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Among them, the six-wing centipede is a natural alien, a unique creature that is rare in the world, and the fleshy body is tyrannical to the extreme.

It is said that the 6-wing centipede is enough to use the brute force of the fleshy body to forcibly tear the space, even in the 9th robber ancient emperor, or even the Half-Step Celestial realm, encounter this 6-wing centipede.

A little carelessness will make this 6-wing centipede drill a hole in the body.

In this small body, what is contained is the extremely powerful fleshy body.

In the ancient times, the 6-wing centipede is the Supreme Treasure of countless Dao of Body Refinement powerhouses yearn for something even in dreams. With the body of the 6-wing centipede, the 6-wing Saint Physique pill is the best. One of the holy pill of body refinement.

Those who want to take Dao of Body Refinement to the extreme, without exception, need these 6-wing Saint Physique Dan.

The Tibetan Gold Essence is the ultimate thing transformed by the Essence of Thick Earth. Once it is refining, it is enough to condense the Strength of Fleshly Body and transform the fleshy body.

The 6-wing Saint Physique pill is purely to enhance the fleshy body, and the gold essence is not only to improve the fleshy body, but also to improve the spiritual Vein, making the Spiritual Vein stronger and powerful enough to soar. These two Supreme Treasures are well-known in the ancient times, and only the strong of Celestial Realm can get them.

The characters under Celestial Realm are not eligible for these 2 Supreme Treasures.

Among the countless treasures that appeared in this Buddhist temple, Chu Fengmian saw these two Supreme Treasures at first glance.

These two Supreme Treasures are enough to make Chu Fengmian’s body more tyrannical, and it is a great help to condense the true immortal body from the impact.

Of course, there are many treasures, which are of great use to Chu Fengmian, but the most valuable to Chu Fengmian is the 6-wing centipede, and the Tibetan gold spirit.

“If it is the Buddha Cave Mansion, it is not incredible that it is like this treasure!”

Chu Fengmian is not surprised, the Buddha is a figure who is on an equal footing with the Immortal Emperor.

In any era, one is the strongest. At most, there are people who can sit on an equal footing with them, but no one can surpass them.

The Buddha has fallen, and the leftovers are also absolute Supreme Treasure.

After seeing these countless treasures, the countless powerhouses present became even more crazy, and even some be eager to have a try, wanting to rush in.

But just as an ancient emperor rushed into it rashly, but after being bombarded and killed for a moment by the prohibition on the Buddhist temple, the martial artist present finally calmed down.

This precious light is imaginary, the Buddhist temple has not been opened, and no one wants to set foot in it.

But this Buddhist temple is about to open.

All the shining light slowly disappeared, and when the last shining light disappeared, an ancient sound was resounded.

Chu Fengmian could not understand this voice, but he could hear that it was Sanskrit, the oldest language in Buddhism.

The moment when Sanskrit is resounded.

The door of this ancient Buddhist temple opened suddenly, and countless Supreme Treasures were all in this Buddhist temple.

Through countless rays of light, it can be clearly seen.


“The treasure of this Buddhist temple is mine!”

“Yin and Yang universe! Reverse the great array!”

Hong long!

Countless silhouettes rushed towards the gate of the Buddhist temple at the same time in an instant.

At this time, whoever steps into the Buddhist temple first is enough to take the lead and have the most chance to get the treasure in it.

Among them, the Buddhist Supreme Treasure, the worst is the Spiritual Artifact of the Half-Step Celestial environment, and many of them are even the Spiritual Artifacts of the Celestial Realm powerhouses.

Obtaining one piece is enough to make a 9th Tribulation Ancient Emperor fly into the sky and increase countless strength.

The scene is crazy. Five Elements Heaven, the capital of the sea, and the Qilin Mountain have the most 3 tribulation ancient emperors. The moment this Buddhist temple opened, they immediately arranged an ancient great array and shrouded it in front of the entrance of the Buddhist temple.

Anyone who is close to the gate of the Buddhist temple is attacked by this ancient great array.

These three forces plan to block all martial artists outside and swallow all the treasures in this Buddhist temple!

“Damn! These Three Great Influences are going to swallow it alone!”

“Break this great array and rush in!”

The countless ancient emperors present, watching the entrance of the Buddhist temple were crazy, each and everyone was crazy, and they all struck the great array arranged by the Three Great Influences.

A 9-pirate ancient emperor, perhaps in front of Three Great Influences, is not worth mentioning, but the total of the 9-pirate ancient emperors belonging to other forces on the scene is 9 more than that of Three Great Influences. Times.

The current actions of Three Great Influences are tantamount to arousing group anger. No matter which side of the power belongs to, they don’t want the treasure in this temple to be swallowed by Three Great Influences.

Countless 9 Jiegu Imperial Capital are united, and they all strike together to strike the great array of Yin and Yang reversed.

Although these 9 Jie ancient emperors joined hands, each and everyone had different hearts. Their goal was the treasure in this Buddhist temple, not the real union.

So that although many people shot, no one is willing to use all their strength, so that they can not immediately break this great array of Yin and Yang reversal.

The scene is a mess.

In this chaos, a knife was taken, suddenly cut from the sky.

This a sabre light is simply what Heaven and Earth said, dropping from the sky silently. In this rays of light, there is even a bit of gray mist.

Primal Chaos breath!

The power of this saber has already touched Primal Chaos.

Five Elements is the differentiation of Primal Chaos. The ultimate of Five Elements Heaven cultivation technique is the return to Primal Chaos.

The Five Elements magic knife that the Five Elements knife ancestor displayed before, although mysterious, is far from reaching this realm, but the light of the knife in front of me touches Primal Chaos.

Coming with a slash, it made people unable to react quickly.

Having been lurking not far away, staring at Chu Fengmian’s Five Elements Knife Saint, he finally made a move.

In the chaos of this scene, Chu Fengmian took a shot while feeling overwhelmed. He pointed straight at Chu Fengmian’s heart. The tyrannical power was contained in Saber, and he came to kill Chu Fengmian.

The silhouette of Chu Fengmian seemed to be standing there without any reaction at all.

The old man who shot his face showed a smug sneer.

At the same time, the Saber also beheaded to Chu Fengmian’s body, but immediately, the old man’s face suddenly froze.

That knife killed the past, without any blood, only an illusory shadow.

“Hide away?”

The old man’s voice was extremely shocked, but in the shock he could still hear endless anger.

Five Elements Knife Saint, but a strong player in the Half-Step Celestial realm, has long been famous and has a prominent position. In Five Elements Heaven, it is an Old Ancestor.

He took action against Chu Fengmian, a junior, and it was still a sneak attack. He was disgusted by others, but now he has been avoided by Chu Fengmian.

For him, it is even more a shame.

“Where did you escape?”

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