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If Lan Ming is not killed today, the person who will die in the future is definitely Chu Fengmian.

Chu Fengmian knew this well, with Lan Ming’s character, once he stepped into Celestial Realm, Chu Fengmian would be the first to kill.

Besieging Lan Ming at this time is the best opportunity to kill Lan Ming, and we must never give up.

“Kill! Before this day of human calamity comes, punish this person!”

Chu Fengmian passed the Spiritual Consciousness to the mad Dragon Emperor and made the determination to kill.

It will take a little bit of time for the celestial calamity to come, and Chu Fengmian must rush to kill Lan Ming before this time.

This period is also Chu Fengmian’s last chance.

However, Lan Ming also knew this, so he deliberately used the secret technique of Hua Whale Jue. At this moment, he turned into a black whale and forced through this period of time.

Now he wants to kill Lan Ming, who has turned into a black whale, with almost the same difficulty as killing a Celestial Realm powerhouse who is the same as a mad Dragon Emperor.

Especially before the celestial calamity descends, the difficulty of killing Lan Ming now is as difficult as heavenly ascension.


The mad Dragon Emperor also knows the difficulty, but now he is willing to believe in Chu Fengmian.

The word “kill” also represents the attitude of the mad Dragon Emperor, which means lore.

In an instant, Chu Fengmian and the mad Dragon Emperor didn’t have any reservations, and all the ultimate moves were used.

Above the desert sea, the condensing speed of the tribulation cloud is extremely fast, I am afraid it will be condensed within hundreds of breaths.

Once the tribulation cloud is completed, it is the moment when the catastrophe comes down.

The celestial calamity comes, whether it is Chu Fengmian, or the mad Dragon Emperor, Lan Ming will die under the celestial calamity.

The power of the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Man, the more people the power contains, the more terrifying it becomes, to the point where it can’t resist.

The mad Dragon Emperor also knew the horror of this day of human calamity. He made a decisive decision and suddenly roared. The strength of Dragon group was gathered in his palm, and a sharp claw fiercely struck towards the strikes below.

The ancestor 4th Style!

In the realm of Celestial Realm, the Dragon Emperor now displays the ancestor 9 style, and the one displayed by Wei Neng and Chu Fengmian, completely different, is the real Immortal Technique.

Even among countless Immortal Techniques, this ancestor 9 style is the most powerful technique.

A claw strikes out, and the tyrannical force tears down. This tyrannical and boundless force is almost torn apart the entire deserted sea.

Celestial Realm has the ability to tear Splitting Heaven into the hands of the strong.

The scene in front of him is not clear enough. If the mad Dragon Emperor is willing to tear this deserted sea with his full strength, it will not be a problem.

Now the mad Dragon Emperor is shooting, and the goal is directed at Lan Ming, but even the aftermath is beyond the power of the Half-Step Celestial realm. Strikes has hit countless bottomless trenches in this deserted sea.

“9 mysterious sword technique! Greedy wolf! Giant door! Lucun! Mystery! 7 kills!”

Chu Fengmian shot at the same time. The first 9 styles of the 5 mysterious sword technique were all beheaded in this brief moment. The power of these 5 styles, fuse together, condense the Power of Stars in the sky, turned into the sword qi Star River, and beheaded suddenly. Away.

Lan Ming turned into the huge body of a black whale, and was immediately enveloped by the sword qi Star River.

In this sword qi Star River, there are 10000000 million sword qis heading towards Lan Ming in an instant. Any sword qi is enough to easily kill a martial artist Demon God in the Half-Step Celestial realm.

But Lan Ming was deeply trapped in the sword qi Star River, but he did not show the slightest panic. He laughed again and again. This huge black whale body suddenly burst out of tyrannical power and swept towards the surroundings.

peng ~ peng ~ peng ~ peng ~!

The sword qi Star River, swept by this power, was instantly exploded. At the same time, the ancestor 4th Style played by the mad Dragon Emperor also strikes on Lan Ming’s body, but it only left a small part on Lan Ming’s body. Small wounds.

This wound is not worth mentioning to the incomparable gigantic black whale.

Chu Fengmian and the crazy Dragon Emperor’s joint slaying resulted in only a slight injury to Lan Ming, far beyond his roots.

“Ha ha ha ha, you two are trash and want to kill me too? My incarnation black whale, even the strongest from 2 or 3 Celestial Realm can’t kill me!”

Lan Ming looked at the increasingly condensed tribulation cloud above the sky and laughed.

“If you don’t go, you will have no chance to go!”

The tribulation cloud above the sky is already more than half concentrated.

It seems that because Lan Ming’s power is getting stronger and stronger, the speed at which he provokes the celestial calamity is getting faster and faster.

If this continues, there is only time for ten breaths, and this day of human calamity will definitely come.

“This Lan Ming is really powerful. His incarnation black whale is much more tyrannical than the usual Celestial Realm strong.”

The more urgent, Chu Fengmian calmly analyzed all this in front of him.

Chu Fengmian shot countless sword light one after another, but he couldn’t hurt Lan Ming.

In the case of a veteran sea emperor like Linjian Haidi, I am afraid that they have fallen under the siege of Chu Fengmian and the crazy Dragon Emperor.

But this Lan Ming actually only suffered some minor injuries.

Chu Fengmian knows that this is the tyrannical power of the black whale Bloodline in Lan Ming, and the martial artist Demon God who has the innate Divine Beast Bloodline. The stronger the strength, the power of this bloodline will be inspired. It is similar to the same realm martial artist Demon God. The gap will also increase.

For example, Chu Fengmian merged into the aura of the primordial beginning and became a heterogeneous Heaven and Earth. Perhaps he did not appear to be too anti-heaven when he was in the emperor realm. It was because Chu Fengmian’s realm was too low to play Heaven and Earth. Earth is the real power of alien species.

After the Half-Step Celestial realm, even Celestial Realm, Chu Fengmian’s strength will also increase countless times and become a true heavenly guardian.

But if you don’t kill Lan Ming today, then Chu Fengmian will have no future at all.

A thunder sound resounded above Chu Fengmian’s head.

This thunderous thunder also indicates that the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Man is about to come.

Rolling tribulation thunder, tumbling in this tribulation cloud, seems likely to drop at any time.

“Human Sovereign Jar!”

Time is running out, and Chu Fengmian doesn’t have any reservations. With a long whistle, an ancient earthen jar suddenly appeared in Chu Fengmian’s palm.

This ancient earthen jar appeared in the palm of Chu Fengmian’s hand and instantly turned into a halberd, the halberd of Human Sovereign.

“What is this? Extreme Dao Immortal Weapon? How can you have such a thing in your hand?”

The moment Lan Ming saw the Human Sovereign halberd in Chu Fengmian’s palm, he felt a sense of threat in his heart.

This Human Sovereign halberd seemed to pose a serious threat to him, and the power on it made him feel the power of a fairy soldier.

At the same time, Lan Ming also noticed that the Human Sovereign halberd in Chu Fengmian’s hand seemed to have a one after another crack.

When he saw this crack, Lan Ming’s eyes showed a bit of disdain, and the jealousy in his eyes disappeared a lot.

“It turned out to be a broken Extreme Dao Immortal Weapon. It’s nothing. Wanting to deal with me is just a daydream.”

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