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Hula island.

Although it is only a small island in the Broken Isles, it has a population of 10000000 million and has built a large city.

When Chu Fengmian came to Hula Island, he exuded the aura of the 9th Tribulation Ancient Emperor. At the same time, the power of the Dragon Whale Bloodline also burst out.

Originally saw the arrival of Chu Fengmian, and some martial artist Demon God, who had the idea of ​​robbing them, felt the breath of Chu Fengmian and made a strategic withdrawal.

The Broken Isles is extremely chaotic. If there is no strength, being robbed in the Broken Isles is almost a common occurrence.

However, once the aura of Chu Fengmian 9 Jiegu Emperor was revealed, those martial artist Demon God who wanted to deal with Chu Fengmian all retreated.

Among the Broken Isles, there are not many 9 Tribulation Ancient Emperors, and any 9 Tribulation Ancient Emperor exists like a hegemon, and few people dare to offend.

And even if these people are not afraid of Chu Fengmian’s power, the moment they see Chu Fengmian’s clothes, they all dispel the thoughts in their hearts.

Chu Fengmian’s current clothing is the clothing of the sea sacrifice sect protector.

Sea Jiezong, but First Great Influence in the Star Domain of the Sea, even if it is a discipline of Sea Jiezong, few outsiders dare to provoke, even more how such a protector.

Chu Fengmian swaggered into the city, and no one dared to stop him.

Chu Fengmian looked towards the west of the city, and Princess Hai gave Chu Fengmian’s jade talisman, where she was.

At this moment, suddenly a few rays of light were dropping from the sky, and these few rays of light directly landed in the direction Chu Fengmian looked towards.

Chu Fengmian recognized it at a glance. These few rays of light were the disciplines of the sacrificial pavilions, and the one headed was the protector of the sacrificial pavilion.

These people also noticed the location of Hai Princess, and went to hunt Hai Princess.

I saw that very quickly, suddenly two escapes flew out from the city lord.

These two escapes are Hai Princess and Qiyang Master.

I haven’t seen it for a while, the realm of Hai Princess has already reached the 9th Jie Gu Di Peak. The aura on her body is more tyrannical than when she was separated from Chu Fengmian before.

Chu Fengmian could tell at a glance that the black whale Bloodline on Hai Princess had already awakened a little bit.

Black Whale Bloodline, but innate Divine Beast Bloodline, once awakened, Hai Princess’s strength will skyrocket.

However, just because of the awakening of the black whale Bloodline on Hai Princess, her identity could not be hidden, and she was noticed by the discipline of the sacrificial pavilion.

The disciples of the sacrificial pavilion were also chasing away. This group of people consisted of 7 people. The guardian headed by them was no less powerful than the powerhouse in the Half-Step Celestial realm.

Hai Princess and Qiyang Master can only escape in haste.

“You don’t need to flee, the Broken Isles are now full of people from our sacrificial pavilion. You should do less useless struggles now!”

Several sacrificial pavilion disciplines were chasing, while suddenly a Spiritual Force shot out, and a great array shrouded in this Hula Island was suddenly moved.

This great array has sealed off the entire Hula Island, and no one in it can leave Hula Island.

Such a huge Array, of course impossible can be arranged in a short time.

Obviously, these sacrificial pavilion disciplines had already prepared and arranged the array.

Hai Princess and Qiyang Master, trapped by this Array, were soon besieged by these sacrificial pavilion disciplines.

“Lingyo Young Lady, go away, I will hold them alone.”

Master Qiyang looked at them being besieged by these sacrificial pavilions disciples, his expression changed, and said hurriedly.

“Go? You two don’t even want to leave today. Although Master Lan Ming explained that, as long as one is needed, you can also be taken away as Old Guy. You will definitely be rewarded by Master Lan Ming.”

The guardian of the sacrificial pavilion headed by that sacred pavilion said with a smile.

“Do it, capture them alive, and take them back to the sacrificial pavilion!”


The other sacrificial pavilion disciplines, following the instructions of the sacrificial pavilion guardian, shot together, one after another Spiritual Force condensed into a thread, woven into a net, and immediately enveloped the Princess and Qiyang Master towards the sea.

This Spiritual Force net is a kind of suppression technique. With their sacrificial pavilion disciplines, they work together to suppress the martial artist Demon God in the Half-Step Celestial realm, all of which are impossible to escape.

“Uncle Qi, fight with them!”

Hai Princess’s face was cold, and she knew that at this time, it was impossible to escape and could only fight to the death.

She gave a long scream, and there was a handful of Trident in the palm of her hand. This Trident, condensed with the power of the black whale, contained tyrannical power, swept away, and this Spiritual Force net seemed to be shattered.

But at this time, the sacrificial pavilion protector suddenly sneered, and seemed to be waiting for the moment when Hai Princess would take action.

He also took the same shot, pointing directly at the Sea Princess, and leaving with a palm of strikes. The power of this palm surpassed the ordinary Half-Step Celestial martial artist Demon God. While the Sea Princess was dealing with other sacrificial pavilion disciplines, he suddenly shot. sneak attack.

This sudden move made Hai Princess somewhat unexpected.

But just as this palm, the moment when the strikes arrive at Hai Princess, an invisible Spiritual Force suddenly drops from the sky.

This sacrificial pavilion protector was directly forced out under this invisible Spiritual Force.

“You? What do you want to do? Do you want to take this credit from us?”

The guardian of the sacrificial pavilion flickered, suddenly looked towards the sky, looked towards Chu Fengmian at a glance, and said in a cold tone.

“Get lost! We discovered this person, and the credit is also ours. If you dare to intervene, I will kill you first!”

“Credit? If you want credit, wait until 9 springs before you get it.”

Chu Fengmian coldly shouted. Suddenly, without waiting for the sacrificial pavilion guardian to react, Chu Fengmian immediately shot, and an incomparable gigantic Battle Dragon’s Claw swept down from the sky.

“hong long long !”

The guardian of the sacrificial pavilion that had just been shot did not have any resistance. Under this battle dragon’s claw, he was smashed and killed with a palm, and his blood essence was crushed.

At the same time, those sacrificial pavilion disciplines were also shrouded by this Battle Dragon’s Claw, and each and everyone was bombarded with one palm.

Under the sweep of this Battle Dragon’s Claw, all the sacrificial pavilions that were under siege were ruthlessly bombarded and killed.

“The son?”

Hai Princess looked towards Chu Fengmian and said in surprise.

Although Chu Fengmian’s appearance is different now, but Chu Fengmian played Battle Dragon’s Claw, she can recognize it at a glance. This shot must be Chu Fengmian.

“This place should not stay for a long time, go!”

Chu Fengmian didn’t reply, but grabbed Princess Hai and Master Qiyang. His big hand shook and turned into dragon claw fiercely’s moved towards the great array on Hula Island. He smashed down, breaking the great array instantly and turning it into A flash of light flew toward the center of the storm.

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