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Now Chu Fengmian is set by the little god of Five Elements Heaven as a reward at a high price, which is simply a moving treasure.

Who can kill Chu Fengmian will gain as much benefit as a large treasure.

This Five Elements Heaven Sacred Son has also heard of Chu Fengmian’s things, knowing that Chu Fengmian has many methods, so don’t talk nonsense with Chu Fengmian, just take action.

One shot is an absolute killer move, to pinch Chu Fengmian to death in his palm.

A palm, aiming at Chu Fengmian between hiding the sky and covering the earth, shrouded in a flash strikes above Chu Fengmian’s head.

“This kind of strength also wants to kill me?”

Chu Fengmian sneered, his figure remained unchanged. From the Tianya sword box behind him, two sword lights shot out, soaring into the sky, and slashed on this palm.


A scream rang.

The palm of Five Spirits Sect Sacred Son was cut down suddenly.

“So strong?”

“Eight Jie Gu Di, this child has reached 8 Jie Gu Di?”

The other two Five Spirits Sect Sacred Sons stared at Chu Fengmian and shot. Their expressions changed and they looked at each other. They didn’t need any conversation, and they shot together in an instant.


The Spiritual Force is all over the sky, coming towards Chu Fengmian strikes, 3 teamed up and condensed the Spiritual Force into a great array of incomparable gigantic, containing Destruction Strength, and coming to Chu Fengmian as strikes.

Chu Fengmian’s face was extremely calm, his mind moved, and several sword lights soared into the sky and entered this great array.

The sharpness of one after another sword light unscrupulously destroys the array eye of this great array, and shatters this great array.

The great array shattered aftermath, all of the three Five Elements Heaven Sacred Sons were forced out at once, and the power of the aftermath shocked them even more. Each and everyone spit out a few mouthfuls of blood essence.

“This child is too terrifying!”

“Let’s go, this person is not something we can deal with, go and tell the little God of this person’s news!”

The 3 people were forced to withdraw. They were all clear in their hearts that it was impossible to deal with Chu Fengmian with their strength.

At the moment they were forced to retreat, the three of them turned around, turning into a light to escape directly into the distance.

“Don’t run away! All die here!”

Chu Fengmian’s eyes were extremely cold, and no one could escape in his hands.

Several sword lights flew out suddenly. Fast as lightning caught up with 3 people, sword light flashes, and the bodies of these 3 people were penetrated by the sword qi.

The secret technique of swallowing the sky was shot immediately, and a whirlpool swallowed all the blood essence of their three people and turned it into the power of Chu Fengmian.

At the same time, the space ring of these three people suddenly fell into Chu Fengmian’s palm. The strength of these three people was good, and they had great gains in this red continent.

Chu Fengmian opened the space ring and looked at the ancient sacred medicine at a glance. There were dozens of ancient sacred medicines, including 7 ancient sacred medicines.

The one with the best Middle Grade quality is already close to the ancient level.

Among these ancient sacred medicines, 3 strains are suitable for Chu Fengmian, which is enough for Chu Fengmian to consolidate the realm.

Without any hesitation, Chu Fengmian took out the ancient sacred medicine and swallowed it all at once.

These ancient sacred medicine, although if refining into a pill, the effect is much better.

But refining into a pill, relying on such a few ancient sacred medicines is still far from enough, and many other sacred medicines are needed as supplementary uses.

However, many of these supplementary medicines are also at the level of ancient sacred medicine. It is not certain whether they will be available in this era. It is easier said than done to get them.

So Chu Fengmian didn’t plan to refining into a pill, he swallowed it directly to improve his current strength.

In this crimson continent, only strength is the most fundamental thing. With strength, there is no shortage of treasures.

even more how Now Three Great Influences has begun to target Chu Fengmian, and Chu Fengmian must seize all the time to improve his strength.

“Large treasures, relics of heaven and man, seem to be similar to 9 Mysterious Immortal Cave Mansion.”

Chu Fengmian remembered the large treasures in the conversation between the three people, and Chu Fengmian also extracted the memories of the three Five Elements Heaven Sacred Sons.

It is said that several Supreme Elders of Five Elements Heaven have already obtained 2 large treasures.

One is the Lord of the Universe, and the second is the Cave Mansion left by the old man Kirishima.

These two existences are both famous and powerful in the history of Nine Domains, and both are characters of Celestial Realm.

There are not many Celestial Realm powerhouses in the history of Nine Domains. Today, the large treasures opened by this crimson continent are far more than these two.

If there is an opportunity Chu Fengmian also gets one of the large treasures, it is definitely a big gain. Chu Fengmian’s strength is enough to skyrocket, super chance.

For example, when Chu Fengmian got 9 Mysterious Immortal Cave Mansion, he got the benefits of incomparable gigantic and got 9 Mysterious Immortal.

There is also the Cave Mansion of Dragon Emperor Yan Gu that Chu Fengmian once got, and Spiritual Artifact like Ancestral Dragon Supreme Sword.

However, it is not easy to get large treasures. Many of the people who go to fight for it are the powerhouses of the 9th ancient Emperor level.

Returning Ruins Heaven, however, dispatched a lot of Supreme Elder from the 9th Tribulation Ancient Emperor level, and only robbed two of them, which is enough to see how difficult it is to get.

Chu Fengmian can try at best, but he is not completely sure.

“Go hunt and kill other ancient emperors of Three Great Influences first, and wait until a large treasure appears nearby, then try one’s luck!”

The treasures of Crimson Continent are all opened suddenly. If they are not opened, powerful martial artists are not eligible to enter them.

It’s like the treasure of Chamber of Commerce that day. You must get the 7-color crystal stone to be qualified to step into it.

Of course, being qualified to step into it does not mean that you can get the treasure.

Only if you have enough strength can you be qualified to get the treasure.

Chu Fengmian opened the Peeping God Realm and saw the traces of several ancient emperors, then the body flashed and flew over.

7 Jiegu Emperor, 8 Jiegu Emperor, there’s no possibility of fleeing even in the hands of Chu Fengmian.

In just half an hour, the ancient emperors of Three Great Influences were all beheaded by Chu Fengmian within 100 miles.

A large amount of blood essence was also swallowed by Chu Fengmian and turned into Chu Fengmian’s power, consolidating the realm of Chu Fengmian.

But the biggest gain is the treasure obtained from these ancient emperor space rings.

Many of these ancient emperors converged a large number of treasures in the red continent, and now they have all fallen into the hands of Chu Fengmian.

These treasures, taken out, are definitely enough to build a huge monster. Even if the ancient emperor of the 9th robbers sees them, they will be unable to bear to snatch them.

Chu Fengmian glanced at the sight glass and saw that there was no target.

“It’s time to go to the next place.”

Chu Fengmian was just about to urge Escape, suddenly The earth shook and the mountain quivered.

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