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The powerhouses in the temple had already rushed back, and Chu Fengmian couldn’t wait any longer. He didn’t care about hiding his power. He directly used his full strength to destroy the 10000 great array and rushed into the gate.

At the same time, it was almost in an instant that the great array was broken in 10000 tribulations. Among the several silhouettes in the temple, suddenly one person, his complexion changed suddenly, and his figure stopped.

With this silhouette, closing his eyes tightly, he seemed to be probing this. The more probing, the worse his face was.

“what happened?”

“What happened?”

Several other figures around, all stopped, and couldn’t help asking.

“10000 absolutely great array is broken!”

That silhouette, said look pale.

“Someone broke into the lake of sacrifice!”


“10000 absolutely great array is broken? How is it possible?”

“what is the problem?”

The other great characters of the Sea Festival Sect were all shocked when they heard this, and said in disbelief.

The Lake of Sacrifice, but the Holy Land in the Sea Sacrifice Sect, the most important place, hiding this great secret, is also the place where the Sea Sacrifice Sect is the most heavily guarded.

Not to mention that in weekdays, there are three Celestial Realm powerhouses who are in charge of guarding the temple. Even if they are not guarded by their three people, the prohibition array in this temple is enough to make Celestial Realm powerhouses unable to break in.

A Celestial Realm powerhouse alone is impossible to break into the sacrificial lake deep in the temple.

even more how above the gate guarding this sacrificial lake, there is also a 10000 great array. Such an array is extremely tricky even for the strong Celestial Realm, unless it is a combination of the strong digital Celestial Realm Only by attacking the temple is it possible to break into the lake of sacrifice.

Now I hear this Old Ancestor speak, and the other great characters of the Sea Sacrifice Sect are somewhat impossible to believe.

“This 10000 absolutely great array was indeed broken! It was made by people in the temple! It was Lan Ming!”

The Old Ancestor’s eyes flickered, and he guessed something in an instant.

The prohibition array outside the temple is still intact, which proves that this was not an invasion by an external enemy, but was done by people inside the temple.

Apart from them, in the temple, there is only Lan Ming, who is dressed as Chu Fengmian.

“Lan Ming?”

“What is he going to do? Break into the lake of sacrifice? Is he crazy?”

The other great characters of the sea sacrificial sects all had a bad complexion. The lake of sacrificial rites was very involved. Once someone broke into it, they were responsible for guarding the lake of sacrificial ancestor Elder.

“Go! Let’s go to the Lake of Sacrifice! First catch this brave Lan Ming! Don’t let him plunder in the Lake of Sacrifice!”

The Old Ancestor stomped suddenly, and his body was almost at its extreme, rushing into the temple.

Several other Old Ancestor Elders who were in charge of the Guardian God temple also all turned into evasion, followed closely from behind, and rushed into the temple.

the other side.

Chu Fengmian broke the 10000 great array, and finally came to the deepest part of the temple, which is the most secret place in the sea festival sect, the lake of sacrifice.

Chu Fengmian had just rushed into the lake of sacrifice, and he felt that he was surrounded by one after another spiritual force. Chu Fengmian looked over, and in front of him, an incomparable gigantic ocean suddenly It fell into Chu Fengmian’s gaze.

The moment Chu Fengmian glanced at the ocean, he was stunned, his gaze was a little bit unbelievable.

The water in this ocean is not ordinary water, but a kind of spiritual water, a kind of Water Element Supreme Treasure, 6 Hexuan Shui!

Although the quality of these 6 Hexuanshui is not as good as that of glaze water, it is also the sacred relic of martial artist Demon God of incomparable cultivation Water Element cultivation technique, and their yearn for something even in dreams.

Even a bottle of 6 Hexuanshui can be sold at a high price outside and be competed by others, but now this 6 Hexuanshui is full of oceans and there is no end in sight.

Even if Chu Fengmian had a wide range of knowledge, he was stunned. He couldn’t imagine that the lake of sacrifice in the Sea Ji Sect was actually a sea of ​​6-he Xuan Shui.

This made Chu Fengmian literally in a golden mountain, with gold everywhere.

“No wonder the Sea Jizong is so tyrannical, so many 6-he Xuanshui, how many powerful sea people can be created!”

Chu Fengmian was shocked. The 6-unit Xuanshui, but the sea clan’s sacred relic, is of great use to the sea clan’s breakthrough realm. With so many 6-unit Xuanshui, it can cultivate 10000 Half-Steps. Celestial is the strongest!

However, Chu Fengmian was shocked for an instant, and he reacted. Although this 6-he Xuanshui is precious, it is not of much use to Chu Fengmian. After all, Chu Fengmian is not a sea clan.

Even if Chu Fengmian got this kind of 6-he Xuanshui, it is only wealth. Chu Fengmian came to the lake of worship this time. What is really needed is Liuli water purification.

After arriving at the Lake of Sacrifice, Chu Fengmian could also clearly feel the breath of Liuli pure water, not far in front.

Chu Fengmian moved his eyes and fell into the center of the lake of sacrifice.

In the center of the lake of worship, the seawater in it does not seem to be from Hexuanshui, but it appears like a seven-color glass.

Liuli water purification!

In the center of this sacrificial lake is Liuli Purifying Water!

Although this glass of pure water does not have a whole ocean that many, it is quite the size of a small lake.


Chu Fengmian’s figure suddenly changed to the appearance of the ancestor Heavenly Dragon, urging his escape to the extreme, and flew towards the center of the sacrificial lake.

“Give me up!”

Coming to the center of the sacrificial lake, Chu Fengmian screamed as he looked at the lake made up of glaze and clean water, condensing the Heaven Devouring Force to the extreme. Suddenly, above Chu Fengmian’s head, a condense of an incomparable gigantic vortex was condense.

This vortex was extremely deep, like a black hole, with no end in sight, bursting out with a powerful attraction.

In the center of this sacrificial lake, one after another glazed pure water was madly swallowed into this black hole. Almost every moment, there was a large amount of glazed pure water, which was swallowed to the secret technique of swallowing heaven. Go in.

“Good! Good! So many glaze water purification! Not only the sword edge at the beginning, the demonic intent on the heart of the blood evil Demon Emperor can be resolved, and it will be of great use in the future! I want to plunder! Lots of plunder!”

Chu Fengmian was extremely excited. It was a great opportunity to get so much glass of purified water. There will be no second time in the future. This time Chu Fengmian is already plundering enough.

The power of the swallowing secret technique was urged to the extreme, and a large amount of Liuli Purified Water was swallowed, but not only Liuli Purified Water, Chu Fengmian also did not let go of the 6 Hexuanshui next to it.

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