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In the Sea Jie Sect, power is also the respect, the more powerful the strength, the more no one dares to provoke.

If it is blindly timid, it will only be looked down upon and bullied.

Kunda, who was injured by Chu Fengmian before, now looks towards Chu Fengmian with incomparable fear. He no longer has the idea of ​​seeking revenge from Chu Fengmian. This is the benefit of strength.

Looking at the unique arrangement of Ping Sheng Hai Wang, Chu Fengmian advanced alone, and the martial artist Demon God around, no one dared to speak out.

Strength is everything.

Chu Fengmian is so strong, it will naturally attract the attention of some people in the Sea Ji Sect.

But this is what Chu Fengmian wants.

Chu Fengmian joined the Sea Festival Sect, but in order to get close to Lan Ming, to the lake of sacrifices in the rumor, to get the pure water of Liuli.

Chu Fengmian came all the way and collected some news about the lake of sacrifice.

The Lake of Sacrifice is the Holy Land of the Sea Sacrifice Sect. It is very similar to the sword of the Sea Sword Sect. It is said that as long as the martial artist Demon God has entered the Lake of Sacrifice, his strength will skyrocket and he will get huge benefits.

However, it is much more difficult to enter the Lake of Sacrifice than Jianze in the Sea Sword Sect, and you need to be scrutinized before you can enter the Lake of Sacrifice.

Because this sacrificial lake is not only a Holy Land for the sea sacrificial sect’s discipline, it also hides the earth-shattering secret, which is the core of the sea sacrificial sect.

Hai Ji Sect, with this name, the word “ji” stands out.

The Lake of Sacrifice, as the name suggests, is one of the most important places of the Sea Ji Sect.

Even though Chu Fengmian spent a lot of means, he didn’t get accurate information about the inside of the sacrificial lake in the Sea Jizong.

But only one thing, Chu Fengmian learned, is that whether it is the Sea Jiezong discipline or the protector, Elder and the others, only those who are extremely powerful and have a high status in the Sea Jiezong are eligible to enter.

If Chu Fengmian joins the Sea Festival Sect, he is just an ordinary deacon and protector of the law, I am afraid that he has not had the opportunity to enter the lake of sacrifice for decades.

Therefore, Chu Fengmian’s display of such strength also wanted to make the senior officials of the Sea Jizong value him. In that case, Chu Fengmian’s chance of entering the Lake of Sacrifice would be much higher.

Of course, only Chu Fengmian has truly joined the Sea Festival Sect, and can actually arrange the plan.

The Pingsheng Sea King arranged for Chu Fengmian to enter the Sea Festival Sect first, and Chu Fengmian knew what he meant. Obviously, he was from the Pingsheng Sea King line and wanted to win over Chu Fengmian.

Within the Sea Jie Sect, it is also divided into one side of the power, such as the Lake of Sacrifice, or the Law Enforcement Palace of the Sea Jie Sect, the sacred medicine hall, etc., although they perform their duties, all belong to the Sea Jie Sect, but the same It is an independent party force.

Like Pingsheng Sea King, it is a figure belonging to one of the forces.

The truly outstanding geniuses who have not formally joined the Sea Festival Sect will be taken away by these forces.

It doesn’t matter to Chu Fengmian who he joins in. Anyway, he didn’t come for the long-term cultivation of the Sea Sacrifice Sect.

On the one hand, to avoid the pursuit of Sword Sect, on the other hand, to purify the water in Liuli, but also to kill Lan Ming.

But since Pingsheng Sea King has the meaning of wooing, Chu Fengmian can also mention some conditions to prepare for mixing into the lake of sacrifice.

As Chu Fengmian thought about it, he had already passed the palace. At the end of the palace, there was a Transmission Array.

Sea Jizong is certainly not in Jitian Sea City.

Jitian Sea City is just a portal, through this Transmission Array, you can go to the real Sea Jizong.

Chu Fengmian stepped into the Transmission Array, and the world turned around. Chu Fengmian felt that he came to a unique world within the realm.

Here is also a Small World, with this extremely rich Spiritual Qi. The Spiritual Qi here is much richer than any place Chu Fengmian has been to.

In this cultivation, there is almost no need to worry about the lack of Spiritual Qi.

And among the Spiritual Artifacts here, Chu Fengmian always feels an ancient aura, as well as a little bit of weak Primal Chaos power.

“Here is actually a Small World similar to the Desolate Ancient era?”

Chu Fengmian felt the Spiritual Qi in this Small World, and couldn’t help thinking.

It is said that the oldest world, called Desolate Ancient, is an incomparable gigantic world, extremely large and boundless.

Above that continent, there is a strong Primal Chaos atmosphere everywhere, so in that era, there were countless strong people, and Immortal and even imperial Capital were countless.

Later, Desolate Ancient was broken, and there were countless continents, countless worlds, and most of the Primal Chaos aura, which disappeared as Desolate Ancient was broken.

However, there will still be some Small World, which still has the breath of Primal Chaos, which has always existed.

For example, when the mad Dragon Emperor found a mountain full of Primal Chaos breath, he could always use Primal Chaos breath to suppress his injuries and keep him alive.

This Sea Sacrifice Sect also found a Small World with the aura of Primal Chaos, and it was this Small World that established the Sea Sacrifice Sect.

However, this side of Small World is indeed very suitable for the sea race.

The center of Small World on this side is an incomparable gigantic lake. Although it is a lake, the lake is huge, and it is bigger than the ocean on the other side.

There are 10000 islands on the lake, and on each island, a glorious palace has been built. The islands, like the forces of one party, seem to be independent of each other.

Many sea sacrificial sect disciplines walk through it.

What makes Chu Fengmian most afraid of is that in the center of this 10000 island is a building that looks like an ancient temple.

In this ancient temple, Chu Fengmian felt a breath that made him shudder.

Celestial Realm!

In that temple-like building, there is a real Celestial Realm powerhouse.

And that person was more tyrannical than Linjian Haidi, who had played against Chu Fengmian.

“Who is it? Is it Ji Haidi, or Donglin Haidi? Or even the other Haidi hidden in the Sea Jizong?”

Chu Fengmian couldn’t help thinking.

In this Sea Sacrifice Sect, Chu Fengmian did not dare to release Spiritual Consciousness to explore, he could only look from a distance and guess.

Apart from this, in this lake, Chu Fengmian also felt a lot of tyrannical aura.

It seems that many strong men of the Sea Festival Sect, Old Antique, are hiding in this lake.

Chu Fengmian looked at it at will, and he knew the horror of the Sea Jiezong. Many auras, although not Celestial Realm, are all characters who can break through the celestial calamity at any time.

No wonder this Sea Sacrifice Sect, but until now, as the first major event of the Canghai Star Domain, this overall strength is indeed deep and unmeasurable.

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