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On the other side, the fight between Chu Fengmian and Five Elements Daozu has reached a deadlock.


Blade and sword collide, the Five Elements sword collide, was temporarily forced out.

But the aura on his body is not at all disordered, even if Chu Fengmian played countless sword techniques, this Five Elements sword ancestor is enough to deal with it.

With both swords coming out, Chu Fengmian has temporarily suppressed the Five Elements ancestor, gained the upper hand.

It is easy to suppress and chase the Five Elements, but it is extremely difficult to defeat the Five Elements ancestor. It is almost impossible to kill the Five Elements ancestor.

Now Chu Fengmian understands the difficulty of killing the 9th ancient emperor, which is 8 times more difficult than killing an 100th ancient emperor.

Unless Chu Fengmian’s strength is further advanced, otherwise, this Five Elements knife ancestor cannot be killed at all.

“This stalemate is not a solution.”

Chu Fengmian’s gaze flickered, and he no longer had the idea of ​​fighting with the Five Elements ancestor in his heart.

If such a stalemate continues, it will only be delayed forever. If the treasure in this palace is obtained by others, it will be in trouble.

And if it is delayed like this, it will also attract other 9 Tribulation Ancient Emperors.

A 9-Jie ancient emperor, now Chu Fengmian is difficult to deal with, if another one comes, then Chu Fengmian should consider not defeating, but how to retreat.

Chu Fengmian thought about this in his heart, and suddenly a wave of Power of Heaven and Earth came.

Chu Fengmian’s face suddenly changed. The arrival of Power of Heaven and Earth represented another 9-Tribulation Ancient Emperor who came to the Duqiao.

“It’s the 9th robber ancient emperor of Qi Linshan, trouble!”

Chu Fengmian felt the Power of Heaven and Earth, and realized the cultivation technique in it, which is the cultivation technique of Qi Linshan.

The Spyglass also issued a warning to Chu Fengmian.

“Well, sure enough someone is coming, boy, your end is here!”

The Five Elements Dao ancestor shouted excitedly. He also felt that someone was coming, his face became extremely excited. Now Qi Linshan, Five Elements Heaven, and the three forces of the sea are already united in secret.

The arrival of the ancient emperor of Qi Linshan gave him a great help.

He happened to be difficult to kill Chu Fengmian by himself, but with the addition of a Nine Tribulation Ancient Emperor, the situation would be completely different.

Now he only needs to delay Chu Fengmian, so that Chu Fengmian can’t get away. When the 9th Tribulation Ancient Emperor of Qilin Mountain arrives, the two of them can join forces to kill.

“Five Elements blocked, Heaven and Earth prison!”

The Five Elements knife ancestor suddenly grabbed it, and this Power of Five Elements was turned into 5 chains, surrounded by Chu Fengmian all directions.

These 5 chains, rooted in the void, turned the surrounding space into a cage, trapping Chu Fengmian tightly.

Power of Five Elements permeates this cage, almost with the full power of the Five Elements ancestor, turning Heaven and Earth into a cage.

“Not good !”

Chu Fengmian also knew the idea of ​​Five Elements Old Ancestor.

Now, when dealing with this Five Elements Old Ancestor, Chu Fengmian can still deal with it calmly. If it is a 9th Tribulation Ancient Emperor, it will be extremely troublesome.

Especially above this single bridge, it is extremely difficult to escape.

Chu Fengmian could already feel that Qilinshan 9th Jiegu Emperor approached step by step.

In a flash, Chu Fengmian no longer hesitated, suddenly the sword edge in his hand pointed to the sky.

The sky is full of stars, as if being aroused in this brief moment, the Power of Stars one after another is condensed on the double sword.

“Greed wolf, giant door, Lucun, secret!”

In an instant, 4 sword lights were shot at the same time, and what came out immediately was that the sword qi turned into a Star River, heading for the cages and strikes of the surrounding Five Elements.

Chu Fengmian killed the first 9 styles of these 4 mysterious sword techniques at the same time.

After Chu Fengmian stepped into the eighth robbery ancient emperor, it took a lot of effort and a lot of effort to perform these 8 mysterious sword techniques.

4 Swords came out together, and the power of Star River condensed, 10000 1000 sword qi strikes turned into a cage after the Five Elements chain.

Hong long long !

Under the roar, the cage that the Five Elements had been turned into was immediately punched with a gap, and the sword qi swept across it.

One of the iron ropes was the first to break, and even if there was a chain reaction, the other four iron ropes broke together.

“Immortal Technique!”

The moment the ancestor of Five Elements saw the sword light Star River, these two words popped out in his mind.

It is no longer the sword technique that can explode with such power, only Immortal Technique can do it.

“Power of Stars, 9 Mysterious Immortal Technique! 9 Mysterious Immortal, Cave Mansion, was actually obtained by this child?”

In the mind of Five Elements Old Ancestor, I suddenly thought of the opening of the fairy burial continent before. The biggest thing that the fairy burial continent opened last time was the opening of the 9 Mysterious Immortal Cave Mansion.

The ancient emperor of Five Elements Heaven also went deep into it to snatch it, but the ancient emperor of Five Elements Heaven who finally entered it was all beheaded, and no one was able to leave alive.

So in the end, who got the 9 Mysterious Immortal Cave Mansion and the 9 Xuan Immortal Technique has always been a mystery. I saw the sword technique performed by Chu Fengmian today.

Five Elements Old Ancestor suddenly understood that it was definitely obtained by Chu Fengmian.

“Not good, this kid is going to run away!”

In an instant, Five Elements Old Ancestor woke up in surprise, a Spiritual Force suddenly shot out, intending to strengthen the Five Elements cage.

However, as the Martial Dao cable shattered, the collapse of the Five Elements cage could no longer be stopped.

The silhouette of Chu Fengmian, from the Five Elements cage, immediately flew out and rushed in in the direction of the palace.

“What’s the matter? Five Elements Daozu? Who are you fighting against?”

Suddenly, a silhouette flew out of the single bridge. This was a middle-aged man whose skin already showed a jade green color, which was completely different from ordinary people.

All over his body, this middle-aged man exudes a strong Spiritual Force, a strength that is not weaker than the Five Elements knife ancestor.

“Biluo Old Ancestor, who came just right, and I joined hands to kill this person, this person is the Chu Fengmian of Saint Dragon Sect!”

The ancestor of Five Elements saw this man and his face was overjoyed. This is the reinforcement he has been waiting for.

The 9th Jie ancient emperor of Qilin Mountain, Biluo Old Ancestor.

“What? Chu Fengmian? That’s the newcomer of Saint Dragon Sect? 8 Jiegudi? How is it possible, isn’t this person a realm?”

This Biluo Old Ancestor, hearing the words of Five Elements Old Ancestor, suddenly looked towards Chu Fengmian, took a look at Chu Fengmian’s realm, and suddenly startled.

Five Elements Heaven, Qilin Mountain, and Canghai are all three forces that plan to join forces to destroy Sacred Dragon Secret Realm and Saint Dragon Sect. Naturally, all Saint Dragon Sect disciple are studied.

He had also heard of Chu Fengmian’s name, but in his opinion, Chu Fengmian was just a quasi emperor, so he didn’t care about it at all.

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