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If Chu Fengmian can re-condense all of his immortal crystals with immortal strength, then his immortal body will be doubled.

But this idea, Chu Fengmian can’t do it yet.

Reshaping all the immortal crystals that had just been destroyed and broken by the Thunder of World Extinguishment has already consumed all the remaining immortal strength of Chu Fengmian.

To allow other immortal crystals to condense with immortal strength, Chu Fengmian needs at least 1000 celestial stones.

This is an astronomical figure. It is only after knowing that Lan Ming has accumulated about 1000 in his lifetime.

It is almost impossible to get a lot of fairy stones.

Although it is said that the immortal body wants to transform again, it can’t be done in a short time, but the breakthrough of this time also brings huge benefits to Chu Fengmian incomparable.

The improvement of strength is the most critical point among all the benefits that Chu Fengmian gets.

Chu Fengmian used to fight against Celestial Realm with 9 robberies and crossed two realms. Even Chu Fengmian’s sword technique, fleshy body, etc., are not inferior to the strong ones of Celestial Realm.

But the gap in strength is irreparable, so Chu Fengmian can’t compete with the real Celestial Realm powerhouse at all.

The ability to defeat Lan Ming is also because Yi Lan Ming is not a real Celestial Realm powerhouse after all.

Even if Lan Ming approaches Celestial Realm again, he hasn’t broken through after all. The power that Hua Whale uses is not Lan Ming’s own power. With the addition of the crazy Dragon Emperor’s shot, Lan Ming can be severely injured in one blow. Beheaded by Chu Fengmian.

But now, Chu Fengmian has truly stepped into the Half-Step Celestial realm, only one realm away from Celestial Realm.

A realm, with Chu Fengmian’s numerous opportunities and his sword technique, can make up for it.

even more how Chu Fengmian’s strength is no longer inferior to that of Celestial Realm.

If Chu Fengmian fights Lan Ming, without the help of the mad Dragon Emperor this time, Chu Fengmian can kill Lan Ming within ten moves.

This is the tyranny of power.

Even fighting against Celestial Realm powerhouses, such as the Linjian Haidi that Chu Fengmian has encountered before, Chu Fengmian is confident enough to defeat him, and even kill him.

Of course, among the strong of Celestial Realm, there are also strong and weak, such as Celestial Realm, which is actually divided into 3 levels, corresponding to the 9 titles of Immortal 3, Immortal, Immortal, and Immortal General.

Like Linjian Haidi, and the mad Dragon Emperor, they are all on Immortal this realm.

Immortal realm knows how to turn a thought into a technique, ordering Power of Heaven and Earth to be used by him, it is enough to turn it into a martial skill to destroy the enemy, and a secret technique to suppress it.

This kind of thought-provoking technique is enough to give Celestial Realm’s martial artist Demon God the advantage when facing the characters under Celestial Realm.

And above Immortal, is the fairy.

Chu Fengmian has never seen the characters of the fairy realm, but Chu Fengmian can feel that there are indeed characters beyond the Immortal level in the Sea Sacrifice Sect.

That Ji Haidi was at least a fairy.

Immortal level 9, every small realm, represents a kind of immortal strength.

Immortal realm is the immortal body and bone.

Once you step into the realm of the fairy, you can transform the fleshy body and become the fairy bone.

This kind of metamorphosis of the immortal body and bones represents the true transformation to the level of immortality.

And then the last one small realm of Immortal realm, the immortal general realm, is the last step in the transformation of immortality.

Stepping into the immortal general realm is enough to transform a Spiritual Force into immortal strength.

It can be said that the character of the immortal general realm can be called True Immortal.

As for Immortal, immortals can only be regarded as virtual immortals.

Stepping into the immortal realm, you will be a fairy bone, immortal strength, real Immortal, and strength will crush the immortal realm.

The immortal realm is not much different from the Immortal realm, it’s just the change of fleshy body.

Chu Fengmian now condenses the immortal real body. On the fleshy body, it is stronger than the realm character of the fairy, so even today Chu Fengmian faces the character of the fairy realm, he has the capital of a war.

However, if he meets the strong of the immortal general realm, Chu Fengmian can only escape in a desperate manner, and he cannot be defeated.

Of course, if Chu Fengmian really stepped into Celestial Realm, his strength would also increase in Heaven and Earth turning upside down. At that time, even if he was a realm powerhouse, Chu Fengmian would have been able to fight.

But stepping into Celestial Realm is still too far away.

Assaulting the Half-Step Celestial realm this time, Chu Fengmian spent countless accumulations, and even killed Lan Ming in the end, and obtained the 1000 celestial stones that Lan Ming had accumulated for a long time before he really succeeded in the impact.

The difficulty of entering Celestial Realm is far more difficult than the difficulty of impacting the Half-Step Celestial realm.

Moreover, Chu Fengmian wants to attack Celestial Realm. At that time, Chu Fengmian will face his own celestial calamity.

At this time, Chu Fengmian was facing Lan Ming’s celestial calamity, and he actually lowered the thunder of the world, and wanted to kill Chu Fengmian.

Once it is Chu Fengmian’s own-inspired celestial calamity, I am afraid that it is power, but it must be above this. Chu Fengmian must be prepared for 10000.

If he rushes to the Celestial Realm, once the celestial calamity comes, then Chu Fengmian will not only face the failure of the impact on the realm, but may die under the celestial calamity.

But now, Chu Fengmian has stepped into the Half-Step Celestial realm. The bottleneck of strength has been broken. As long as there is a chance, Chu Fengmian can still increase his strength, but it is unhurried to impact Celestial Realm for a while.

Taking advantage of this time, consolidating strength and getting some fortuitous encounters is the safest way.

The tribulation thunder has been swallowed by the secret technique.

The tribulation cloud, which had been shrouded in the deserted sea, gradually disappeared, and the frightening Destruction Strength also disappeared.

“The son.”

When the heavens and humans were scattered, the mad Dragon Emperor hurried over.

When he saw Chu Fengmian, his throat was suddenly stuck with something, speechless.

Because he already felt it, the breath radiating from Chu Fengmian’s body was no longer under him.

Even this is Chu Fengmian’s power, which is somewhat restrained. If it is full, Chu Fengmian’s power will even surpass him.

A martial artist who has just stepped into the Half-Step Celestial realm, his strength actually surpasses Celestial Realm.

Crazy Dragon Emperor looked at Chu Fengmian, he was speechless.

“Congratulations, son breakthrough realm.”

Hai Princess was the first to react, and said joyfully.

“Congratulations, son.”

Master Qi Yang also said hurriedly.

“It finally became.”

Chu Fengmian also sighed.

Although speaking of which is incredibly simple now, only Chu Fengmian knows the hardships. His time breakthrough Half-Step Celestial is a dangerous 10000 points.

In the breakthrough realm in the great catastrophe of heaven and man, it can be said that no one has done such crazy things. Chu Fengmian has no choice but to fight his life and finally succeeded.

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