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It is definitely too late to call Long 1000 Jue to come.

Unless Chu Fengmian abandons the treasures in the Buddhist temple and leaves, the Sneak Attack plan of Five Elements Sword Saint can be defeated.

You can give up the Buddhist temple, but Chu Fengmian can’t do it anyway. There are Human Sovereign Jar fragments in the Buddhist temple.

Even if you don’t need any of the treasure Chu Fengmian, the Human Sovereign Jar fragment Chu Fengmian must also be obtained.

Besides, if you can escape for a while, you can’t escape for a lifetime. Only by improving your strength can you truly contend with Three Great Influences.

Fleeing forever, there will be no peace.

“With the strength of the three of us, we are not an opponent of Five Elements Sword Master under our joint efforts, and it is impossible to even compete with him.”

Emperor Yan thought for a while, opened the mouth and said.

“I have seen this record about the Five Elements sword saint in the ancient book. It is said that he used an enemy 9 to fight against 5 5 ancient emperors undefeated during the Peak of the 9th Tribulation Ancient Emperor.”

“Now this person has stepped into the Half-Step Celestial realm. I don’t know how much strength has been improved. We fight with him recklessly, and there is only dead end.”

“We can’t fight it. As long as we enter the Buddhist temple, it won’t be so easy for the Five Elements Knife Saint to make a move.”

Chu Fengmian also opened the mouth and said.

Chu Fengmian also guessed. As the Five Elements Sword Sage, he personally took the shot. Naturally, it was impossible to kill Chu Fengmian alone.

Chu Fengmian believes that he does not have this ability yet, and can let a powerhouse in the Half-Step Celestial realm specifically kill him.

The real goal of the Five Elements Sword Sage should be this Buddhist temple, the treasure in the Buddha Cave Mansion, is what the Five Elements Sword Sage wants to get when he was born.

Five Elements Knife Saint, a powerhouse in the Half-Step Celestial realm, now has the only goal to attack Celestial Realm. Many things in these ancient Cave Mansion are of great use for them to attack Celestial Realm.

It’s like Chu Fengmian once got that bottle of Martial Ancestor blood essence in the Cave Mansion of Martial Ancestor of the lion tyrant. Among them is the power of Celestial Realm.

For those Half-Step Celestial realm experts who want to hit Celestial Realm, that bottle of Martial Ancestor blood essence is definitely their Supreme Treasure of their year for something even in dreams.

The ancestors of Five Elements swords mostly came for the treasures in the Buddhist temple. As for the sneak attack, killing Chu Fengmian was also a matter of convenience.

As long as Chu Fengmian can escape the first sneak attack, when Chu Fengmian rushes into this Buddhist temple, the Five Elements Sword Sage will inevitably grab the treasure in it, and the impossible has always been to chase Chu Fengmian.

When it comes to fish and dragons mixed in together, it is not difficult for Chu Fengmian to escape.

It’s just important to escape this first sneak attack.

“The Buddhist temple will open in a while, I alone will enter it first, and you will be entering later.”

Chu Fengmian thought about it, then opened the mouth and said.

“Brother Chu, who are you?”

“This is too dangerous.”

When Emperor Yan and Qing Meng heard what Chu Fengmian said, their expressions changed.

The moment when such a large treasure is just opened, it is when countless strong people flock to it, and countless strong people want to seize the opportunity in this brief moment and step into it.

Whoever wants to be the first to enter Cave Mansion will be besieged by everyone.

Many of the 9 Tribulation Ancient Emperors died under everyone’s strikes when they seized the opportunity.

If Chu Fengmian rushed past, even though Chu Fengmian was stronger than many 9 Jie Gu emperors, if he wanted to rush in from the in front of one’s eyes of the top 100 9 Jie Gu emperors, it would be almost courting death.

There is no need for 100 9 Jie Gu Emperors to make a shot, and 1% of them make a shot, which is enough to blow Chu Fengmian into pieces.

“Everything is dead. This is the last chance. Besides, I am 50% sure that I can rush in.”

There was a bit of determination in Chu Fengmian’s eyes.

This plan was extremely risky, but it was Chu Fengmian who thought of the best plan.

Instead of being here, waiting for the sneak attack of Five Elements Sword Saint, it is better to seize the opportunity.

Chu Fengmian fleshy body tenacious, Divine Tree has also undergone transformation because of the Foundation Tree branch, and it may not be impossible to seize the opportunity to rush in.

“The goal of the Five Elements Knife Saint is me. It shouldn’t be embarrassing you two. If you are in danger, you can go to the Northern Domain. I have established a force in the Northern Domain called the Sword Dao Gate. You can Go there first.”

Chu Fengmian said to Qing Meng to Emperor Yan.

Once this Buddhist temple is opened, no one can know the danger. Under such chaos, it may be difficult for Imperial Capital to protect itself.

In the event of a crisis, as long as you hide in the Sword Dao gate, the numerous sword array defenses arranged by the Sword Dao gate are sufficient to withstand some dangers.

“It was decided like this.”

Chu Fengmian saw Qingmeng and wanted to say something, Chu Fengmian interrupted.

Immediately, Chu Fengmian pulled away the restrictions around this area, and Chu Fengmian’s gaze looked towards the surrounding area. In this area, there are many powerful people hidden.

Of course, there are many 9 Jie Gu emperors who don’t hide at all and just stand there. This is the confidence of the 9 Jie Gu emperor and is not afraid of anyone’s calculations.

“There are more than 9 ancient emperors of Three Great Influences.”

Chu Fengmian took out the sight glass and injected a Spiritual Force into it, and found that in this 100 li, there are more than 9 of the nine ancient emperors of Three Great Influences.

As for the other Nine Tribulation Emperors who are not part of Three Great Influences, there are even more. Within a radius of 9 miles, there are more than 100 Nine Tribulation Emperors gathered.

In the Da Luotian Star Domain, the scenes where 100 of the 9 Jiegu Emperors appeared at the same time were all tens of thousands of years.

Today, in this crimson continent, the strong are gathered. Of course, many of the 9 Jie Gu emperors are not even the martial artists of the Da Luotian Star Domain, but the strong who belong to other Star Domains.

“Human Sovereign Jar…”

The moment Chu Fengmian scanned the surroundings, the Human Sovereign Jar in Chu Fengmian’s body suddenly awoke and became agitated.

This restlessness proves that there are Human Sovereign Jar fragments appearing around here, attracting Chu Fengmian’s Human Sovereign Jar now.

Following the restlessness of the Human Sovereign Jar, Chu Fengmian looked over and suddenly saw a group of martial artists gathered on another mountain.

This group of martial artists, dressed in extremely close clothes, were obviously from the same forces, and the head of them was a young man with an arrogant face.

It was the Yan Family entire group that Chu Fengmian had just seen when he first came to the Crimson Continent. The person who was headed was Jun Shao and Yan Jun, the son of Yan Family.

It’s just that compared to the last time I saw it, this Yan Family group of people has become more powerful, with 2 more elders standing behind this Yan Jun and guarding this Yan Jun.

These two elders all contained the powerful Power of Heaven and Earth, which radiated out and suppressed everything.

This is the 2 ancient emperors of the nine tribulations.

It is precisely because of the breath of these two elders that the Yan Family members occupy that mountain, and no one dares to spy.

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