.

The moment Chu Fengmian stepped into the star cave, a space storm swept towards Chu Fengmian.

Space storm is not uncommon in the starry sky of Foreign Domain. This is also one of the biggest troubles encountered by martial artist Demon God walking through the starry sky of Foreign Domain.

However, the martial artist Demon God of the general ancient emperor realm has the ability to cross the starry sky with the fleshy body and can withstand the attack of space storm.

However, the space storm in this star hole is much more powerful than the space storm in the foreign domain starry sky. The moment the space storm swept to Chu Fengmian’s side, Chu Fengmian’s body was shaking slightly.

This space storm has the ability to influence Chu Fengmian in this way.

You must know that with the current strength of Chu Fengmian, ordinary Celestial Realm’s martial artist Demon God, even with full strikes, can’t shake Chu Fengmian a bit.

“This space storm requires at least a fairy, and even the martial artist Demon God of the fairy general realm, to be able to withstand it.”

Chu Fengmian observed the power of space storm and said aloud.

“If you are an Immortal martial artist who has just stepped into the Celestial Realm, you must rely on the power of Immortal Grade to resist.”

This space storm is nothing to Chu Fengmian, but to the martial artist of Celestial Realm, it is already a big trouble.

Therefore, in the memory of the sword emperor crown, there is also a reminder that the martial artist Demon God who has not survived the tribulation of heaven and man cannot pass through the star cave.

And even in the Celestial Realm, at least a fairy, or even a fairy, can safely cross the star cave and head to the Three Great Saint Territories.

Although Chu Fengmian’s current realm is still only Half-Step Celestial, the true strength of Chu Fengmian has reached the Immortal Monarch level.

The space storm in this star hole has no effect on Chu Fengmian at all.

Chu Fengmian just took a look, and then continued to fly towards the depths of the star cave.

On the other side of the deepest part of the star cave is the universe where the Three Great Saint Territories are located.

No wonder Three Great Saint Territories has been rumored in the Starry Sky of Foreign Domain, but few people have actually come into contact with it.

The Three Great Saint Territories and the Foreign Domain starry sky are not in the same universe at all. Except for the powerhouses of Celestial Realm, no one else can enter the Three Great Saint Territories.

In this star hole, there are dangerous space storms, space turbulence, and even some space cracks.

The most dangerous of these is the space rift.

A star hole is a region created by the collision between two universes, but in this collision, some space cracks will also appear, and these space cracks are between the two universes.

At every moment, you will be squeezed between the two universes. Once a person falls into the rift in space, it is almost ten deaths without life.

No one can survive the collision of two cosmic forces.

Chu Fengmian can’t imagine how powerful a universe is. It’s like even with the current strength of Chu Fengmian, he can’t explore the entire Foreign Domain starry sky and how big it is.

Chu Fengmian didn’t dare to try this collision force.

When encountering a space rift, Chu Fengmian also avoided far away, afraid to touch.

Fortunately, space rifts usually stay in one place all the time. As long as they don’t actively approach, there is generally no danger.

The star cave is as big as a dozen Star Domains.

It took a full day for Chu Fengmian to fly about half the distance of the star hole.

In this star hole, in addition to the three major dangers of space storm, space turbulence, and space cracks, there are also some strange dangers.

Many dangers are not recorded in the sword emperor’s crown. After all, even the Immortal Emperor may not be able to figure out all the mysterious in the star cave.

Chu Fengmian didn’t dare to fly at full strength. He also paid attention to the surrounding situation all the time to avoid any danger.

Trying to go from the star cave to the martial artist Demon God of the Three Great Saint Territories, many have fallen into the star cave.

Chu Fengmian proceeded carefully. During the time of the day, Chu Fengmian encountered no danger, encountered some space cracks, and was also avoided by Chu Fengmian.

During the time of this day, Chu Fengmian also did not encounter other martial artist Demon God in the star cave.

The star cave itself is extremely dangerous. Except for the martial artist Demon God who decided to go to Three Great Saint Territories, no one else will set foot in it. Chu Fengmian has been alone all the way forward.

However, Chu Fengmian found many trajectories, some of which were obviously walked by someone escaped.

Some of these trajectories are only a few years old at most. Apparently, some people have used this star hole to travel to the Three Great Saint Territories recently.

This gave Chu Fengmian a lot of peace of mind.

What Chu Fengmian worries most is whether the star hole will change in countless years.

After all, Chu Fengmian knew the news of this star hole from the sword emperor crown, and it has been countless years since the destruction of Exalted Sword Sect.

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