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Biluo Old Ancestor stared at Chu Fengmian and shouted frantically.

His eyes contained fierce greed, and in Chu Fengmian’s body, he actually found a Divine Tree.

It is still a young Divine Tree, enough to be a subdued Divine Tree.

This discovery made Biluo Old Ancestor go crazy.

As a Wood Element cultivator, Biluo Old Ancestor is naturally aware of the power of Divine Tree. He got the Foundation Tree branches and only swallowed a small part of them, which is enough to make his strength happen. Heaven and Earth turning upside down General changes.

In Chu Fengmian’s body, there is an entire Divine Tree.

“With this Divine Tree, I can definitely step into the Half-Step Celestial realm, and even hit Celestial Realm. Divine Tree, the Divine Tree that grows to the extreme, is comparable to the gods. I definitely want this Divine Tree! “

Biluo Old Ancestor is also fighting everything now, and the sky of blood mist instantly condenses into a figure under his life force.

With the realm of the ancient emperor in his 9th robbery, the fleshy body was destroyed, and there was almost no major loss. He counted 100 green bamboos, and under the control of his Spiritual Force, slammed into Chu Fengmian.

“Just because the three of you teamed up, you also want to kill me? It’s so ridiculous. I just let you see today, my true power!”

Chu Fengmian got all the Foundation Tree branches and that piece of ebony, and now he is in a good mood.

Seeing the three people join forces, he is not afraid at all. He just wants to see where his strength has reached.

Now that he has obtained the Foundation Tree branches, Chu Fengmian has no scruples. In the face of the countless green bamboo strikes, Chu Fengmian doesn’t even bother.

Let these countless green bamboos pierce Chu Fengmian’s body.


The green bamboos pierced into Chu Fengmian’s body.

Chu Fengmian’s seemingly weak skin is now as firm as steel. Every moment when a bamboo thorn passes, it cannot cut Chu Fengmian’s skin.

On Chu Fengmian’s skin, 129,600 flesh and blood crystals turned into perfect defense.

All the sharp edges on the green bamboo were broken.

“Biluo Old Ancestor, Five Elements Dao ancestor, Kuihaiwang, today you three, all of you died here, don’t try to run away alone!”

Chu Fengmian laughed heartily, two swords came out together, two sword lights aimed at Biluo Old Ancestor, and Five Elements sword ancestor cut directly in the past.

At the same time, behind Chu Fengmian, in the Tianya sword box, one after another sword light also kept flashing, flew out from the Tianya sword box, and cut towards the Kuihai King behind Chu Fengmian.

Take one enemy 3!

Chu Fengmian faced these three 3-pirate ancient emperors, with one enemy 9, and now it has gained the upper hand.

“The power of this Foundation Tree branch is just solid!”

Chu Fengmian dared to be an enemy 3, and it was also felt. In his body, after the branch of the Foundation Tree was refining by the Divine Tree, almost continuous power poured into Chu Fengmian’s body.

This Foundation Tree branch, even though it is difficult to refining by Imperial Capital, for Chu Fengmian, refining is in a flash.

The Divine Tree was originally a branch of the Foundation Tree. It belongs to the same source as the Branch of the Foundation Tree. The branch of the Foundation Tree fell into the hands of Divine Tree and was instantly swallowed. Its power was swallowed by the Divine Tree and poured into Chu Fengmian’s body. Among.

After Chu Fengmian swallowed Martial Ancestor blood essence, his strength has doubled, and now he has swallowed the power of the Foundation Tree branch.

Where is there any reason to escape?

9 The Jiegu Emperor, even if it was an absolute high-level for Three Great Influences, Chu Fengmian didn’t kill one, and he dealt a heavy blow to Three Great Influences.

Under such an opportunity, Chu Fengmian certainly would not let them go.

“9 Profound Star River!”

Hong long!

Surrounded by Chu Fengmian, the Star River played by the 9-Xuan sword technique also followed Chu Fengmian’s finger to the Five Elements sword ancestor, Biluo Old Ancestor, and Kuihaiwang three strikes.

In an instant, the figures of their three people were drawn into this Star River, and the countless sword qi in this Star River were densely packed towards their three people.

“Damn, this kid is stronger, and he refining the Foundation Tree branch so quickly?”

Biluo Old Ancestor felt the power of Chu Fengmian, his eyes were extremely crazy.

He already felt that the power of the Divine Tree in Chu Fengmian’s body climbed. It was obviously the branches of the Foundation Tree, which had already been refined by Chu Fengmian.

After several fights, the strength of Chu Fengmian’s body, instead of weakening, is getting stronger.

With the branches of Divine Tree refining Foundation Tree, the strength is increasing, which also represents that Chu Fengmian’s strength is getting stronger and stronger.

Now it is difficult for these three to join forces to strike back.

“You can’t get entangled with this person, let’s go! Damn, this person has become a scourge, when we go out, we must call other ancient emperors to come and kill this person!”

The ancestor of Five Elements screamed and made a decision.


Kwai Haiwang also gave a long roar.

The power figures of the three people suddenly gathered together and turned into a dividing heaven and earth apart ordinary divine glow, and the strikes were on the Star River.

The Star River, which was transformed by these 9 mysterious sword techniques, forcibly made a gap.

This divine glow broke the Star River and flew directly in the direction of the light curtain.

This is something that Chu Fengmian didn’t expect.

These nine Jie Gu emperors worked hard, and unexpectedly there is such a terrifying power. Chu Fengmian can suppress their three people, but it is even more difficult to catch their three people to catch everything in one net.

“Can’t let them escape!”

Chu Fengmian’s eyes showed a bit of killing intent.

In order to deal with these three people, Chu Fengmian exposed all the secrets of Divine Tree and showed all his cards.

If you don’t kill these three people, you will definitely be in trouble in the future, and cause catastrophe.

“Supreme sword array !”

1800 supreme sword qi flew out of Chu Fengmian’s body and came to the entrance of the light curtain, intertwined with each other, and turned into a supreme sword array.

Among the world’s sword arrays, the strongest is the supreme sword array transformed from supreme sword qi. The ancestor of this 10000 1000 sword array is also the killing array of World’s First.

“Supreme sword qi !”

“Why is this Sword Dao Supreme Treasure in this person’s hands?”

“How many shocking fortuitous encounters did this person get!”

Seeing the supreme sword array transformed by the supreme sword qi, the light curtain was blocked, and the Three Five Elements Swordsmen were almost mad with jealousy.

Sword Dao Supreme Treasure, innate Divine Beast blood essence, and even Divine Tree, every opportunity Chu Fengmian gets makes them crazy with jealousy.

They all want to kill Chu Fengmian now and divide the treasures of Chu Fengmian. The strength of their three people will be advanced by leaps and bounds.

But now what their three people have to do is to escape.

“This supreme sword array, incomplete, is only part of it! We charge ahead directly!”

Five Elements Sword Master glanced at the supreme sword array, and he could also see that the supreme sword array was different from the rumored one, and it was incomplete.

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