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Chu Fengmian lifts the head, looked towards the sky.

This day, the catastrophe is now on top of Chu Fengmian’s head.

The Great Tribulation of Heaven and Man actually followed this Chu Fengmian, one after another Thunder of Destruction, still condensing, ready to come at any time.

“What’s going on? Why are people chasing after me this day?”

Chu Fengmian looked at this man’s robbery, and he was chasing him, making Chu Fengmian a little incomprehensible for a moment.

The tribulation of heaven and man should belong to Lan Ming, and now that Lan Ming is dead, the tribulation of heaven and man will gradually dissipate.

But now that people are in a big catastrophe, instead of dispersing, they are still chasing this, which has a kind of irreconcilable meaning of chasing Chu Fengmian.

This is beyond common sense.

Chu Fengmian has also read countless ancient books, and has seen countless recorded celestial calamities, but he has never seen such a weird thing.

“Heaven and Earth Alien? Is it because I am a Heaven and Earth Alien, Heavenly Dao can’t tolerate it, and I actually want to use this heaven and earth calamity to kill me?”

One in an instant, Chu Fengmian suddenly thought of something.

Heaven and Earth alien species.

Chu Fengmian has survived the great catastrophe, his body has merged into the aura of the primordial age, and he has become a Heaven and Earth alien.

But this alien species of Heaven and Earth is not tolerated by Heavenly Dao.

Chu Fengmian originally thought that Heavenly Dao would only take action when he went to cross the tribulation of heaven and humanity, seizing the opportunity to punish Chu Fengmian.

But didn’t expect, this time, actually took advantage of Lan Ming’s celestial calamity to kill Chu Fengmian.

Lan Ming died, but the power of this celestial calamity has not diminished at all, but has condensed more and more tribulation thunder.

Numerous tribulation thunders began to condense. At the center of this tribulation cloud, Chu Fengmian glanced over and vaguely saw that, among them, countless tribulation thunders were already condense swords of destruction.

A sword of destruction almost destroyed Chu Fengmian’s fleshy body. This time, it actually lowered ten swords of destruction. This simply did not give Chu Fengmian any way to survive. It was to kill Chu Fengmian.


In order to kill Lan Ming, Chu Fengmian laid out an extremely sophisticated plan, which can be said to be seamless, but he counted 1000 for 10000, but he didn’t calculate it. Heavenly Dao unexpectedly met Chu Fengmian at this time.

If it is an ordinary catastrophe, Chu Fengmian still has a certain degree of resistance.

But the celestial calamity at this time was caused by Chu Fengmian and Lan Ming together, and its power was countless times more powerful than the ordinary celestial calamity.

Chu Fengmian wanted to withstand the catastrophe of this day, there was almost no possibility.

Danger, the danger is extreme!

Chu Fengmian killed Lan Ming, but now, this celestial calamity is far more dangerous than Lan Ming, and there is simply no vitality.

“The sky will kill me, but if I become a Heaven and Earth alien, I must walk the heavens-defying road!”

All the power of Chu Fengmian is urged at the same time. At this time, he also knows that no matter if he flees to the ends of the earth, he will not let Chu Fengmian go after this day, so it is better to fight here. .

The power of the swallowing secret technique has been urged to the extreme, frantically refining the blood essence of Lan Ming, and between the faint appointment, the power of Chu Fengmian has reached the extreme.

The power radiating from Chu Fengmian’s body is already to distort the surrounding Heaven and Earth.

Roar! roar!

The roar of dragon roar, the illusory shadow of the ancestor Heavenly Dragon, also appeared behind Chu Fengmian.

The illusory shadow of Swallowing Heaven Beast also condenses from behind Chu Fengmian. His entire body is transformed into a large vortex, an incomparable gigantic black hole.

Chu Fengmian opened the space ring, and suddenly countless immortal stones flew out. As soon as these immortal stones flew out, they were gasified and turned into immortal strength of incomparable essence, and poured into the black hole.

Shock realm!

At this extremely dangerous moment, Chu Fengmian wants to hit the realm, to hit the Half-Step Celestial realm!

With these ten swords of destruction coming, Chu Fengmian is basically ten deaths without life, and has no ability to resist at all. At this time, only one hope is to hit the realm.

As long as Chu Fengmian can hit the realm for success and step into the Half-Step Celestial realm, Chu Fengmian’s strength will rise countless times. At that time, it is the only chance to resist the possibility of this time.

Chu Fengmian was supposed to be fully prepared for 10000, and then leave the Star Domain of the sea to find an incomparably secret and safe place, and then to hit the realm, but at this time, he no longer has this ability.

But fortunately, Chu Fengmian has accumulated a large amount of immortal stones, and even refined a small Flying Immortal Pill.

When Chu Fengmian opened the space ring, the little Flying Immortal Pill all flew out, and fell into the Black Hole Vortex all at once, turned into the essence of medicinal power, and poured into Chu Fengmian’s body.

More than 600 immortal stones, plus 19 small Flying Immortal Pills, were all swallowed by the Black Hole Vortex transformed by Chu Fengmian.

Hong long!

From the Black Hole Vortex that Chu Fengmian turned into, the tyrannical power is transmitted. All of this power, condensed again and again, and shocked again and again, seems to break the shackles on Chu Fengmian’s body and hit a higher level.

Chu Fengmian’s power has reached an unprecedented level of tyranny. Immortal strength has been integrated into Chu Fengmian’s body. Chu Fengmian’s body is undergoing transformation, and the whole person is in a kind of sublimation.

“hong long! ”

At this moment, above the sky and in the tribulation cloud, the ten swords of destruction were already condensed.

The moment the ten swords of destruction were condensed, they came to Chu Fengmian below without hesitation.

Chu Fengmian at this time breakthrough realm, he was not allowed by Heavenly Dao at all, and lowered the sword of destruction to kill Chu Fengmian.

“Sword out!”

Chu Fengmian roared again and again, with both swords coming out, resisting the ten swords of destruction.

The ten swords of destruction were all cut down, and the power was ten times more terrifying than the one that Chu Fengmian had resisted before.

But this time, Chu Fengmian is not what it used to be. After more than 600 immortal stones and 19 small Flying Immortal Pills are integrated into Chu Fengmian’s body, Chu Fengmian’s strength has also increased countless times.

“break for me !”

The Sword Intent of the Sword God realm was condensed in the sword edge. Chu Fengmian’s two swords came out together, and fiercely’s cut was on the two destruction swords.

Hong long long !

A loud noise.

The collision of this power reached its extreme. In a single moment, it seemed to be enough to destroy countless times, but Chu Fengmian was not afraid at all, his sword edge swept down.


The two swords of destruction suddenly shattered, and were forcibly cut off under Chu Fengmian’s sword edge.

At the same time, another incomparable gigantic illusory shadow appeared behind Chu Fengmian.

This illusory shadow is an incomparable gigantic whale with double fins like wings. It is the innate Divine Beast, the ancestor of the sea clan, the black whale!

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