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This sea eye of the chaotic sea is well-known in the Star Domain of the sea. The martial artist Demon God who once entered the chaotic sea did not know how many died under this sea eye.

Once it is pulled into the eye of the sea by the vortex, it will be suppressed forever under the eye of the sea. It is almost impossible to escape alive.

In the memory of Haishi 4, I also deeply remember the horror of this sea eye.

9 The ancient emperor, even the powerhouse in the Half-Step Celestial realm, once pulled into the eyes of the sea, there is only one dead end.

The sea of ​​chaos has been shrouded and eroded by the demonic intent, not only the creatures in the sea of ​​chaos, but the entire sea of ​​chaos has undergone various changes under the influence of the demonic intent.

This kind of sea eye is a kind of chaotic sea change. Sometimes, there are several sea eyes hidden in a whirlpool. Once a martial artist is caught in it, it will be attracted by the attraction of the sea eyes. Pull.

This kind of sea eye is extremely dangerous to the strong of Half-Step Celestial Realm Peak, so even in Half-Step Celestial Realm, they are not willing to step into the chaotic sea.

Fortunately, in the vortex that Chu Fengmian encountered this time, there was only one sea eye.

After feeling this pulling force, Chu Fengmian immediately urged the Spiritual Force to resist the swallowing of the sea eye.

“break for me !”

Chu Fengmian stabilized his figure, his gaze looked towards the bottom of the whirlpool, the sea eye with a diameter of 100 meters, and suddenly he struck out.

In a punch, the power of Battle Dragon burst out, and dragon roar roared.


Chu Fengmian fisted and fell, fiercely hitting the sea eye, only to see the center of the sea eye, there were countless cracks, and then it was broken.


The sea eye shattered and lost the pulling power, and the vortex disappeared. Chu Fengmian took a look and turned into a ray of light, and then flew towards the deepest place.

However, this sea eye was only the first sea eye that Chu Fengmian encountered. After that, Chu Fengmian encountered several sea eyes 2-3 consecutively.

Chu Fengmian exploded with the power of Battle Dragon, and the pulling of the sea eyes could not affect Chu Fengmian’s body at all. He punched them one by one and broke all these sea eyes.

In just 5 minutes, there were more than a dozen sea eyes broken by Chu Fengmian, which also made Chu Fengmian aware of something wrong.

In the memory of Haishi 4, the sea eyes of this chaotic sea almost all exist independently, and it is difficult to meet the sea eyes one after another.

But in just 5 minutes, Chu Fengmian encountered a dozen sea eyes.

Chu Fengmian urged Spiritual Consciousness to explore the past, in the nearby Sea Territory, there are a total of 100 such sea eyes.

“Where is this? How come there are so many sea eyes in the chaotic sea?”

Chu Fengmian discovered this result, and it shocked him. In Haishi 4’s memory, he didn’t even know that there was such a place in this chaotic sea.

Sea Ten 4 is the Core Disciple of Sea Sword Sect. Sea Sword Sect has a lot of information, and there are also records of Chaos Sea.

But even in the information of Sword Sect, I don’t know that there is such a place in the chaotic sea.

Chu Fengmian pursued this breath of the primordial spirit, and unexpectedly came to an unfamiliar area that no one has ever stepped into.

However, Chu Fengmian noticed that the direction of that ray of primordial aura is in the center surrounded by countless sea eyes.

Chu Fengmian took a look and didn’t hesitate, continuing to transform into a escape light and go deep into it.

He also wanted to see what was coming out of this primordial breath.

If it is similar to the claws of the ancestor Heavenly Dragon, the heart of the Swallowing Heaven Beast, a part of the congenital Divine Beast, Chu Fengmian can take it to refining and integrate it into the body to add strength.

After breaking countless sea eyes one after another, Chu Fengmian finally entered the center of this Sea Territory.

Hong long long !

At the moment Chu Fengmian just arrived, suddenly the entire Sea Territory shook.

Chu Fengmian suddenly felt a kind of danger in his heart. Even if Chu Fengmian was a strong man facing Celestial Realm, he did not feel this danger now.

This is a feeling that makes Chu Fengmian tremble.

Without any hesitation, making a decisive decision, Chu Fengmian in an instant turned into a ray of light, retreating again and again, but at this moment, a wave struck Chu Fengmian immediately.

“The ancestor Sixth Style!”

Chu Fengmian didn’t hesitate, and the power of Battle Dragon was pushed to the extreme. With a big wave, it turned into Battle Dragon’s Claw, and struck out against this wave.


This contains the claws of the ancestor Sixth Style. At the moment of collision with the waves, Chu Fengmian actually felt an irresistible feeling.

The Battle Dragon’s Claw he turned into was forcibly shattered.

The power of this wave actually smashed the Battle Dragon’s Claw easily.

You must know that the Sixth Style, the ancestor that Chu Fengmian displayed, is enough to threaten even the strong of Celestial Realm, but now it is not an opponent of such a small wave.

“Immortality! I am immortal!”

“Sword out!”


At the moment when Battle Dragon’s Claw was broken, Chu Fengmian didn’t dare to have any reservations. The horror of power contained in this ocean, Chu Fengmian knew deeply.

The two swords came out together, and the immortal body was also urged to the extreme by Chu Fengmian. The power of the two swords collided with this ocean wave.


Chu Fengmian’s body was blown away in a flash when he encountered it, but the power of this wave was finally resisted and shattered.

However, Chu Fengmian did not breathe a sigh of relief. This feeling of danger has not disappeared, and his face is extremely pale.

“What the hell is this wave? Celestial Realm, this is definitely the power of Celestial Realm. It is much stronger than the crazy Dragon Emperor. I can hardly catch it with a single blow.”

Chu Fengmian was horrified in his heart, without any pause, urging the escape to the extreme, and hurriedly fled outside.

However, Chu Fengmian still had Spiritual Consciousness, looked towards the direction behind him, and suddenly saw that in this Sea Territory, there was a huge silhouette.

This one silhouette is as long as ten thousand zhang. In this Sea Territory, there is a huge monster, sleeping in the center of an incomparable gigantic sea eye, just waking up.

“Xuan Whale? No, this is Yuan Whale! It is the emperor of the ancient Yuan Whale clan. How could this thing be hidden in the chaotic sea?”

The moment Chu Fengmian saw this one silhouette, he was even a little lost, as if he had seen the real Divine Beast Black Whale.

But soon Chu Fengmian recognized that this was a Yuan Whale, an ancient Yuan Whale clan emperor, and possessed this extremely ancient Bloodline.

That ray of primordial aura radiated from this Yuan Whale Emperor.

The wave just now was also the power of the Yuan Whale Emperor.

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